Devs Feb 12 >Iraqi PMU rescues group of a dozen SDF fighters who were surrounded by IS in Al-Sosa, DeZ >Afrin/Idlib border; FSA captures Al-Muhammadiyah from Kurds, including several hilltops including Omarah Hill >Turkish military sends reinforcements to Afrin after recent losses, preparing to take initiative from rebels in offensive >Idlib; After capturing parts of Umm Khalikil from rebels, ISIS has been pushed back with several killed and captured >SE Idlib; ISIS claims to have captured Khuwayn and Ard az-Zurzur from rebels after 3 day battle >Reports; Israel deploys anti-missile systems on Sy border near city of Baka al-Gharbiya >Raqqa; Civilians claim city is still full of IEDs, most areas not habitable, no help from coalition >N. Alleppo; YPG claim to have taken out 4 Turkish tanks near town of 'Azaz after they launched a mortar shell at an ammo depot >Founder of Al-Nusra Front applauds Israel airstrikes on Syria, urges them to continue to counter Iran >France FM in Iraq to discuss reconstruction >EU urges restraint by Damascus with Israel to "avoid actions that further escalate the situation and prolong the suffering of Syrian civilians”
Trump did nothing wrong when bombing Shayrat. Think about it, there was little to no damage to the base. He bombed the base few months after his inauguration, meaning that Obongo's leftovers were still largely in charge of the military/state department. The deep state's pressure on him was enormous at that time.
Its organizations like WHO did do good jobs such as smallpox eradication so its not entirely useless.
Jacob Morgan
If there will be nobody to sell drugs to narcos will die out too and Latin America in general will eventually become a slightly better place. One more reason to wish your death besides your eternal kikery. Nothing personal comrade.
Luke Adams
>dailymotion supports searching while the video keeps playing Holy shit why do we even use jewtube
Luke Nguyen
My favourite got taken down
It was a Iran-Iraq war era one with a chorus of [Al Jihad Al Jihad'
>tfw will never find it again
Isaac Wood
>He doesnt know about the European drug trade.
Thomas Bell
jewtube actually deleted that video, while keeping the ISIS propaganda songs such as Hebbet Kerrih and others, eve I was warned of a ban for posting it here a while back.
Gabriel Phillips
Tigers to Ghouta?
Bentley Martin
Yeah they deleted my fav Assad song feat. Nasrallah
Anthony Bell
>Hahah damn spics have cultur hahahaha
Jonathan Williams
yeah, I had a tough time searching for the Hezbollah too (digging through the archives), I suggest you look in if that song was posted here
Easton Parker
How do you feel about your elections? Are you the same guy I asked a few weeks ago?
So America will try to do reconstruction and resettlement in the SDF areas. In Syria Americans do the same like they did in Germany in 1945-1949. >Better full control of half Germany than half control of full Germany. I think they learned from Iraq that even American set-up governments can go astray quickly. People say Assad will wait the Americans out, but the Americans and the SDF could also very well wait Assad out. The war could reach a full stalemate this year after the defeat of HTS.
Kevin Morris
I never shared it
Now I pay the price of my greed
Jose Cook
It might be the same song actually, but this particular one had a really well edited video with part of a Nasrallah speech over a bit of it.
Ethan White
you're right about narcos, somewhat.
the drug trade does offer a way out and up for many where otherwise there is none;
and the pressure is going to be there regardless; it's unprecedented population pressure. soon even in places where drug trade isn't a thing people are going to be killing each other for basic necessities - food, water, firewood, etc.
we do need a reset, and it's coming
narcos are hell
>With Over 29,000 Homicides, 2017 Was Mexico's Most Violent Year on Record
What's the implications of the PMU rescue? Did the enter SDF territory without US approval? Is this a precedent for them to move in a purge the daesh pocket on the border
everybody eventually, too, for that matter..birth death resurrection
Elijah Howard
SDF, unlike Germans, dont have an understanding of state though, they are tribal as fuck and they envision "self-sufficient communes" for example instead of free trade etc.
Grayson Fisher
>train-and-equip >reconstruction
Brayden Morris
Im not even sure how long the SDF territory will last as wont Arabs get tired of being bullied around?
Adrian Campbell
Based in a way, too bad about the other shit.
Nicholas Bennett
as long as USA pours in money. like KRG, SDF will be very dependent on USA money.
Caleb Rodriguez
>Sweden is preparing to issue a public information manual on what to do in the event of war, as debate in the country grows over how to deal with the threat from Russia.
