I read up on Unit 731, watched a documentary about it and I'm starting to see parallels to some manga and anime...

I read up on Unit 731, watched a documentary about it and I'm starting to see parallels to some manga and anime. Are young(er) japanese people still trying to deal with this stuff or is it just coincidence? Things that come to mind are Made in Abyss, Shinsekai Yori, Knights of Sidonia (kinda), Gantz, basically anime or manga that depicts some kind of society or system that treats people like nothing but materials or objects to further some larger goal. Complete dehumanisation of people.

So is it just me or does this kinda seem like it's the japanese dealing with the horrors that were commited at that time? Also, if anything comes to mind that would fit the description I gave then please tell me, I'm looking for more of this kinda stuff.

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nanking no real

It's just you. The Japs don't give a shit. Stop trying to sound deep.

I'm not trying to sound deep at all, I just read up on this stuff and saw some parallels.

>modern japanese dealing with horrors
Since the government and educational system are working in the full denial and suppression mode, most japanese don't care about any war crimes. Especially when the scariest of them have happened at the secret units.

>blah blah blah
>by the way, recommend me some anime
You're seeing intent that isn't there. And about the second part, read the rules and try another website. Sup Forums is not your personal search engine, and there are plenty of anime databases out there.

Parallels don't work

It's a product of their culture. Don't be mistaken, they would do it again in same circumstances. Just give them an order.

As in japanese supremacy? But the examples I gave don't really depict it in a great light from what I got out of it.

No; I believe what he means is that Japanese work culture can be summarized as "do what the corporation tells you to do". This has largely become accepted as the 'correct' method of working in their social structure. The implication made therefore is that a significant portion of the Japanese military retains the potential to commit atrocities by way of following orders.

On Japanese work culture, since you seem to be interested in their world in general:

this probably has more to do with it

Interesting, I'll check it out. But I suppose having an emperor who is literally a god-like figure also has something to do with it, you can't be wrong with god on your side after all.

Maybe they just read this, this is was worse than Unit 731 as it wasn't even war times, but US experimenting on their own people, black slaves, orphans etc, way longer and a on a WAY greater scale.


"The experiments include: the exposure of people to chemical and biological weapons (including infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases), human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children,[1] the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor, racial minorities, or prisoners[citation needed].

Funding for many of the experiments was provided by the United States government, especially the United States military, Central Intelligence Agency, or private corporations involved with military activities[citation needed]. The human research programs were usually highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed."

Still better than China that forbids international research on their own war crimes too.

Wow I thought only Japan did bad stuff, wtf america.

you see it more in older anime and older anime creators. stuff like miyazaki or grave of the fireflies.they were kids when WWII was going on.

>only Japan
What is Germany? Who is Mengele?

Don't forget how they regularly poisoned alcohol brewing ingredients during the prohibition era to kill countless citizens just to make a show of how dangerous illegal breweries were.

It was a jest.

Meanwhile the President has stills in the whitehouse

Playing who was worse it a pointless game, to be human is to live with a legacy of genocide and madness.
That isn't the point of this thread don't derail.

I've recently noticed someone banging the Unit 731 drum hard on a bunch of sites (such as Quora). Think it's just some obsessed Korean or Chinese sperglord, or is it a whole bunch of them?

Jordan B. Peterson mentioned it fairly recently and he has a big following. That could have something to do with it.

it was relatively well known for a long time. It didnt just get popular

That guy was my professor back in college, what

I know that we are drastically diverging from the OP's topic but, in the case of providing specific examples of "unethical experimentation in the United States", I feel that I should direct you all to one case of particularly egregious infamy.

Of course it was known but he has a large internet presence and him mentioning it and telling people to look it up would stir interest in it resulting in it coming up more often.
And now he's making 15000+$ monthly additionally to his university pay.

Maybe they increased the shill wage from 50 cents to a whole shilling.

I don't mind but we should probably keep it somewhat anime related. MK Ultra would also fall under these unethical practices in the US I guess.


It's a fair point though. To claim that all Japanese dystopian media are reflections of their WWII crimes is just as retarded as saying that all American dystopian literature was written as a ways to cope with the crimes commited by the US government.

>To claim that all Japanese dystopian media are reflections of their WWII crimes
I never claimed that.

now he's an alt-right memelord


He's not even a Trump supporter and he's a Christian.

>watched a documentary about it

It doesn't happen to be Chinese, does it?

