Have you forgotten that Medusa is the sexiest Fate girl?
Have you forgotten that Medusa is the sexiest Fate girl?
Not even medusa would agree.
Well she'd be wrong.
She's literally the most perfect girl in the entire franchise.
Isn't she just a 3 star? Why is she so unpopular?
She's fucking weak.
Rider? Don't mind if I do
Is that not the entire point of her story?
She was too beautiful for her own good.
she is 3 star because she is so popular and attracts people to play the game but not quite popular enough to be a 5 star money maker
in short, she is a bait
>Have you forgotten that Medusa is the sexiest Fate girl?
so what does that say about Gorgon
I've forgotten that she even exists.
gorgon has larger boobs so she is 4 star
lancer medusa is loli so she is 4 star
>Why is she so unpopular?
Non-virgin in a VN, AKA Otaku pandering.
But the sexiest Fate girl is Taiga.
Can't have all the big names at the start of the game AND have them all be 4-5*s. They're like an additional draw to the same, saying "hey, even if you can't roll Altira or Emiya you can at least get Cu, Medusa, Medea, and Kojiro easily"
By the way, this was right when the VN first released so you're never gonna find a Fate poll with higher concentrations of Otaku voting
Just her looking at my cock makes it rock hard.
That isn't Caren
Taiga is not for sexual.
Not even the best of HA's new girls
>Medusa is the sexiest Fate girl
Wrong Medusa.
She was until Scathach came along
Only because she was given a complex thanks to her bitch sisters.
You clearly haven't seen Carnival Phantasm
And then Medusa dropped all the way down to 29th place, while Sakura surpassed Rin and became the third most popular out of all the TM girls. Funny, that.
Nips have shit taste. Other news: water is wet.
Ah, I see you too are a man of culture.
>Taiga could beat non prana Saber in sword fighting
>Made her a lancer.
Lancers are sluts.
nero was a man irl
Nero is a slut. A Sluuuuut.
Sensei > all
came here to post this
I don't like her personality but she is so fucking sexy
Why exactly? She's got long hair and big tits, many others do too.
>I don't like her personality
>not finding power sexy
>begging to be fucked
I hate Gorgon's design so much.
The wings are totally shit, and why the fuck does she have gold scales? Her color scheme is purple and black, give her dark-purple scales
Is this good
Witch is better.
>liking backstabbing old hags
Archer is not a virgin and got third though
It doesn't apply to guys.
Well, HA Is what makes her a slut and her drop in popularitty was after that btw.
Not the same, Fangirls and selfinsert wants the guys to be manly, Handsome sex gods but the girls needs to be 100% pure.
She's always been a slut.
The sexiest Fate girl is Passionlip. None can best her superweapons.
You know there is such a thing as too big.
Challenge the boundaries of logic and reason.
Even Gilgamesh who likes petite girls can only react with "DAAAAAAAAMN"
Nah it's Arturia Lancer
i see nipple
God, Nasu dialogue is so fucking terrible. Everytime that i see a screenshot of the VN i hate it more.
Also, Otakus don't mind girls being sluts with girls.
Still has more doujins than other Fate girls, especially ones from FGO.
Comiket still prefers Granblue and Kancolle girls over FGO girls.
The original doujins circles that made those really popular Fate doujins in the past that have been quotes by Sup Forums from time to time haven't even touched FGO at all.
The art's garbage too
Sakura has risen in popularity since Hollow, but she was never really low because she made great showings in the All TM polls.
So no, non-virgin heroines are just fine, the only ones who say diferently are some crazed idiots. Nasu just started meme'ing about her lower placing as a heroine and never stopped until Sakura fans consistently got her in the top 10 of all TM characters, then he backtracked, saying it was sakura's time now. But oldsters know the saltiness he had when Sakura was the favorite amongst the staff. Now, Aotsuki Takao, Koyama, Black, OKSG, and now Tomonori Sudo (ufotable's HF movie director) and Task-Ohna (HF manga writer/artist) have the last laugh.
Us Sakura fans will have her make the top three next All TM poll, I guarantee it.
A character having doujins doesn't equal popularitty.
I have noticed that a lot of times the girls with most doujins are in low places in polls.
I really hope she hits number 1 after HF drops.
Good job having no sense of humor
>So no, non-virgin heroines are just fine
They are if they were just rape victims. The slut = low popularitty isn't really a meme.
And Sakura got more popular because of Zero and extra CCC iirc. Before that she was like this
so are the only characters to not want to fuck saber Kirei and Kuzuki?
That's very old and unfunny joke and his dialogue is trash in the serious moments too.
I like how he tries to hide how terrible it is with fancy words.
Takeuchi got better. Everybody looks like saber now but at least they aren't ugly idk if Nasu got better, The last thing that i read from him was some parts of CCC.
Also Kiritsugu
Your taste in humor is shit user.
so anyone whose name starts with K really
CP is funny, That Rider joke isn't.
It isn't funny. Cliche humor with overused jokes isn't funny unless you're 40 yo.
Why do all the fan art of Nero Saber have her with ridiculously huge when she just has a modest bust here?
She's weak to sincere guys.
CP has other Rider jokes.
People like big anime tiddies
This is fan art too, right? In the anime she looks average at best, but not flat. Less than Sakura and Rider but slightly bigger than Rin.
Pixiv is mostly japanese fan art community, and so nips like to fantasize as exaggerated nordic features (huge tits and blonde hair), cause its exotic to them.
She's a *3 because most of FSN characters were as a gift for the players, Cu and Medea are too.
What's with that ear?
As an Aryan superman I approve
Exotic features disgust me
Unless it's 2D or really exotic like blue skin
Pic related is Nero in Grand Order.
She's pretty stacked. Not stupidly so to tittymonster levels, but stacked.
I prefer this one. Bonus is you can score a threesome with a good half the other girls if you play your cards right.
VN sprites usually don't have the same consistency as the anime, for some reason. Same with Steins;Gate, Kurisu was flat as a board in the anime but rather shapely in the VN.
>She still has more doujins than other Fate Girls
Whut. No she doesn't. FGO girls got doujins starting less than two years ago, idiot, so obviously a decades old character would have more doujins in total.
However she pales to other Fate girls as old as she is:
She has 271 vs Saber (552) or Rin (670).
>Comiket still prefers Granblue
Objectively wrong, they only had 1/3 of the amount of doujin circles that FGO churned in C92. Get your facts straight, retard.
Why is she wearing a chain and lock around her neck?
Pregnancy is a wonderful fetish.
>Have you forgotten that Medusa is the sexiest Fate girl?
fuck no, im already wating for 4 more HG to make her level 100.
Bisexual polyamorous threesomes are better.
>tfw taking responsibility
Even better when they're completely dere for you.
No that would be Gorgon.
Medusa, Arc, Jeanne.Bazett and Touko are my top five girls. What does that say about my taste?