Should reality TV take the next logical step and televise death sports from willing combatants?

Should reality TV take the next logical step and televise death sports from willing combatants?

Kek says yes

How about condemned combatants?

... yeah, I been watchin' Black Mirror. . .

it's what we should already be doing for anybody with a life sentence

>willing combatants
That or convicted criminals on death row fight and the winner goes free, the losers all get strung up on the gallows then and there so as to stop wasting money.
Or challenging gauntlets for non violent offender to compete in to lose time off their sentence

That's torture and I don't think the people would allow it. It should only be for people who want to be there for whatever reason.

So we free the best murderers? That's fucking stupid.

death sports dont work because you only get to keep the star. there's no chance for rivalries to develop, no comeback stories, it's missing out on a lot of good marketing gimmicks. also it costs a lot to replace that many fighters

Lifers fight for cable tv rights, boom fixed the correctional system pays for itself.

there has to be a prize, altough i would deport winner to south pole.

>there's no chance for rivalries to develop
black v white etc or gang affiliations
>no comeback stories
eh, guess not
>costs a lot to replace that many fighters
make a prisoner sign a waver and hand him a sharp stick

if theres blood, people will watch

>make a prisoner sign a waver and hand him a sharp stick

that'll wear off fast. that's what rome used as a pregame show.

>Black Mirror

>he thinks gladiator games were all to the death

Nice trips.

But to answer your question? No, we aren't allowed to have fun like that.

Steady on son. It's actually a very good show

How about, instead of war, politicians have to fight to the death?
And if one side won't do it all his followers will know that he's a giant pussy

We should let people on dead row fight to the death winner gets to live a little longer

Fuck off retard. It's reddit because you faggots won't shut up about your kike programming. Kill yourself.

>jews are barbaric primitives

Just watch ufc

Fuck yeah!
I'd even buy merchandise from that.

There's glory in open combat, fagflag.

>0% dodge

yes, its only logicall, if there is supply and demand, why not?

I would unironically watch death sports

we already have the isle of man tt race here, you should watch it.

Jesus fucking Christ, that meathead just takes that beating

>When you go stamina over agility

I have received a real gladiator boner recently, recommended epoch appropriate media?

I've been suicidal for a week now, I'd fight

oh no no no
use death row inmates