How did she get into the same High School as A-kun ?
did she eat lick someone's banana ?
How did she get into the same High School as A-kun ?
did she eat lick someone's banana ?
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Didn't he wind up going to HER school out of some misguided duty to look out for her?
She went to the local public school, that probably accepts everyone in the area. The only reason A-kun is there is because all the good schools he would have wanted to go to are too far away.
Akkun went to the retard school because it was close, aka close to Yoshiko and ruri.
Also, if anyone did anything to get Yoshiko into High School, it was Yoshie.
He probably me her retarded.
It must be nice to live in such a compact country where you can even have the option to go to a better school at the expense of a commute.
Does Japan even have special schools?
It's possible that someone screwed her brains out, but I doubt it was A-kun.
You have to place into a school to go. Akkun could have gone to the prestigious school, but he wanted to stay with Yoshiko
Probably her mom paid some extra to the director under the table like money or flesh.
You shouldn't try to find logic in a gag manga, yoshiko would be attending some special school in japan, she seems to be hyperactive and with serious learning problems.
why is Alpha-kun a dick to everyone
This. Yoshie would do anything to drop Aho on someone else's plate, plus she's a sexual freak on top of it all. I'm surprised she hasn't tries to fuck Akkun.
He won't be dragged down to his shenanigans. His only friend is Dog.
He's got his little sis to take care of. The last thing he needs is another idiot to carry through life.
Because he's surrounded by idiots, spends all day involuntarily playing tard rangler, and there is an insane milf after his sperm so she can force him into being her retarded daughters full time caretaker.
She has. She even sent Yoshiko to bring him a bottle of drugged juice so she could then sneak in and have the kid herself and pass it off as Yoshikos.
>You have to place into a school to go
>4.0 gifted program and AP classes
>lmao no child left behind
I could've taken advantage of anything you could name had it existed. Unless you want to argue that going to from Missouri to a real private school is equivalent to a commute.
No one cares about your blog, amerifat.
she honestly seems autistic
Koala Aho.
Because he is a shit maybe he is the main responsable why Yoshiko is retard
He is a poor evil
Nah, she only wanted to tell Yoshiko which hole his dick should go into.
They will never assault you in your sleep.
She seems to just be so honestly enjoying being in love. I can't help but like her.
Actually, I seem to recall that A-kun chose he same school as her because it was close to where he lives.
Reminds me of this girl.
I like them but unfortunately they are usually set up to lose.
So an Ahoala?
i need an ahonahole
I like to think that she was a really good girl and then puberty fucked her up big time.
akuns a lazy ass who settled for public school like a failure
he ruined his future considering the importance japs put on private schools
being close is just an excuse to rationalize it
A-kun is bright, but he's not that intelligent. If he was exceptional, he would get 100's on his tests effortlessly but he never does.
He's a tsundere.
>not fucking the teacher
Is Akun hard gay or something?
As every NEET escapism excuse, she suddenly uses 150% of her brain only when her life depends on it.
Even going at a public school, there would've been set some entry-level standards so not to slow down classes and potentially allow homogeneous growth of the students.
She would've failed the minimum required IQ tests nonetheless, therefore labelled a "Child with Special needs" she would've been shipped to some vocational school or "bleeding heart" coop.
Otherwise, just plain asspulls for the fucking sake of it.
yeah, it's made clear A-kun is smart but not as much as he wants to be. It's actually a pretty nice character flaw as he would be almost flawless otherwise.
How many shota has this Aho molested?
How much is too much?
episode 1: chapters 1, 2, 3, 5
episode 2: chapters 12, 4, 10, 7,11
episode 3: chapters 14, 17, 34, 19
episode 4: chapters 6, 27, 29, 21, 22
episode 5 preview was from chapter 13
When will we get a scene that shows that A-kun actually cares, but then the scene ends with a return to the status quo?
As far as the raws go, he never once shows her any affection except one time he put a blanket over her when she was unconscious, but he's also done the same gesture for Sayaka and the committee president, so she's not special to him.
That makes me sad.
He's a good brother.
Maybe she's pretending to be retarded?
more likely an aspy
We do get a scene of him sincerely appreciating the blonde girl's efforts and telling her that she does a good job taking care of other people but should also think of her own well-being too. Only time he's ever expressed affection outside of to his sister and the dog.
Yoshiko actually has an IQ of over 500, her reasoning is just too complex for brainlets to comprehend.
For being an idiot, she can manipulate everyone in the series with retaliative ease. Even a-kun sometimes almost falls for it. Almost.
>The expression and those mindbreak sounds by Rina Satou
my fucking sides
Because she's so shameless that it's become advantageous for her.
DFC is endgame? I'm okay with that.
Will the violence against poor imouto ever stop
so is sayaka going to win?
Nope. Akkun does like her a lot better than any other girl his age, but he's not even that close to her, and definitely not in a romantic way.
And it's been 125 chapters and Sayaka has not once expressed any romantic feelings for him, she's in fact helping both girls try to get closer to Akkun.
If the author wanted to, he could have easily developed something, but he hasn't, indicating it's not happening.
>helping both girls
Sayaka hasn't tried matchmaking Yoshiko with Akkun in dozens of chapters. I think she realized it was a lost cause, because she's focusing all of her energy on curing Boob Committee of her insanity.
If she recovers, then Boob Committee has it in the bag, he already said she'd be a great girl if she wasn't so freaky.
>defenseless sensei butt
he needs to fuck sensei, mom, or public morals chick
or all three
the fucks a public morals office and why do they conduct routine searches
Welcome to Japan:
Instead of hiring security or cleaning staff, we make the kids come early/stay late to do it; but no it's totally okay, it gives them something to put on their CV.
virtually all asian public schools do this
It only gets worse. Literally nothing good ever happens to her.
Sounds good to me, teaches kids morals and responsibility.
t. russianfag
dunno how people think yoshiko is stupid
that mindfuck she did with sensei was yasuna-tier
Smug aho is best aho
t. burger
Can't wait until the card game part shows up where she explains how she gets 0s on every test. She has S++++++++ luck, but refuses to use it on tests because she thinks guessing and getting them correct while not knowing the answer is wrong
think he said he went to the same school because it was efficient in terms of proximity to where he lived, unless he says otherwise in the manga.
If you think about just how much he studies and still can't get a single perfect score on tests, I think its safe to say he may have actually failed the entrance exams for the prestigious schools but is way to proud to ever admit it. Not like the manga is ever gonna answer that question before the end if at all though.
She's smarter than she looks.
But the girl in pic related lost because the MC was a massive faggot. Akutsu is not an idiot so I suppose he'd have good taste and at least fuck her silly.
Shit tsundere
He is only a miserable angry guy who hits people
Someone else thinks akun deserves this girl
He should just fuck Yoshiko already
She's been plowed.
>eats banana
>is puking semen
That's a monkey not a human.
Me wearing the collar