Too many foreigners in Australia

>How many foreigners are in Australia?

>In the United States, 14 percent of the population was born elsewhere, near the record of 15 percent reached a century ago. In Australia, more than one-quarter of the population is foreign-born, and some 46 percent have at least one foreign-born parent, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Fuck back off to your wartorn brown cunt lands and leave us white people in peace.

God damn.

These cunts are turning Australia into Sudan!

>How many languages in Australia?

Australian English has a unique accent and vocabulary. Collectively, Australians have more than 200 spoken languages. In the 2011 census, 76.8% Australian spoke English at home. Mandarin is the biggest non-English dialect spoken in Australia.

Fuck off.

How big are the families per household?

Nah, more like their turning us into the next India vs. China conflict. The Indians are the fucking scum of the earth and their shitty voices are terrible. Like their voice still sounds like a 8 year olds for fucks sakes. How anyone could like them I don't know.
And the Chinese are just buying out all of our housing... Which the government seems to think is a great idea. I mean, very quick and easy money that will be gone in a few years over your own citizens? Great! I mean, which fucking government wouldn't like that,,,

Every black cunt has like 18 fucking kids.

It's ridiculous. Not even trolling.

All these reffos buy up all the SUV's then proceed to drive around with their fucking black cunt kids at 1/4 the speed limit without any clue wtf they are doing.

>what have i become
>my sweetest friend
>everyone i know
>goes away
>in the end

>when you mum was raped by a racoon.

Lots of vietnamese here, never seen a proper chinese person.

Lots of muslim faggots from the middle east here too.

Unsure if the stats above about mandarin being the #1 language is true.

Sudanese, Muslim types, indians, these people are the problem.

Gooks stay to themselves however, and are clean and are usually neat and respectful.

I'm sorry ausbros. What's the patriotic saying of aussieland?

My breakup song

"Australia's full - Fuck off!"

think about it fellas, the sterotype of the old aussie bushman steve irwin fella will die out in your life time and probably be replaced with the stereotype of a chink getting beatin up by a nigger

Sad but true.

Just like the fact of how Metallica now sucks.

Most chinks i know too are ultimately loyal to their homeland (usually china)

So essentially australia will become one big chinese military base thats fighting off a third world invasion but niggers - until they (the chinks) finally change the constitution and therefore the country.

I think i'm going to move to the Faroe Islands.

kek I love you ausbros. No pussies. You guys are men among men.

lol who gives a fuck about australia, canada, USA, etc. not being white anymore

they were homogenous white countries for like what a few decades at most? Fuck off.

>Spot the liberal pedophile supporter.


Yes, the Muslims can also be annoying as well. Haven't had too much experiences with them (Since I'm from Brisbane), but when I flew down to Sydney, my father joked to me "Spot the Australian" as I shit you not it was chock full of rag wearers and arabs and just foreigners in general.
Australia was homogeneous (except for the slight amount of chinks we got during the gold rush) until the 80s iirc.
Also calling it now;
>t. Amerimutt

Of course he's American.
That said, stop posting the americmutt meme, it's posted by the Jews.



I like Australia, people are nice plus you are good drinkers but too god damn hot there

Thanks ausbro. Always loved you guys. Great food, great women and great, well, everything. Love you guys! If we don't break out into civil war (we probably will) we'll come help you guys. Don't worry. I'll stand by my allied countries and defend them to my dying breath, of that I very much swear. I swear to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Civilian militias were made a threat for a reason during the Revolutionary War. We fought back against tyranny. Don't worry. We'll pull out of this.