Any of you anons realized most people are narcissistic as fuck right now? Ever tried to change a pathological narcissist? How do you expect white women to change? They just have a false self-image, you can't change narc's.
Once you realize this, you can look at yourself. Aren't you just a tiny bit narc as well? Talking down on people who question your false-image of an all knowing goy. Once they go too far you get depressed and tfw no gf. Very high expectations of women, just like the high expectations of them with men. We didn't get raised correctly. We raised ourselves on the internet user's. It's the same thing with women. You think they're happy? They sabotaged every good relationship they've had. They're never gonna feel content. You're never going to feel content. Even when you have your virgin wife, you will be content? It's not gonna be enough.
>Raised ourselves on the interne This is pretty much true, unfortunately. My mother is pushing degeneracy on me, asking “why I can’t be more like the other guys”. I always tell her I’m not a degenerate and will never be one either, after which she gives me a weird look. I hope shit changes with Gen Z.
Chase Russell
My mom kept asking me what my problem was. I was 14. What can I say?
They've made us chase their ideal image without them putting the effort into us.
Now we're left chasing their dragon for the rest of our lives, sabotaging our relationships ourselves. That's how you become a narc.
Liam Young
bullshit people who believe in nothing are the easiest to hoodwink. Most narcissists are retarded and once you show them that they believe in nothing they happily follow someone who does
David Wood
It’s how normies, especially women, are wired. If you play your cards right you can pretty easily convince them.
Gabriel Cooper
Only if it fits their false self-image. Just like this image just not fitting in your agenda.
Most people arguing on pol are arguing with their mothers. An endless fight that never makes you feel complete, because just like your mother, they don't admit it.
We're just looking for her forever to admit her mistakes. The ride never ends
Parker Nelson
It isn't about being content. It's about preventing our children from following our horrible path. Stop being selfish and trying to make yourself happy.
Aiden Lopez
The opportunity to redpilled women is when they hit the wall. Although is is funny to make fun of old roasties for the good of society and the nation they are the next logical group to redpill.
Christopher Ramirez
What if we'll sabotage each of our relationships like every narc does. Because it's never good enough.
Because our ideal woman is just not good enough. What if we keep arguing against them, because our mothers just never admitted to us they were wrong?
Because we objectified the shit out of women and we can never have sex with them without thinking of them as sluts or whores. What if that image infiltrates our regular lives and we don't see them as the "holy" woman she once was anymore. What if we keep sabotaging our relationships like this?
How are we supposed to raise children like that.
Kevin Wood
Do you know about TheLastPsychiatrist? He's often off the mark but pretty good at modern mainstream culture (and institutional psychiatry)
Grayson Nguyen
Raise children as their mentor. Someone who sits down and explains things so they understand and can make an informed decision. Parenting isn't about screaming at your kid to make them do what you want. It is supposed to involve sitting down and having discussions. People get a divorce because a relationship requires effort. Sex isn't the most important part of a relationship.
Nicholas Lopez
That's the problem of the narcissist. He doesn't see a relationship as teamwork. He sees a relationship as the woman being an addition to his life. He enjoys the image of his kids liking them or his wife gives him his narcissistic supply. His fix of self-confidence that he never received from his mother.
All the talk you hear on pol is just guys feeling unsecure about her sexual past. He wants to be the most special person in her life. He wants to destroy her for all the other men, because he is unique.
Narc's sabotage their own relationships all the time. With their unrealistic expectations of themselves and their addition to their lives, the partner.
Ryder Turner
>Once they go too far you get depressed and tfw no gf. No. When has one gone too far? Can one really one oneself too well? Socrates says no.
Aaron Nguyen
Redpill view:
She's not your equal, you're her captain.
Feminism is cancer. Be a man instead.
I'm on my second marriage, and it certainly showed me how good I have it compared to my first.
What are some examples of unrealistic expectations?
Thomas James
jokes on you, I redpilled my mother
now she is more extreme than me
Landon Edwards
>Aren't you just a tiny bit narc as well? no, my problem is being much to humble, in a world of raging narcissists
Aaron Brown
>Agree on everything you say >Being a virgin >Being a slut in bed, so you can get off like autoerotic experiences you have when you masturbate >Being a girl you can respect so you can fit her into your puzzle piece of who you are
You just can't have it both ways.
Liam Smith
I tried this, she went psycho on me. Is this the end all solution?
I feel like it's this or non-contact.
