You have 10 seconds to name a better country.
You have 10 seconds to name a better country
Protip: you cant
USA Japan Poland Hungary Switzerland Luxembourg Liechtenstein
I can't. That's why you'll be the 51st state before 2050.
Germany and sweden
switzerland is the best according to this.
Norway, China, Iceland, possibly Costa Rica
New zealand
Switzerland is geographically doomed. Nothing will stop the flow of migrants from the third world into Europe, and they're already pouring into Switzerland at record numbers.
USA, Japan, Switzerland.
I named 3 4 u.
You're 100% right, that's why i am moving to Australia.
Geographically: none.
Culturally: France, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy...
every other country except maybe Somalia
>Highest per capita GDP in the FUCKING WORLD
>Catholicism is the STATE RELIGION, as defined by their constitution
>Locals are perfectly happy to speak English, and don't care if your French sucks
>Gorgeous Mediterranean climate
>Delicious fresh food direct from southeastern France and northwestern Italy
>Biggest coastline-to-land area ratio outside of actual islands
Great place.
>>> Anonymous (ID: IUAfkQ2v) 02/13/18(Tue)02:38:56 No.160290193▶
NZ, Uruguay and Japan.
Why do you think a country full of descendants of prisoners/criminals is good?
Serious question.
As long as you work in STEM and know your place, Abhisht.
Also don't go out at night. You'll get bashed, stripped naked and left for the tdogs.
Switzerland? Dont you mean northern Albania?
Years ago I could have named many.
>every other country except maybe Russia
I have a masters in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and already got a job in the solar industry.
Don't worry i will be a productive member of society and pay taxes.
Me too, buddy. Let's get all the bitches.
Sydney is lost territory. Stop being deluded. You're acting like a bong who still thinks they have a mighty empire, get real.
Remember to find a nice desi to settle down with in the outer suburbs.
The principality of Sealand
New Zealand
>Europe is bad because shitskins will come there
>b-but our shitskins are o-ok r-right guys?
>ignore that abbo raping my daughter and stealing the petrol out of my truck
>Australia best
I can see my old building from there
nigger you have to go back
From living there for a year
>Everything was fucking expensive
>Most Australians were idiots
>Casual meth use was considered normal
>Couldn't go in the sun because massive hole in the ozone.
>Nothing was run efficiently. It felt like literally everything was run by children
I'm going to fucking enjoy watching Amazon tear your retail sector a new asshole.
Kill yourself you race traitor faggot. Your country men should fucking hang you.
Amazon is already here and it's expensive as shit. Unless they bring out Amazon Now to major cities then nobody will use it.
Sydney. Pftt
Make $70K a year
Pay $1million for a one bedroom apartment.
>North Queensland master race here.
>Work on the mines.
>Make $145K a year.
>By house for under $300K
>Live life on easy street with majority white town.
AUS is great except for bogans, chinks, sandniggers, and Pajeets. Your aboriginals are embarrassing too.
You are a sandnigger though.
My country is best for me and your country is the best for you. We need to just stay where we came from instead of these stupid threads. Everyone is equal and wonderful and should stay the fuck where they are.
Dis nigga gets it.
>supporting amazon
>being this much of a kike turbocuck
Fuck off back to Tumblr milady
most of sydney is ok.
western sydney should be nuked.
i hear you,
thats why leaving australia.
government and private sector is ripping everyone off, everyone is complaining, nothing is being done, it's just going to get worse.
worst thing australia could do is vote in the labor party. They are playing out the marxist play book page for page at the moment.
>Israel better than Australia.
>Poland Hungary
>fake countries like Luxemburg and Liechtenstein
government is introducing anchor baby legislation soon, don't be bring your ugly wife here on a work visa and think you can dump a baby on the welfare system.
everyone knows your game plan buddy
Definitely not
Chad and Niger
nz is pretty good, except auckland,
everywhere else is nice.
alot of kiwi's are coming back to nz from australia etc., maori's and islanders are staying in australia (not enough low skilled jobs for them)
I’m the superior OG sandnigger. The kind that doesn’t immigrate en masse, live on welfare or start street gangs in the host country. How many Saudi thugs have you encountered in Sydney?
Sounds like a shithole country, can't even own a semi automatic gun in Australia..
>Culturally: France, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy...
Whats so great about a culture of cuckolding? UK and Germany are cucked beyond belief, freedom of any sort is almost non existent, France might be salvageable if you kill all the commies and Parisians, Spain and Italy are okay culturally but they won't stand up to the EU.
it is fucked now user, it will be a Chinese colony in ten years time.
Pretty sure Saudis live on welfare en masse, similarly to UAE. Don't you need to import practically all your workers?
not to mention the in-breeding.
well said user, Parjeets are using Australia as an ATM so they can steal all our wealth.
Welcome aboard Vai from an Aussie in Mumbai.
>north korea
>no results found
The "country" is better than any country. It's too bad small beautiful towns attract weird carny-like folk to run their businesses.
>not searching for best korea
Just, like, die yourself.
New Zealand
If I granted independence to my unflushed toilet it would be a better nation than yours
>Sydney is lost territory. Stop being deluded. You're acting like a bong who still thinks they have a mighty empire, get real.
Yeah, fucking Sydney and Melbourne both. RIP :(
Awww man. I was hoping I'd get to save the photo of that Australian basement where some dude laid a trap to catch mice and in the morning it was absolutely teeming with fucking insects. No one's posted it to mess with faggot OP though... too bad.
Because it is?
Only oldfags will remember this
Auckland is Vancouver with islanders mixed in
The rest of the country is not as bad but still shit
If wish we had the same politics.
one with working internet.
Its full of African "migrants" now
good fucking lord
Switzerland has 70k niggers (0.9%)
Australia has 380k (1.6%)
And in Switzerland they have guns to deal with said niggers
abos are weak cunts, they couldn't rape a wet paper bag
Eugh carnies.
Small hands
yeh boy shit in their streets