With Syria downing a Israeli jet, just how long before us troops are in Damascus? Keep in mind there is already us troops in Syria.
With Syria downing a Israeli jet, just how long before us troops are in Damascus...
Israel shot down its own jet.
There are Russians in Damascus, US troops are not allowed here.
>kikes bomb syria whenever they please
>whinge when kike jet gets shot down
fucking hell i hope to god israel bites off more than it can chew and will end up in total annihilation
>us troops huh?
everybody fuck off from Syria, especially CIA, roaches and kikes
Assad is hero of the white race and defender of Christianity, and anyone who oppose is jewish agent or dumb fuck
if ya(you) give cock to austrlian he will give ya top secrets :D :D
check check im banned??
Paranoid Israeli, is this your first time posting?
You mean just how long until there are Syrian and Hezbollah troops in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem right?
should, but aint; try to act a bit more goyim on here and we can work together.
Bashar the Lion!!
Death to America!!
>ID has a cross in it
They will use Nukes before that happens.
I'd be honored to fight side by side with you, my American brother.
Hopefully soon, I don't know who the fuck Assad thinks he is attacking our ally like that. Israel is the only good country in that fucking region. God bless israel.
One jet is downed and pol gets excited like a little girl
That could potentially result in a WW3, so I hope it doesn't come to this.
JIDF everywhere...