Is there any information out there on how exactly Cheddar Man was reconstructed? Was there a paper released?
I understand that neolithic europeans had darker skin than modern europeans, but I have a hard time believing that it was THIS dark.
Is there any information out there on how exactly Cheddar Man was reconstructed? Was there a paper released?
lol white women were taking black cocks even that far back.
white boys are truly pathetic. the original cuck race
See pic for all the scientific data they poured into ebin cheddar man.
they werent invaders, that was the indigenous population according to this model
but everyone knows its a politicized fraud made to encourage race mixing and the destruciton of english and british whites
even you, who inteprereted this as an invader rather than a native, which is countersignaling the narrative that this false reconstruction is meant to give
Say it with me OP, Jewish Supremacist.
plasticine & boot polish
every fuckin time
What's the deal with skin being dark ?
He has blue eyes and has very Caucasian features, he's not black(as in negroid)
I read it in the paper at work.
Even normies started discussion how utterly bullshit this is.
it's bullshit, you don't need to be a genius to figure this out
but retarded normies eat this shit up
jews need to pour into israel to be finally nuked off the face of the earth
>2 teams and 1 blind team who worked on king tut restoration gave him white, light brown skin
>team who reconstructs cheddar man gives him black skin
Here's what simulations looked like only a few years ago.
>Tom Booth, an archaeologist at the Natural History Museum who worked on the project, said:
> “It really shows up that these imaginary racial categories that we have are really very modern constructions, or very recent constructions, that really are not applicable to the past at all.”
>Yoan Diekmann, a computational biologist at University College London and another member of the project’s team, agreed, saying the connection often drawn between Britishness and whiteness was “not an immutable truth. It has always changed and will change”.
>imaginary racial categories
>thinks race is skin deep
>forensic anthropology is racist
we wuz british and shiet
really makes you think
It looks constipated.
This only means being white is more evolved than nigger. Which we already knew.
>Here's what simulations looked like only a few years ago.
Just shows the folly of soft tissue reconstruction. And I'm not talking about the switch from white to black features, just look at the overall differences. Recessed, protohuman eyes, deformities, completely different cheekbones, vastly different and odd haircuts and facial hair - these fucks share nothing in common even if you strip out the colours, and they're both based on the same remains.
In other words - don't ever fucking trust soft tissue reconstruction, it's 90% artist choice.
>computational biologist
>deny HBD
How the fuck does this happen?
No you can't find any papers based around it and their conclusion that he is related to 10 percent of modern British is based on research that was never peer reviewed and most scientist think had tainted DNA.
But don't ask questions goy! It's entirely true. Trust (((Yoan Diekmann)))
>no scientific basis
>will be taught as science for the next 50 years
>will never be publicly recanted, only silently changed to suit the needs later
More and more, I wonder if any "science" or "history" is trustworthy at all, past what can be easily observed right now.
Cheddar man is just missing a few of the alleles that determine modern European skin tone, but so do Orientals. So, their skin is *probably* darker than modern britbong, but probably not black.
might just point out every article and story about this clealy says that the data "suggests" , it doesn't prove.
here is some other very important information
"There was no genetic link with the other skeletons from Gough's Cave, which are 5,000 years older than Cheddar Man. For much of this intervening period was last glaciation of Europe, that had made the area unsuitable for human life."
the other remains were identified as homo-sapien.
I doubt it. (((They))) have fingers in everything now. Its only a matter of time before it was the negro who sailed on the Mayflower to escape whiteys genocide of two trillion kangz
I am starting to think science before 45 was the most accurate depending on what country it was performed, now we are stuck with Lysenko tier scientific theorys pushed as facts by Jews with a genocidal and iconoclast goal for the world.
cheddar man was haplogroup U5
the most concentrated U5 today exists in estonia, finns and sami people. and they are pale.
the data will probably completely contradict the statue that was made. people will be asking why the twins painted it black
You have a point there user, one rare point is that the kikes have replaced religion with science and they have told the goyim to have an unwavering faith in science because its based on muh reason and logic so they can now push bullshit like this
at around 20:53 they explain that dna was already done to him by Harvard which showed Cheddar man has an identical dna to those living nearby today. He wasn't a nigger
From what I read they basically found one negro in England with genes originating from the continent, specifically the middle east... so he was an immigrant. But they're trying to say "LOOK LOOK! WE DINDU NUFFIN EITHER!"
even though this nigger is from 10000 years ago... so are we going to be respecting the national/racial owners/occupiers of land from 10000 years ago?
