Highly educated immigrant lawyer spergs out at the words "anglo-american" being used in reference to the system of law he studied.
Tell me humans are rational and unbiased
Highly educated immigrant lawyer spergs out at the words "anglo-american" being used in reference to the system of law he studied.
Tell me humans are rational and unbiased
I'm pretty sure Anglo-american means "common law", which the lawyer of all people should be able to spot.
It it was a race thing then the AG would've said European.
This is why helicopters were invented
Do these autistic not realise that English (Anglo) common law goes back almost 1400 years?
Nah the legal system has roots in islamic golden age and the middle east not anglo racism dont you know?
What a fucking dumbass. The sheriff as both a word and a position of law enforcement literally originated in England.
He thinks blacks are somehow part of the "heritage" of law enforcement, when after centuries they still don't even understand the concept of a cop.
Why do sand niggers always race bait?
>He thinks the Reeve of the Shire is something other than English.
Blacks play a big part in justifying law enforcement.
wtf i love muslims now
>Anglo Americans invented law enforcement
But we did
That movie is all I know about England.
Anglo American just refers to English common law which is where American law came from. This is madness.
You're a fucking sandnigger.
You're the stupid ones if you think he did it out of stupidity. He fully knows the actual meaning of what he's misinterpreting. The guy is literally a professional propagandist.
Uhhhh, excuse me.... muslimes are english too sweety
>I'm pretty sure Anglo-american means "common law", which the lawyer of all people should be able to spot.
It does and he should've been but shitskins are retards.
The rule about bait is that there's little use in pointing out it's bait. Doesn't matter if he believes it or not, the propaganda says he does so I'm running with it. Who cares if the shills are dead inside?
I hope and pray that Tariq Nasheed gets more naitonal coverage. Every time someone has them on his show it redpills millions on just how stupid niggers are. The niggers and Jews are scared to death that whites are going to put their foot down and proudly dispaly their culture. The nigger and Jew are afraid
Anyone who puts Esq at the end of their name because they passed the bar is a Grade A sperglord