How can you claim to be against degeneracy when Sup Forums shares a site with boards like /LGBT/ and /mlp/?
How can you claim to be against degeneracy when Sup Forums shares a site with boards like /LGBT/ and /mlp/?
>theres other boards besides Sup Forums
w8 whut?
Anyone who attempts to seem intelligent on this shithole of a website is just pulling your leg my man
Those are concentration camps
just because degeneracy is present doesnt mean we have to associate with it. the church is notorious for having preists fuck little boys, but that doesnt mean every christian is a sodomising paedophile.
the same goes for us, and anyone else.
gay relationships are more wholesome than het breeders
Enjoy your parasites, faggot
>not into rimming
>don't get parasites
Sup Forums is too.
Statistics on gays and marriage:
Science on gays as parents:
The benefits of gay marriage:
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
Does conversion therapy work:
HIV information:
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
Is being gay a mental illness?
Its a mental illness, why do you keep posting these shill treads?
Underrated tbqh
because it is not
t. Shitdick
discord gg/gaefMq
add a .
thanks senpai
are YOU brain dead.
that's like saying we share the same air as Muslims, so that makes us all muzzies, or Swedes.
How can you make a thread like this while proverbially living in the glass house that is New Zealand.
Sup Forums is degenerate too. Yellow fever, feet fetish, MGTOW, incels, anal, unironically thinking traps are not gay. Do I need to go on?