Fuck Nazis

Literally no one likes you. Your beliefs are based on hate (racism, homophobia, etc), conspiracies (muh Jews, white genocide), and misinterpreted or flat out wrong statistics. You have no power, no one in power takes you seriously. You will never have power because progressivism and the left has always beaten you. The end of slavery, lose of WWII, civil rights, the culture war. You have never won and never will. Why? Because Nazis have no reason to exist. This is why people want to punch you, you're a bunch of radicals who will oppress people based on your flawed beliefs. Have you wondered why people hate you? Could it be because you oppose equality and human rights? Look at yourself in the mirror. Youre just a reaction to the millenials. You think it's "edgy" to be regressive and offensive, and wonder why people have an issue with it. You can only survive in echo chambers and always get BTFO when a knowledgeable leftist enters the room. Equality and progress is being made every day and we won't let you stop it. You lost in WWII and will lose again. You claim to be on the right side of history when all you do is lose where it matters. In short, Nazis are losers with no place in the world who deserve everything bad that happens to them. Why do you think it's okay for you to exist?

Other urls found in this thread:


>knowledgeable leftist



I prefer this one.

Yet you took the time to write that, and attack an imaginary straw man. Maybe 5% of this board unironically consider themselves Nazis. But most of this board is “alt right” or I guess nationalists. And when it comes to racial realism, you will never win an argument.

Don't do it Sup Forums
This faggot gets paid per reply.

protip: this shit is posted as a psyop to bait you into fascism because the establishment wants a centralized government to control. right or left fascism winning out doesn't matter, it's win-win for the elite if they can use you for a power grab.

You sound afraid, very afraid.

Stopped reading after 10 words or so, when i realised you are just another faggot projecting a strawman.


Also, this is now a Red Pill Thread.

>autism: the post

>right or left fascism
Are you retarded


>Your beliefs are based on hate
>Literally no one likes you.
Sounds like everyone who isn't a Nazi has beliefs based on hate.


For all new fags and lurkers

Bible and the JQ

It comes down to just taking your own side and not wanting to be replaced. I dont care anymore if people think thats "hate"

Keep spreading this video user

OP Faggot is a total Retard...

Hitler was a Manchurian Candidate, they retired his Faggot Ass in Argentina...

He was the Jew's Golden Boy.

Legitimate death count from the concentration camps verified
Main cause of death: typhus

>general Patton says we fought the wrong enemy

teared up

"Hitler was an evil dictator who took away all guns" debunked


Sean on YouTube constantly BTFOs Sup Forums, as does Destiny

Then vs now

"Straw man"



Demonstrates my conspiracy part perfectly, thanks




Literally killing people and you call it a strawman

You and your fucking progressivism. You give hope to people that would not survive in the real world more than 5 seconds. You give hope to the stupid and ugly degenerates because you are the only one who accept them. Do you know what happens when they get together and try to get along? Chaos.

One of the typical marxvirus symptoms is that marxist can critisize literally everything without doubt but when the critisism is targeted to them its full blown autistic screehing and running away. You have never won anything in real life and you never will.

>Sup Forums btfo'd
Pick one.


Not a Nazi, but your meme is laughable; Hitler escaped to Argentina. The number of actual Nazis is so tiny...I really wish people would stop trying to meme them back into reality...God forbid it might actually work...

I'd love to visit south america

You can't just get rid of Jews or Blacks easily. This is the type of sick shit that'll happen if Nazis get in power.

>labeling white people who are fed up with all the shit niggers and nonwhites do as fascist
Great idea


Educate yourself faggot.

Holocaust conspiracies have all been debunked but I doubt you listen to anything that isn't an infograph made by a 15 year old you didn't fact check

Woah! Amazing cherry picked images!

Do you know what cherry picking is? You're doing it. I could do the same thing to literally any place to make it look great or terrible

Toll paid

They clubbed these people to death in Lithuania. Do you seriously want to let your psychopaths loose on a couple of Jews?

you know you want to
its better for the niggers anyway or whatever

Correct! We must stop them, millions of lives depend on it!

>citing Nazi propaganda that's been debunked 100,000 times because it provides little to no proof for much of what it said


Wow, amazing rebuttal


>"holocaust conspiracies have been debunked"
The Red Cross came out with documents with a death toll of a quarter million in the 70s
The mass graves have never been found
there are actual Jews who were in the concentration camps and debunk all of the myths about the holocaust


>Sean on YouTube
kek are you fucking serious!?
what a monumental faggot you are.



