Shounen Jump Issue 35

Shounen Jump Issue 35:
Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kouen-mae Hashutsujo, Kinnikuman, Dr. Slump, Haikyuu!! (Cover)
Haikyuu!! (Lead CP)
Bladk Clover
Boku no Hero Academia
Boku no Hero Academia Smash!! (Special Chapter)
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Dr. Stone
Utsurou Toki no Naka de (One Shot)
Hinomaru Zumou (CP)
Boku-tachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Shokugeki no Souma (CP)
Yakusoku no Neverland
Cross Account
Spring Weapon Number One
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san
Saiki Kusuo no Sainan
Harapeko no Marie
Isobe Isobee Monogatari

Shounen Jump Issue 36/37:
Cover, Lead CP: One Piece
CP: Black Clover, Yakusoku no Neverland, Dr. Stone
Bangaihen: Boku-tachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai, Dr. Stone
One Shot: Seishounen Yuugai Kankyou Kiseihou (by Asou Shuuichi (author of Saiki Kusuo no Sainan)), Tensei-ki -Hakusai- (by Fujimura Tora)

Is this real? Another BC, Neverland and Dr. Stone color page?

>no TOC in the title

Get fucking rekt midget fags.

It's from the same source as usual so I assume its real

Neverland is having its first anniversary IIRC?

I see. I guess BC will use it to announce Noelle's VA.

Dead next round. I will feed on the tears.

did viz drop cross account? shame, i actually liked it.

>sports series that doesn't pander to fujos
That was their first and most egregious mistake.

Marie in terminal stage

>dr slump and ultimate muscle
wtf does this mean?!

>Bokuben is in 5th
"This will get axed"-fags on suicide watch.

Pure ranking
01 Black Clover c.113
02 Kimetsu c.065
03 Dr.Stone c.014
04 Bokuben c.018
05 Gintama c.638
06 Neverland c.042
07 No.01 c.032
08 Yuna c.066
09 Shudan c.001
10 Saiki c.247
11 Robot c.012
12 Marie c.015

Hunter and Hero Academia were absent 8 weeks ago, therefore unranked this week.

>Kimetsu no Yaiba
When will the Aniki chapters ranked?

It's Jump's 50th anniversary. They're putting their most famous series on the covers.

Is One Piece on break this week?


>Spring Weapon is going to survive another round

This is fun. Literally an unkillable manga.

Good, I just found out I need /lit/ in my life.

I knew it would turn out like this, but it still hurts.
Fucking japan and their shit taste.

>02 Kimetsu c.065
>09 Shudan c.001
Fuck, please get higher.

>04 Bokuben
It's happening.

>Bokuben 04
YES, it lives

>04 Bokuben c.018
I wonder how the chapter with best girl Sensei will be ranked.

>08 Yuna c.066
Shouldn't this be 65?

So what will get a cover first? Bokuben or Dr. Stone?


Stone, it averages higher, and do romcoms get Covers that often?

It inherited the secrets of whatever dark rituals Samon used to stay alive for ten volumes.

>09 Shudan c.001
Well I was expecting that but it still sucks.


I thought Bokuben did that?

>02 Kimetsu c.065

Arrggg the fucking feels with that chapter,good and fair position.


the girls in Bokuben are nicknamed after boards, the 3 main ones are /sci/, /lit/ and Sup Forums, sensei is /asp/ or /adv/, either of them are used regularly

He is talking about best girl and how she /lit/ up our hearts.

That is supposed to be this week.

Yuna that low makes sense when none of the top 3 girls were there, nor the MC. It was a lot more contained than usual.

You got BC wrong. It should be 111, no?

Please, kill Marie. Can't you see it's suffering?

>11 Robot c.012

Sad, the KNB fanbase guarantees it will sell even in anime format yet it's not gaining any traction here.
It needs to be transferred to another magazine.

Incase anyone is wondering it was the Fan service chapter that Black Clover got ranked for

>09 Shudan c.001

speaking of soccer migdets, is anyone scanalating this? I've only read up to the viz chapters.

welp rest in piece.