>The brochure, due to be sent to 4.7m households, will inform the public how they can take part in “total defence” during a war and secure water, food and heating.
Yeah, but that doesn't matter. The state always emerges. They have two options retreat or reconstruction. If they don't retreat then they will go for reconstruction. America wants to Arabize the SDF and reduce YPG-PKK influence. I don't think that will work.
Michael Gutierrez
Guys, where can I find the Hezbollah song "Hayat minna Zilla"?
>America wants to Arabize the SDF and reduce YPG-PKK influence. I don't think that will work. you must be very delusional. they are instead kurdfying all arab components. SDF is 80-90% k*rds, arab components are at best 5%.
Eli Flores
Yeah, that, ty
Mason Jones
Adam Sullivan
>They have two options retreat or reconstruction. If they don't retreat then they will go for reconstruction. Look at places like Raqqa though. They aren't going to rebuild shit.
Alexander Green
No, I only come here to read about the outcome of the F-16 shooting. >How do you feel about your elections? Its pretty much over for the opposition, by siding with the old dictator they shoot their own foot since they betrayed their own principle. In 2013 they said they will put the guy in prison for all his crimes but now lick his boot making him their prime minister candidate. To add to that they recently start bootlicking to EU by meeting their minister right after the EU decided to stop using our palm oil for biodiesel. Its no secret that they have funding from foreigners, their main source of 'whistleblower' (all the official documents are fake anyway since its not what our govt use) is the UK based Sarawak Report run by a bong woman who now face court charges for defamation and failed to produce proper evidence so far. Then the bong woman said her sources is a Malaysian human rights lawyer who has kept quiet ever since. Not saying the BN govt is clean, they have their usual 3rd world troubles but making improvement. The opposition is straight out sabotaging the country using foreign assistance with liberals on their side in order to push us away from China influence. To add to the comedy the dictator was admitted to national heart institute, that is what happens when you put 92 year old dictator in charge.
Ryan Jenkins
There goes my idea of majority Arabs overthrowing Kurdish leadership.
Jeremiah Sullivan
>Getmans aren't tribal as fuck You are absolutely wrong everyone hatrs east germans. East Germans literally sell their doughter to a cp ring for a banana. Bavarians hate everyone even themselves. Like north and south bavarians are in a constant state of war. Also they hate eavh other
Düsseldorfer mainzer bonner Wiesbadener and köllner are in war.
Basically every town is in war with its neighbors. Its a fucking shit fest. They would genocid each other for the reason someone doesn't recognize them as the best human beings ever lived Warship me or get killed. This goes down to the individual level
Alexander Sanchez
PostNord won't be able to deliver these important defence manuals to the no-go zones
Lincoln Gray
I could see the leadership being like this, but they have been incorporating many tribal fighters into their ranks. I would love to see the numbers of actual fighters under their banner by demographic, because I suspect that after taking Raqqa (and the recruiting boom they had), they might be close to 50% Arab.
Xavier Young
you have misread what i wrote.
i wrote SDF is tribal af and dont have an understanding of state, which is unlike Germans. thats why supporting west Germany worked out good for USA and Germany in the long run. its a very stable and economically powerful state. this won't happen with SDF if they continue their current ideology.
Nathaniel Garcia
SDF civil Jihad when?
David Jenkins
their idea of self sufficient is that the higher assemblies define the needs of the commune
it's communism taken to another level, coated with extreme feminism
it's fucked up
Oliver Kelly
German-bro's heart is in the right place, he just doesn't understand the uncivilised world
Elijah Williams
You underestimate the amount of money being pumped into this entity. Yet here they are existing without access to the sea.
Robert Kelly
"Bet on Rinkeby"
Ian Morales
Yeah, but you can resettle IDP also somewhere else.
Noah Davis
Like where, Europe?
Carter Nguyen
M8 our state is currently collapsing for the reason of tribalism.
Also east germans are like jews. >We wüz öpressed en sheit. >Gib free gibs
Christopher Perez
>Its organizations like WHO did do good jobs such as smallpox eradication so its not entirely useless. Malayfag, you know know nothing about the WHO. It keeps more secrets than your mum does.
And for the record, credit is given to where it is due. These "eradications" that you speak of are because of the sacrifices of the few good men that developed meds against these plagues. WHO is just another overglorified middleperson.