Did you not understand anything I just said. For one thing, most of us aren’t part of the Nazi or fascist ideologue. But, even then, that doesn’t make sense. BLM members have shot cops before. Does that make them all terrorists. No, you autist

Labeling white people who pretend white genocide is a thing that actually exists as fear mongerers using their conspiracies to promote violence


6 million plus died in the holodomir under Stalin. Stalin also used his own women and children as canon fodder in the war
How autistic do you have to be


Post 2 Red Pills for every fucking post this commie makes.

And yet we grow in number. Why do you suppose that is.

BLM is a reaction to years of oppression. Nazis are oppressive and should not exist.

Wew, I almost had to address your rebuttal of my beliefs but you used a flag I don't like so I'll just ignore you

Yes I know what cherry picking is faggot it proves the point well. The images would have never existed in the first place if niggers never came in the first place

Because it attracts pathetic white males who have accomplished so little in life, they like to believe being white is an amazing accomplishment and they take pride in the creations of their ancestors so they can feel valuable. It's so they feel powerful and can look down on others despite accomplishing nothing, as I'm sure you do

wir machen euch platt - überall , weltweit

I don't see how that's relevant. I'm not a Stalinist...

>recalling a buzzfeed video
I couldn't imagine having a low IQ lads lol


That doesn't change the fact you went out of your way to use images portraying one place negatively and another positively lol

>being ashamed of your country
>using larp flags
confirmed shithole country


you completely missed the point of my post lmao you really are retarded

Are you going to prove it's just a conspiracy theory or are you just going to scream like a moron?

I suppose the centre-left, Jew, Neo-Marxist matrix of Italy is going to flourish in the 2018 elections.

>The end of slavery, lose of WWII, civil rights, the culture war
Jews played a large part in that, and conned us into it. That's kind of why they censor the DailyStormer. The mask will be peeled off.

>This is why people want to punch you
The word your looking for is "smack". Limp wristed trust funded soy boys cant punch lmao XD

>Erm; the only people you BTFO is alt-lite because they wont name Jews. In example I'm agaisnt big banks getting bail outs, and being allowed to circumvent laws. And when the Jews up top start shreaking I stand firm, where as you reds have a nervous break down.

Pro-tip by cleanex for when Deuterte starts genociding reds in the Philippines. Also when the EU starts to implode, and is replaced with... well god only knows but anything red and black is getting gassed.

"Muh oppression" lmao you really are a faggot

>Follow your leader
Yup, we should go to South America and live a nice life.
And funnily your SED leader, Merkel, is also going to South America, where we can go for a day of the rope.

Hahaha commie BTFO

Pic related is OP

Look at this shit. They got kids participating in it.

Again, that doesn’t matter, you autistic retard. Most of us aren’t Nazis, and it doesn’t matter what origins that group has because it’s beside the point. You can’t even hold a sequence of rational points when arguing. How do you think you’re going to change any opinions here?

Imagine being this retarded.


Almost if that's how everything has been throughout history. How does it feel to be an ugly mutt with now ancestry to be proud of

Imagine thinking that a group of people largely raised in poverty in broken families who are surrounded by a destruvtive culture turn out violent because of their race instead of their environment

>You can only survive in echo chambers and always get BTFO when a knowledgeable leftist enters the room.

Erm; the only people you BTFO is alt-lite because they wont name Jews. In example I'm agaisnt big banks getting bail outs, and being allowed to circumvent laws. And when the Jews up top start shreaking I stand firm, where as you reds have a nervous break down.

"But the nazis dindu nuffin!" Right, Sup Forums?

lol BTFO

Based kid. Have an Iron Cross.

I'm hear to tell you how pathetic and wrong you are, not be your friend

Maybe if they actually contributed to society they wouldn't be from broken families and raised in poverty

> literally no one likes you
Stopped reading there.

Why do people use the word 'literally' incorrectly so often? Where do you come from? Is there some kind of spawning vat where people like you have been tailor-made to be as retarded as possible? Are you some kind of advanced bio-weapon designed to reduce the IQ of everyone you interact with?

Fuck it. Don't bother answering these questions. Just kill yourself please.

>broken families who are surrounded by a destruvtive culture turn out violent because of their race instead of their environment

That is literally everywhere blacks are. Why are you so stupid and deluded? I don't recall Irish people back in the early 1900's running around and offing each other like these sub human Negros do. Must be because they had different shoes, it couldn't possibly been a genetic thing.

Lol ok. I honestly you aren’t being serious because you’re hurting whatever group you belong to by aligning yourself with them

Hitler liberated more coloreds than Lincoln. Think about it.

This is exactly why people hate Nazis, you dehumanize oppressed people. No tolerance for intolerance