There are 4 new holes in the human skull. I’m not just kidding around either. Look at the two new holes in the chin, as well as under the eyes.
I have a Masters in facial reconstructive surgery and these studied human anatomy and these were not there two years ago. I’m honestly a bit freaked out.
Can anyone confirm these holes are older than 1-2 years?
Looks like somebody poked some holes in your toy head should get a new one shouldn't cost much
Luis Richardson
they have been there forever i assure you
Aaron Ortiz
They all have them
Aiden Ward
But where's the proofs
Anthony Lee
She'll be right just put some egg in em and it'll be all good and you'll get some breakfast
Angel Roberts
>There are 4 new holes in the human skull >hur dur Mandela affect fuck I hate you idiots
Christopher Perry
In my timeline we never had those but I guess in this one they do which is pretty fucked mate I just want a timeline where girls flock to me to give me blowjob
Hudson Smith
>Could I have misremembered something ? no that's impossible, the space time continuum must've been distorted by malevolent forces in order to play tricks on me, that makes much more sense. Fuck, I seriously despise you cunts.
Dylan Hill
>In my timeline...... Ima stop you right there, take your fucking meds you sperg
Asher Gomez
whats the point of those holes then?
Grayson Young
Ok I never knew about these holes before, this is Berenstain level time fork!
William Kelly
Those are arterial gaps you fucking mong, if you didnt have them your face would rot.
>not politics >not even politically correct >not even /sci/ >belongs on /x/
saged. reported.
Juan Bell
I've already taken my bi polar tablets cunt I bet you're from the bearensstain timeline
Liam Reyes
Glory holes for microbes
Adam Cruz
nah, he's from reddit
Chase Flores
T: time traveler who keep messing up history
David Morales
>blood doesn't have to come from anywhere hey shit penis where do you think nerves go do you think your face runs on bluetooth
the only part of your head that is blue anything is your gums you 56%er
Alexander Evans
Fking premium users getting their custom anatomy
Angel Evans
Well that guy does have a master's in FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION aka slapping meat on a burn/chimp attack victim's face to look somewhat decent.
It's not like pic related or anything, anyone can do it.
Benjamin Butler
I don’t remember those holes either ha Guess I learned something today
Aaron Reyes
mandela effect
>First high-precision LHC measurement of W boson mass
>mandela effect No, it's called lacking in anatomical details/understanding.
Seriously, where do you think all that blood you bleed/bloat after your face was cut or bruised comes from?
Camden Ward
fuck off shill with your proxy pretending a gypsie
mandela effect is getting shilled hard wheneveri tpops up
they fuck up the timelines and not everybody is cabable to see the changes because they are too unaware about their sorrounded reality
Thomas Rivera
пeдepac дoлeн нayчи мaлкo биoлoгия бe кeлeш
Joshua Phillips
Bibbily bopelopel cyka blyat
Parker Johnson
>whats the point of those holes then?
mandela-effect detectors
Sebastian James
Did that take place on the 12th?
Brody Kelly
You’re telling me you can confirm these holes were there before?
Jeremiah Peterson
Luke Hernandez
Liam Allen
Luis Morales
>I have a Masters in facial reconstructive surgery and these studied human anatomy Nothing about this sentence fragment means a single fucking thing to someone who has ACTUALLY studied medicine in any capacity.
t. radiographer
Anthony Richardson
Here, a sketch from victorian era showing the cheek holes. The cheek holes are for blood vessels. They're why you blush or your cheeks feel hot when feverish.
Christian Nelson
Taken from the ossuary in the czech republic, as you can see, no extra holes
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Sorry forgot photo
Nicholas King
Speed holes
Bentley Ross
non-meme answer- nerves go through the holes.
Jayden Foster
HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. THERE IS AN ARTERY THAT GOES THROUGH THE HOLE AS WELL NOW. It is supplying blood to my face!!!! How is this possible????? My face never had blood in it before.
Brayden Rodriguez
uhh i think i know the answer OP is from USA right ? then this skull belongs to an avarage burger right ? so my guess is: this skull belongs to an avarage american from subspecies called La Creatura or El Ogre de Las Americano
Juan Brown
I sure as hell hope that your don't work in the medical profession in any form when you are unaware of the basic cardiovascular structure of the human head.
Ryan Martin
Yeah I've never seen those. I feel like i would have noticed. Kinda spoopy