So several of my friends work a factory job and one of their co-workers (the big dude not to be fucked with) is ex- spec ops. That being said, according to my friends, he's a really nice guy, so they all end up getting to hear stories from him.
I ran into a friend who works with him today and according to big dude and what he claims he hears from his military connections, the US has spent the past year preparing for an event unlike anything he'd ever seen and that it was for something big coming. That they had been preparing all types of special programs and technologies. Unfortunately, I only ran into my friend for a brief moment and didn't get all the details (plan on talking to him tomorrow), but one thing he said that caught my attention the most was that this guy claimed to my friend that the US has a special program of genetically engineered super-soldiers that they have been developing. And that these soldiers are 7 TO 9 FEET TALL . Everyone I know that knows him talks about how serious this mf'er is and that he's all business, no bullshit, so who knows. The friend I talked to today is pretty redpilled and defended the hell out of this guy when I told him he seemed to be bullshitting. Saying that this guy was dead serious about his claims and that if I met him I'd be inclined to believe him too.
This isn't a LARP, just thought I'd make a thread to see if anyone had any information to add. I'm 50/50 about the whole thing.