I L I T E R A L L Y can't watch more than one episode of this shit because of this stupid retarded photoshopped in hairclip. How in fucks name did ANYONE think this was okay? It bothers me so fucking much that it's impossible to even pay attention to anything else. It doesn't look good ever, it doesn't actually clip anything, it's bright pink, it's huge, and worst of all IT'S IN THE MIDDLE OF HER FUCKING HEAD SO IT'S LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO IT WHEN SHE APPEARS ON SCREEN. It's ruined. Everything about this anime is ruined before I can even get a chance to like it in the first place. Did the person who design this character not know what a hair clip was and so they thought "why don't I just put it in the middle of her head so everyone notices she has a hair clip?"
Is her retarded hair clip plot relevant enough to make me forget about how annoying it is to look at? If not, I just can't continue.
I L I T E R A L L Y can't watch more than one episode of this shit because of this stupid retarded photoshopped in...
Her hairclip is cute. Please calm down.
I want Shinka to slap me around, kick me in the balls, and tell me that I'll be her dog.
Have you tried not being retarded?
To be fair, that hairclip is pretty retarded.
>I'm retarded because her hair clip placement is comically stupid
I don't see the correlation. If anyone is retarded, it's the guy who drew her.
Nibutani is going to kick your ass now, OP. Say your prayers.
As long as she isn't wearing that hairclip there's no problems
You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker
So can someone actually answer my question? Is her stupid hair clip discussed? It seems way too conspicuous to not be talked about. I'm still not convinced they were actually so stupid that they thought the placement looked good.
She wore a hairclip as a chuuni, a really ornate fancy looking one. You'll see it later. When she started trying to act normal she just replaced it with an average clip.
She tried to change but is still just a lil bit chuuni enough to not get it right.
Fuck you
ITT: I have brain problems and seek attention look at me guyz XD XD I'm mad because I can't overlook something in my chinese cartoons XD XD we wuz kangz lol.
Are the mods sleeping to let this blogposter do this?
Then top watching it you turbo autist
>hairclip shipost
learn to love the clip
>Can use a hairband correctly to style her hair
>Can't use a hairclip correctly and just clips it onto her hair, changing nothing
I don't get it.
She's just wearing a hairclip.
That's just it. She's JUST wearing it. It's not a hat, it's a hairclip, not a hair ornament. When you clip your hair, you're using it to hold the hair in place, not just put it there so it does nothing. She might as well start wearing knee and elbow pads for decoration as well.
On top of this, she puts it in the middle of her fucking hair so it's as prominent as possible. Usually people put those on the side, so the only thing people remember about you isn't that you wear a hairclip like a unicorn horn.
On top of that as well, the way it's animated it looks as if it's photoshopped in after the fact rather than actually being part of her hair. The combination of being bright pink on brown hair, the fact that it's giant and not just a small clip, as well as the unusual placement makes it look distracting and odd as hell. A fucking hair clip should not be taking center stage on your character.
How many clips does a magazine hold?
It's her charm point. I personally see nothing wrong with it.
Are you autistic user? Jesus Christ
>not liking the hairclip adding cuteness and style