Christopher Allen
>but they have been incorporating many tribal fighters into their ranks this is a lie from USA to save face. all these "military councils" are PKK members given different name so that they can have some legitemacy. its like YPG changing its name to SDF over a night. its still YPG, just a different name.
demographics dont mean anything in SDF held areas because k*rds have the guns and westerners turn a blind eye to whatever they do. there are countless reports of SDF forcibly conscripting people, forcing them away from their villages / homes, destroying landownership documents etc.
as long as k*rds have the guns and USA support this, there is nothing arabs can do. Changing the name of historical Ayn al-Arab to Kobane is a majort example of this. read this;
>A Kurdish intellectual said to me in 2011: ‘’Kurds have lived as a minority on their territory, Arabs will have to learn to live as a minority in the historical territory of the Kurds if they wish to remain.’’
Christian Powell
I did think Sarawak Report was a bit weird, when the wife of a former British PM is getting involved in the politics of a former colony there is more to it than altruism for the people. How do you see the PAS BN alliance lasting?
Nolan Davis
they are existing solely because ofthe money being pumped out, once that money dries out they are helpless. its not like germany or england as proper allies to USA. also such entities, can instantly change sides once another person gives a higher amount of money. thus, why give them free reign knowing all of these? how can you trust them a bit?
Aaron Phillips
This doesn't change the fact that in most of the areas they control, they are a minority. In order to maintain fighting effectiveness, they need to recruit. For a long time, they were taking any foreign fighters they could get their hands on, once they started recruiting locally, that stopped. They have to be either magically producing new Kurd units from populations that don't exist, or they're recruiting locally in order to continue to be effective.
Ryan Rivera
>dat wall of text Welp, I guess we all in SEA have a common thing going on.
Alexander Rivera
I dont trust them as i think the PKK is just a meme left over by the soviet union. These people are living in a false reality.
Its sad.
Angel Wilson
you do not understand the doctrinal brainwashing PKK does to their recruits. they just take young people in and then brainwash them.
if it was as you said then USA would ally arabs instead of k*rds, but they didnt.
Adam Campbell
they are more pragmatist then you think, they can sell americans instantly when putin gives more money. but right now putin thinks siding us gives more edge to them thus green lighting the olive branch and eupherates shield operation.
Caleb Brown
Lincoln Gray
The Opposition had their best chance in 2013 but blew it due to their own stupidity. >Some self proclaimed pinoy went WE WUZ KANGZ and sneaked in 200+armed men and claim that they are the righful ruler of Sabah 200years ago before anglos arrive >Malaysian send cops to settle the issue since by making it a police matter they will just face deportation instead of bullets but they decided to shoot the cops resulting in military coming to stomp them >Opposition goes baww war crimes evil govt and proceed to visit the leader of the militant calling them freedom fighters Way to enrage the entire Malaysian civil service ,armed forces and their families. >Military pushed the militant into the swamp >Parked 2000men and 200armor >Waited 3 weeks before 75% of the militant surrendered from starvation, only 50 were killed I don't know how this is warcrime, the army was being extremely forgiving they even asked the monarchy to spare the gallows, the militants only get 10-20year jail terms. >I did think Sarawak Report was a bit weird Lel, they said Najib bought 3 scorpene submarine. Najib was so god tier he bought 3 subs from the French when not even navy intelligence have ever heard of a 3rd submarine. My family works in prime minster dept and foreign service, they know what our official document looks like and its nothing like Sarawak Report published. Most of it are just documents from low level corruption among 3rd party subcontractors like receipt of someone cheating on cement not a super evil grand scheme.
Luke Long
Are you saying Turkey has no stern allies? If you put it that and look from your perspective the politics looks grim.
Zachary Barnes
Getting Turkey at least somewhat aligned with Russia is a gigantic win and it's not something buying the Kurds can offset.
John Brown
If they do what thee article says they did in Qamishli and applied it to a city like Raqqa, I could see that being a problem. I don't see how that article has anything to do with brain-washing, and more to do with political homogenization.
Anthony Gutierrez
Just so you understand what im saying. You know PKK was designed to revolution in Turkey right? Then USSR was to move in and kill them all...
Xavier Wood
Sacmalama lan. Russia wouldn't dare bet against us (at least long term), else they'd be locked inside the Black Sea. The differences we've had in the past was only ever posturing, nothing more serious than that.
Michael Smith
Do you see ASEAN becoming more than it is now?
Eli Barnes
What do you mean?