Jason Powell
No, parenting involves both discipline and talking. Young children are to stupid to understand anything, they can only thing in the present and show no concern for the future. They don't give a fuck I their teeth will hurt later, they want their ice cream now.
Ethan Myers
I know what you mean. I have a strange relationship with women though, never a real relationship, I kind of seek out high IQ pale slightly mentally damaged or otherwise fucking up in life, and then befriend them. Those girls never have anyone be interested in what their opinions are on intelectual matters, and something *clicks* in them, It becomes a mentor type of relationship where I try to show them how and where they are fucking up, and then on a grander scale what society is really like and what goverment and politics are really like. (sex has occured, but the 'thrill' of it all is watching someone become a better person) I've done this twice working on the third.
I try to cure narcicism and show people there's more to life than yourself and your suffering.
Caleb Campbell
>Agree on everything you say Like on wise Portugese user said, women are like sponges. They absorb everything you put in them, as long as it sounds reasonable. You can easily red pill them if there is no one stopping or sabotaging you with other views.
>Being a virgin You must get your women young. Not only is the likelyhood of them being virgins much higher, they are also less experienced with life, allowing you to adjust themselves to your worldview.
>Being a slut in bed If you respect your woman you will also respect her in bed and limit yourself to casual sex. No toys, no anal, no degeneracy. This is key in keeping a respectable relationship which is little affected by sex.
>Being a girl you can respect so you can fit her into your puzzle piece of who you are This one is easy, it just comes down on how good your red pills are, they will conform to you.
Thomas Scott
parent:"Don't do that" kid:"but why" parent:"because I said so" kid does it anyways then gets yelled at and grounded.
Wyatt Hughes
*Like a wise Portugese
Justin Wright
Discipline is about correcting their mistakes, punishment if needed. But before this can be applied correctly and fairly, you must talk to your children about why something is bad. Your example is an example of a family which does have discipline, but no effective discipline because there is no talking. Without talking these kids will derail once they are on their own, because they will not get corrected and have never learned why they were corrected in the first place.
Carson Garcia
I know what you're thinking and you're gonna rage me on this. But I do the same thing.
This is not what you think it is (don't hate the messenger):
The narcissist's lifestyle, his reactions, in short: his disorder, prevent the development of a mature love, of real sharing, of empathy. The narcissist's mate, spouse, or partner is treated as an object. She is the subject of projections, projective identifications and a source of adulation.
Moreover, the narcissist himself is unlikely to cultivate a long-term relationship with a psychologically healthy, independent, and mature woman. He seeks her dependence within a relationship of superiority and inferiority (teacher-student, guru-disciple, idol-admirer, therapist-patient, doctor-patient, father-daughter, adult-adolescent or young girl, etc.).
The narcissist is an anachronism. He is a Victorian arch conservative, even if he denies it vehemently. He rejects feminism. He feels ill at ease in today's modern world and is seldom self-conscious enough to understand why. He pretends to be a liberal. But this conviction does not sit well with his envy, an integral element of his narcissistic personality.
His conservatism and jealousy combine to yield extreme possessiveness and a powerful fear of abandonment. The latter can (and does) bring about self-defeating and self-destructive behaviors. These, in turn, encourage the partner to abandon the narcissist. The narcissist, thus, feels that he has aided and abetted the process, that he facilitated his own abandonment.
This is all part of a facade whose genesis can only be partially attributed to repression or denial mechanisms. This fake front is coherent, consistent, ubiquitous and completely misleading. The narcissist uses it to project both his cognition (the results of conscious thought processes) and his affect (emotions).
Hunter Smith
well stated, I agree with you. This is why I avoid relationships, you'll never here me introduce a girlfriend, however I do have female company. I think society has damaged both sides too much for me to be able to have the healthy sort of relationship that is necessary for me to even entertain the notion of it all.
Joshua Sanders
Can you go through life without your autoerotic porn-addiction? Your endless nights where you made your fantasies a painting of your perfection?
Can you keep this masquerade going without it interfering between you and her?
Angel Ramirez
Yes, I've had the same sort of relationship you've had.
Once her supply of adoration stops being sufficient to me, I go forth on a project to receive it from others. This just sabotages the relationship because I'm not giving her her own fix of teaching. The same thing she never received from her father. Just like we didn't get it from our mothers...
It's a dysfunctional relationship that will never feel enough. So the same thing will happen to our own children.
Joshua Young
You realize a lot of guys watch porn in highschool and just think that's what your supposed to do, right? Why not make a roleplay night once a month and take turns picking the characters.
