Joy and her harpies got raped live on their own show. KEK
Based Italian wap triggers the View. (the Jew)
Whites will be a minority in their home countries under socialism.
just look at this face, he knows he just shut them down
Hahaha the face of a Chad
what monitor do you have
isnt he half kike?
>israel has a wall mexico has a wall why cant he
confirmed pollack
He is half Kike but he's based as fuck, his wap side has more sway over him.
>israel has a wall
Why Italians are so CUTE?
Daily reminder that Italian wops aren’t white
Surely Jews would admit the benefits of a wall right ? lol
Daily reminder nobody gives a fuck.
I don't care who they are, if they approve of boarder control they are an ally.
Wop shit skin spotted. Don’t you have some shoes to shine boy?
Why are Jewish shills so obsessed with race?
Go beat up some blacks. That’s all you are good for. A subhuman that is cannon fodder in the race war.
Italians are awesome.
You know what kikes and wops have in common? Their huge ass schnoz. It’s because of inbreeding with the mud races. The Italians are Muditerranean if you wil.
Technically, but the muds will live under the surface in the retail mines
They are a sub race similar to mulattos. Not white.
Lol southern cuck, sad his states are dominated by blacks and spics now.
You sound like a catholic. You are going to hell you know that.
Hell doesn't exist you delusional faggot, quit wasting you life on superstitious fairy tales.
>Believe in (((science))) goy. It’s the only source of truth.
I make it a point to spit in the path of any catholic I see.
>Not White
Spoken like a true kike
Do you still have trouble with the mafia and your fellow muds not paying taxes in the provinces? Last time I checked the Italians were counterfeiting olive oil. Makes sense. A sub race can’t do honest work so they lie and cheat and steal.
Why the fuck are people answering this obvious larper
That fake Jews hair isn't even red in real life. BTFO!
Ugly fucking thing too!
I’ll stop baiting. it’s fun to shit post every few days. I recommend you try it for the lulz.
>Do you still have trouble with the mafia and your fellow muds not paying taxes in the provinces? Last time I checked the Italians were counterfeiting olive oil. Makes sense. A sub race can’t do honest work so they lie and cheat and steal.
Pic not related but worth sharing...
funny thing is the artist probably thinks this is anti trump/bad pr for trump.. oh well. even with the exaggeration lol
haha I think the artist might be a secret Trump supporter. #4D
reminder that you can suck my fuckin cock, faggot. most of you johnny rebs are part nigger, how you like them apples, motherfucker?
>I have no value or worth as an individual as I contribute nothing special to the world
>I am utterly replaceable in any role I could hope to be given in life
>none of my ideologies or ideas are original
>I've never contributed to anything historicaly significant in my life
>muh skin color makes me superior though
That's funny as fuck
based law abiding White European immigrants.
This pisses me off, lefties will laugh at it and then try desperately to get a house in the school catchment area
...Goys? Could it be the noble slav blood unkiked the kike? Who's jewing what?
>meme flag
>these posts
Don't pay the butthurt leaf any mind, famalam.
Jew Behar triggered AF right here.
>You’ve entered the concert and they’ve entered the concert. Therefore, you’re the same.
Ignoring that he purchased a ticket and waited in line and they climbed over the barricade.
The ticket purchaser also went through security on his way into the venue, while the fence jumper did not.
But none of that matters because FEELS.