This, no way in hell they where modern europeans but they sure as hell wherent niggers
It would be such a redpill if some science user could totally debunk the black skin. I mean I know deep down that it's just been done by the 'academics' to make some smug point about how dumb racists are. Like the DNA testers revealing they add in black DNA results to all-white profiles to 'fuck with Nazis'. Shows the absolute state of academia when they're more interested in a narrative than actual scientific findings.
>It would be such a redpill if some science user could totally debunk the black skin.
That's what I've been thinking too. The potential is enormous.
They determined from the genome that Cheddar Man originated from Middle East, so basically was not a Caucasian (those came a bit later to Europe, originating from the Yamnaya Culture regions near Ural mountains), but an ancient jew. Hance, he has to have dark skin.
who owns his remains?
university of london did the study right? they can't own exclusive rights, harvard did one a decade or so ago
someone else needs to do another study, because i really think these results have been tampered with.
It's not even necessarily that the results have been tampered with, it's just the audacity of them not really knowing what colour the skin would've been, so immediately leaping to the arbitrary conclusion that it was sub-saharan level blacker than black. It's like admitting you don't know what colour dinosaurs were, so depicting them all as hot pink, because they share a small percentage of their DNA with Agalychnis litodryas, the Pink-Sided Tree Frog.
see my previous post DNA was done two decades ago showing he's identical to modern brits
fuck man how ugly can you get, whats with the moustache?
found this important from a forum in 2006
Cheddarman mtDNA sequence :
16192T, 16270T, haplogroup U5A
europeans got their light skin from middle eastern migrants...ancient jews certainly weren't as dark as this reconstruction. They would have been lighter skinned then modern levantine people
There is a little Jewishness in all of us.
It was all up to (((artistic))) interpretation
has anyone asked professor bryan sykes what he thinks of all of this?
he's the one who did the original huge study back in the 00's.
>The picture on the right
>A world without niggers.
Stupid goys, don't you know anything about (((social history)))? We use it to debunk any anthropological theory that disagrees with Out of Africa. "we wuz niggerz"
ooga booga bix nood muh dicc
cheddar man was genocided and his "bitches" were
lugenpresse is in charge of science now
cant wait for time travel to become a reality so we can once and for all disprove this bullshit WE WUZ BRITS
Considering that black Africans have pale skin on their palms and soles of their feet (due to lack of sunlight). It seems unlikely that the Europeans at the time would have been so dark.
When this "news" first came out every the quote used specifically said something like "darker skin, possibly black" but somehow "possibly black" was turned into "100% nigger and if you disagree you're racist"
cheddar man was a biker?
this is the only true and real version of how he really looked.
>When can we expect scientific paper with analysis?
>Couple of weeks when the doc comes out.
>It’s going on biorxiv first, but it’s not really about Cheddar Man, although he’s in there.
The documentary is released on the 18th.
>Is there any information out there on how exactly Cheddar Man was reconstructed?
my dad works at the laboratory, he said this is all true, bongs were niggers, like the irish.
How does it feel now that you know you had black ancestors? Is your world view crumbling?
You could debunk this with the theories about science. When science is influenced by politics like in "Nazi Germany" and yes make that connection.
- Job done
> and will change.
Not on my fucking watch M8Y.
>I am starting to think
hasn't that ever occurred to you before now? what about the years of bogus climatology?
Kikes will make every move they can until either one of us is dead.
Just British
Cheddar man was originally yellow. It's a well known fact where I am from. He turned brown from being in the ground so long.
every fucking time. How does one not turn into a schizo with this kind of bullshit going on with literally everything??
cheddan markle cracks me up.