Logan Hughes
>TLP Mah nigga. Downright scary how well he understands modern people. It's really a shame he didn't catch on the way Peterson did, but not surprising in the least.
Wyatt Lewis
that's some next level tl;dr right there mate >autism/10
Jack Jones
You basically are me. My mother died when I was 10 so I sympathize with females who have 'daddy issues'
Jonathan Anderson
Btw OP, you should really read this guy before throwing words around like that.
Nah get fucked, i never claimed to be a god because the majority of people here that do believe in a deity killed their ego for the sake of the altruism that fucks like you use to kill us and then also shill more for when you're trying to Tu-qoque the entire point of our disagreements.
Women are in love with themselves, men want women to change not just to their needs but to what they think society needs as a whole. The difference is that men tend to give more of a shit about the entire system then women give about themselves. To the point where the fucking die all across history for their countries.
Gabriel Davis
The most difficult part about reading him was how little he knew in the way of causes for the modern condition. Yes there was a retarded generation of narcissists, but where did they come from? He also dabbled in postmodernism all the way up to derrida and lacan, which makes sense for understanding modern consumerists but is hardly an eternal theory of the human psyche. I think that the guy was raised a postmodern leftist but his intellect made him realize how much there was wrong with people's mental attitudes. It can not have occurred to him that the pathologies he describes are in fact the result of some deeply subversive ideas and social rules.
Carter Wilson
Virginal wives are like 99% in the bag for successful marriages. Its more than a Judaeo Christian value or a religion its natural love and happiness. I've noticed whores talk about X's even if you're just their friend. They will always compare others to all the x's mostly just the bad will the other men get credit for. Like Caucasoid history and the white mans achievements. You're not allowed to take credit for any of the good but only the bad. Yet a white baby getting shot in the face by a nigger. Its just a couple of lost dindus. The rest of them aren't bad. lol What about the one that stab a white toddler? Oh he was just another lone case. What about the niggers that did this? Oh another lone case.
Mason Reed
I’ve never been addicted to porn. I’ve been thinking about trying no-fap recently and I never masturbate more than once or twice a week.
I’m not a narcissist, at least not anymore, if I ever was one. I’ve come to terms with my imperfections and try to work on them. I’m a content man, I know what to expect from my girl and would never ask for more. There is no masquerade.
Henry Williams
Its too late, at this point the entire world must fall under my domination and all shall worship me, theres no stopping me whatsoever, I am Napoleon
Camden Thomas
Also Im Cobra Commander
Asher Peterson
I'm 29 now... I remember my mom tried to make me take ridlin when I was like 11. I still don't forgive her for it to this day.
Josiah Adams
>where did they come from I think McLuhan's general idea was right: the passive and hypnotic format of TV, newspapers, and radio (and the ads on them) are the core of their evil, because they change the way we relate to ourselves and each other. There's no shortage of subversion to be had on the airwaves, but the Boomers who listen to TV preachers or radio pastors are still extremely fucked up, even though the ideas are a lot better than Hollywood.
Jason Myers
They get them by having them support wars over in Iraq and such. They a kike worshipers. They let kikes hijack the nation for decades now why they have been lazy letting kikes rob the nation. Many of them are traitors and should in fact be executed. Trump isn't joking whether he will do anything or can or is a part of it or not. The thought crimes come from them and the mind rape comes from them. They start with the school books and all their anti-white rhetoric they teach grade school children. Can't call whites slave owners when kikes aren't white people and say they aren't but ran most the slave trading. Can't blame whites. They do to try and destroy us for what they and blacks did. They even got 100,000's of white people killed over it. That is just one instance where kikes have fucked up a nation.
Joshua Gonzalez
The problem with this is that he has no idea how this happened, and considers it an accident. He thinks that capitalism and marketing somehow accidentally created a fake matrix world that we are now stuck in. McLuhan said the same thing, but all these people do is try and diagnose the current condition. Where does this degeneracy come from? It really is no use saying "the TV" because you either have to explain why it's so destructive ("they live life like a movie, why?") or what kind of defect or subversion caused it. This idea that it was inevitable as a material dialectic from capitalist marketing is not sufficient. For example, consider how he probably believes that the psychoanalysts were onto something with regards to human nature. Then why doesn't it bother him that their diagnoses only apply to modern pathologies? Surely the man isn't a blank slate equalist? Etc. He strikes me as very confused about how we got to where we are.