Yes, some dude on Batoto

>that jump

It better take first next week, Aniki deserves it

That also happened to be the only time I saw a dedicated thread for a chapter of BC that didn't quickly die

shudan please

I really hope Japan shows good taste for once and give sensei the love she deserves.

It's 111

Sup Forums can't even decide if she's /asp/ or /adv/.

She's not worthy of winning. Sup Forums or /chem/ all the way.

>some dude on Batoto
nice, was worried since I didnt see shit on bakaupdates

Sup Forums doesn't deserve shit.

if shudan doesn't find a scan team soon the hype will die down

>09 Shudan c.001
Pff,another spokon from thousands

The consensus was /adv/, some people were pushing /asp/, but she's no longer a figure skater.

Also, /chem should definitely be /u/.

Was it the Nonko chapter?

of course she will not win, cakes rarely win, unfortunately, but Sup Forums will not win either, the only true contenders are /lit/ and /sci/, you like it or not, but i will be happy with getting chapters every once in a while

Sup Forums is the best girl.

But /chem/ isn't a lesbian.

Average ranking of last 8 weeks excluding ended series

01.66 One Piece
02.16 Hero Academia
03.62 Kimetsu
03.64 Neverland
03.75 Black Clover
04.83 Soma
04.96 Haikyu
05.08 Dr.Stone
05.89 Gintama
06.91 Hinomaru
07.32 Yuna
07.96 Saiki
08.56 Bokuben
09.00 Shudan
09.43 Robot
09.59 No.01
12.00 Marie

Yeah, 66.

Not when /chem/, /lit/ and /sensei/ exist.

are we reading the same manga? she wants the Rizubowl for herself, at the very least she is bi

it doesn't matter what we think of it
only the japanese voters matter to them and sales too

>Doing a soccer manga in a Shueisha magazine

>cakes rarely win
Don't you mean cakes never win? The author always has female adults go
>Oh no they're wasting their lives for me, let's break up
whereas they always have male teachers eagerly fuck female students.

why is shudan so screwed when its actually good. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt though cause chap 1 wasnt really good.

>Dancing Midgets Luck and Samon Rituals.
Literally unkillable.

Bokuben and Robot are officially in the safe zone, there are at least 3 cushions, Spring Weapon, Shudan, and Marie

Now that you said it, isn't this supposed to be chapter two being ranked?

Are there records of success in soccer manga in WSJ?

and HxH when Togashi decides to fuck off and play DQ

Soccer manga,specially soccerman in WSJ, will be always compared to FUCKING CAPTAIN TSUBASA which pretty much made soccer a thing in nipland I believe

Of course without mentioning captain tsubasa.

I think not

>Neverland out of the the top5
Why? 42 was a good chapter. Are nips finally getting tired of cliffhangers every chapter?

no king rules forever, my son

None besides Tsubasa and its various sequels. The last one Tokyo Wonder Boys lasted an impressive 10 chapters

Chapter 42 is shit man. Wait for musika introduction.

>people already forgot based Banba with his 12 chapters
it still hurts


no this is the first week ranking,

Now I feel bad that I did forget

Cross Account gets its first rank next week.

Any bets on how it'll fare?

I have fate in YOKO.

The pessimist in me says 7/8, with Shuudan ranking just below it.

Poorly, almost all reception I've seen of it has been bad and it has to compete almost directly with Bokuben. I'm thinking directly above Marie

Below Marie. U19 and Poro looks like a masterpiece compared to that turd.

Easy there.

Whistle lasted 24 Volumes.

It's better than Demon's Plan, I'll give you that.

it can't be THAT bad

>04 Bokuben c.018

God I wanna finish the shitty ass series just to get closure. I really wanted that one to do well.

Wonder where that user that said Zumou would end this week in it's colour page. Kept on parroting the meme that will end this round despite literally everything implying otherwise.

>09 Shudan c.001
I told you getting CP early doesn't mean anything after what happened to Marie, but you didn't listen.

>09 Shudan c.001