Nathan Hall
Who do you think controls the straits
Jayden Evans
Wait Malaysia is entering China's orbit, trying to move away or already deep within?
Brandon Jackson
>else they'd be locked inside the Black Sea. >thinking the Ruskies won't just blow open another hole if the Turks breach Montreux Convention >thinking the turks would risk losing control over the straits by shitting on Montreux
Elijah Diaz
> Afrin: Strong clashes in the vicinity of the village of Sheikh Khorz belonging to the area of Bulbul and the vicinity of the village of Sarangka, which belongs to the region between the YPG and the Turkish army and its mercenaries. google tranlated from
John Russell
The EU is trying to get rid of palm oil where it is replaceable. Someone had the idea that maybe replacing fossil fuels with shit that is grown in areas where rainforests used to be isn't a good idea after all. Of course that's not going to stop you from reaching Haiti levels of deforestation if you want to, but that our policy is more about virtue signaling than results is hardly news.
Jordan Evans
>m-muh angry bear The bear will be reminded of who controls the straits (and continue to remember it) when it has to pay a sum every time it wishes to cross it in the near future - just like everyone else.
Gabriel Hughes
Huge losses for ISIS today as it looks like 1000+ killed and 300+ surrendered.
Eli Phillips
I still can't believe they managed to convince 200 people that this will go well.
F to the cops. This shouldn't have happened.
Noah Martin
>President Erdoğan: no one has the right to use the ISIS excuse. The ISIS theatrical scene in Iraq and Syria has come to an end.
I love when political leaders speak my mind.
John Clark
Lanka why your not in Australia jet? Did something went wrong with your human trafficer?
Alexander Harris
>a freak accident/earthquake/tsunami wrecks a poorly managed and mishandled Japanese nuclear reactor (99% human error at fault for the meltdown) >LETS GET RID OF NUCLEAR GUYS, ITS BAD NSHIET >Lets start building more windmills and more bio-fuel >But... guys windmills dont work if there is no wind and we have to build power cables through the entire country... >WE DONT WANT NO POWER CABLES IN MY COUNTRY SIDE, JUST BUILD SOMETHING >*builds more coal power plants to replace the nuclear ones*
Meanwhile the bio-fuel fad created more cleared rainforest than any fire ever could, thus damaging the environment even more.
Jonathan White
I don't think there are 1000 ISIS left
Colton Parker
More towards the EU, customs union single currency ect
The greens deserve the bullet for their anti nuclear fear mongering alone. We could have built 5th gen reactors instead of this expensive, unreliable renewable shit that needs to be supplemented by huge amounts of coal, but no, can't have that since they managed to convince the population that it poisons the air they breathe.
David Thomas
Actually building windmills made me fucking rich mate. People seam not to know hiw to make money out of it. And thants a good thing for me Actually i have to work 8 weeks a year and can have a good living the rest of the year
Ian Ross
BN-PAS depends , plenty of old timers in PAS still remembers Mahathir's betrayal but they are still concerned with the well being of the country even at the cost of their own political power so they would most likely work with BN while still acting as opposition. Probably not for ASEAN, Thailand is still unstable and Cambodia seems to be rapidly collapsing. The father of the current PM made a deal with Mao behind the anglos in exchange for them to stop support for our communist terrorists. With China being the largest trade partner we are leaning towards them while being neutral, they invested in East Coast rail line that will provide shortcut that bypass the American base in Singapore but opposition party are hard at work to sabotage it. There has not been any new mass plantation for more than a decade, our R&D have new breeds and enzyme for disposal without burning and expanded railways provided better output with less land. If EU wants to help stop deforestation then they should help us with UAVs, our forestry dept UAV fleet have been crucial in wiping out more illegal loggers.
Christopher Price
I'll never understand why people use Fukushima as an example of why nuclear power plants are bad. With Chernobyl they at least had an argument, even if it was a plutonium factory.
Nathaniel Lopez
Aren't there also similar projects that go through Thailand
Wyatt Martin
Well to be fair its on Merkel shifting the decision making by allowing the populace to vote on the matter. She fucked Germany hard by being the ruthless conniving opportunistic cunt she is.
The German people obviously were gonna vote "no more nuclear", because they dont know any better.
Care to elaborate? Are you trading futures, or working windmill maintenance?
Adrian Clark
>implying Chernobyl was bad Stalker please...
Nolan Allen
The EU doesn't want to stop deforestation, it wants retarded libs shutting up about muh forest killing fuel substitudes