>chinks ang gooks
Pick one and only one.
And since we're on this subject, a lot of good medical research came out of Unit 731 and some of Mengele's work in Germany.

lol, no he isn't. He's conservative at worst, center right would be most accurate IMO.

he many not be one but he certainly panders to them

Good. Fuck alcoholics.

How? Where is he advocating for a white ethno-state? Where does he address the Jewish question? People have no fucking clue what alt-right means.

This. Colonialism is already an inherent influence to all the culture you ever could encounter in the world, atrocity isn't special.

Don't forget Operation Paperclip.

If you went into NASA and yelled "Sieg Heil" around the time of the moon landing, everyone's hands would spring up.

In what way, exactly?

>Good, let the government murder hard working, tax paying citizens.

>every series that involves human experimentation or "some kind of society or system that treats people like nothing but materials or objects to further some larger goal" is influenced by Unit 731
Are you retarded? This is a basic-ass theme.

his views aren't alt-right, they just overlap with them in some respects, so even though he doesn't really have any terrible opinions himself he props up people who do and he's too arrogant to care

The japanese have regressed to extreme levels of work commitment, introversion and traditionalism after they got nuked and their entire world view of "japan is the best, home of gods!" got flattened like Hiroshima.

At the same time they don't know how to deal with the fact that their soldiers acted like inhumane monsters towards the chinese, which is hilarious considering most japanese culture is just bastardized chinese culture.

Good times, good times.

Why should he care? You can't choose and you aren't responsible for who is watching your content, it's on the internet for everyone to see. What do you expect him to do?

Again, where did I say every series? I just noticed a theme and how it might be related to some specific historical events. Wouldn't you say that German media and culture was heavily influenced by them losing the war and being confronted with their war crimes?

He can't agree with the "alt-right" boogymen on a single thing, obviously.

Agreeing with one single point a person makes means you agree with everything a person has ever said, obviously.

That's for such a Sup Forums plus chink invasion thread OP.

Meant to thank.

who would have thought a mere article would make one feel both anger and despair simultaneously.
Glad I don't live there.

he does lectures specifically targeted at them, he does interviews and debates with them, he retweets them, he panders to them however he can while specifically ignoring how cancerous they are

the modern german mindset is very much influenced by the war, alot more than the japanese

You're welcome, and sorry for disrupting your important conversations about lolis, waifus and "what would you do to her?!" threads.

>Unit 731

do you try to get banned?

731 was the closest Japan ever got to having an actual SS unit (since it was just up to each officer independently whether or not he wanted to be an asshole.)
One day, some one will use the 731st as ammo against the Japanese when the japanese don't yield to their political ideals.

mark my words.

back to anime: if you really want to see examples of how japan deals with the issue, see Zipang. They have obvious culture clash between 1942 and 2000. what is very funny is how the (SPOILERS POSSIBLE) men from both times distrust and work against each other while keeping up good face as Japanese.

to be fair, Japan has yet to linger on the subject of themselves in WWII, and it is rare to find WWII based anime -showing Japan- that don't just go straight to Germany and Russia (their favorites)

Get over yourself faggot.

>he does lectures specifically targeted at them
What? Which lectures?
>he does interviews and debates with them
What's wrong with that? Guilt by association? Go fuck yourself.
>he retweets them
Again, who cares? You can retweet stupid things to mock people and even stupid people make good points sometimes.
>he panders to them however he can while specifically ignoring how cancerous they are

>implying you would enjoy more discussing about muh crimes instead of 2D's perfection

I'm glad we are graced with the presence of another quality poster.

Why would I get banned?
I'll check it out, thanks.

not anime.

how? I've just told you how. I don't believe in guilt by association but you have a responsbility when you preach something to understand how the audience is intepreting it. He has a whole series of lectures on basically how to be a man which taken on their own have nothing wrong with them but when they're being used as fuel for a ridiculous cultural/political war I think you have a responsbility for the people who look up to you. Instead he turns a blind eye to all the ridiculous Sup Forums shit because it's making him famous

Still, you have to admit that Taro seems like a pretty awesome guy.

You are the one shitting up the thread, I just said that chink Sup Forums threads are the worst Sup Forums threads but so far this one is kind of civilized. Glad that you showed the quality of your posts.

>which taken on their own have nothing wrong with them
Then there's nothing wrong with them. Again, this is publicly available on the internet, he can't choose his audience and the alt-right is a tiny, loud minority of it. Should he censor himself? Address them and give them attention? What should he do in your eyes?

Do you also believe rock and metal musicians are partially responsible for school shootings?

>but so far this one is kind of civilized
Great, then let's leave it at that. This isn't any kind of Sup Forums thread though, just to be clear. It just derailed a bit.

Bondrewd definitely reminded me of Unit 731

Yup, that's absolutely where I got the association from. Before that it was just violent but that part of the manga was just fucked up.

yeah, it was a good read.

You know what, japs were a total assholes. But what about colonialism and poor indians and africans had a hard times. Only Russia were a """good""" guy and tortured their own people.

Mengele just stitched twins together for the fuck of it. He can hardly be considered a doc.

What? That has literally nothing to do with anything I said or this thread.

>some kind of society or system that treats people like nothing but materials or objects to further some larger goal

No, this is just how Japan sees people in general.

I'm not telling him what he should do but pandering to militant hateful losers just because they like your work shows pretty poor character. You can choose your auidence. If you make more lectures on things the alt-right cares about, you're choosing them as your audience. He talked about a variety of topics before he was popular but now he's picking the ones they like the most, because they make him more popular.

No, it's a bad analogy anyway seeing there's barely any connection there, depressed people listen to music for depressed people? You might aswell blame video games

Start listing humans and we'll care.

You got memed for being a retard, he did a bunch of research on hypothermia and such.
And yes, he also did research on real twins and fake twins but saddly his findings were lost forever; the small town in south america where he lived still has an very high and abnormal blue-eyed blonde twin rate.

>but pandering to militant hateful losers j

Since when has he been pandering to AntiFa?

>the small town in south america where he lived still has an very high and abnormal blue-eyed blonde twin rate.
If I recall right that's a story made up to attract tourists.

>If you make more lectures on things the alt-right cares about, you're choosing them as your audience.
You're letting a small and loud minority have influence over you if you follow that. "Oh can't talk about that, the alt-right might like it!" It's stupid. I'll judge him for HIS opinions and his work, not for whether it's popular with some group of people.

yeah it is stupid, but it's the unfortunate truth, and they're not exactly a small minority now

>the small town in south america where he lived still has an very high and abnormal blue-eyed blonde twin rate
That anomaly has always creeped me out. Just what the fuck could he have done, or known, you know?

What do you define as "alt-right", exactly?

hard mode: don't mention trump or Sup Forums

it's bullshit

They are. They are an incredibly small minority except if you define "alt-right" way too broadly. They're just loud.
Also, right now he's doing a massive lecture series over his interpretation of the biblical stories and their significance, something he has been working in for decades. Is that "not alt-right" enough for you?

If you can build up a logical case on why that town still has so many aryan twins, do go ahead and enlighten the world.
Otherwise it's Mengele's fault because Candido Godoi still holds the abnormal twin rate.

how do you define such a nebulous term?

I can't see them as incredibly small when the president of the us retweets pictures of pepe the frog and you can't have a thread about nazis on Sup Forums without multiple people jumping in sincerely believing that hitler did nothing wrong

MKULTRA was some sick shit too

Yeah, it's probably this, I literally watched the video where he instructed people to look it up today.

2 major talking points, a white ethnostate and the Jewish problem. That's the alt-right in a nutshell. Anyone who doesn't agree or deal with these things is considered alt-lite by the alt-right themselves.

IT'S A FUCKING CARTOON FROG JESUS CHRIST IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHITE SUPREMACY. You got memed if you seriously think that. But you might just be trolling me since you're apparently also taking "Hitler did nothing wrong" seriously.

>Pepe is an alt-right hate symbol

Please tell me you aren't one of those people.

You must be new. You're taking shitposting memery seriously.

How do define it?

By using words and not pop culture fads and shitposts on Sup Forums.

You know, policies? What does an "alt-right" domestic and foreign policy look like?

What you are seeing is political trolling, not actual political ideals.


pepe is used by the alt-right. why are you pretending it's not? Ive seen many people who seriously think hitler did nothing wrong (apart from losing)

Did anyone ever claim it was a formal political movement? It's an online troll movement, but it's still a movement, and alot of retards take their crazy ideas seriously

>Ive seen many people who seriously think hitler did nothing wrong (apart from losing)
Why do you care?

Also it had me thinking if anything, the Japanese obsession with cuteness is like a rejection of the horrors of their past, they're infantilising themselves as a nation so as to avoid facing that sort of thing

And that's similar to how WWII affected Germany's national character to the point it is today where they're self flagellating to repent for all the shit they've done - to the point that they're actually going to far with it and now they're set to destabilise Europe once again with their good intentions this time

Jesus, you're serious, aren't you?

Get a load of this faggot.
Poor kikes, right?

why does anyone care if they see someone else believing ridiculous bullshit?