Kim yo jong

opinions about her Sup Forums ?

I would have sex with her

who cares faggot, fuck off

Looks like the Lady Mormont from Game of Thrones.

Best Korea
>doesn't need plastic surgery
>doesn't need to remove jaw bone
>deosn't need to put tons of make up
>doesn't need to follow american degenerate trends
>looks like an absolute natural and smart qt
why do we support Worst Korea again????

Looks like Martin Shkreli went trans.

They clearly tried to pull the same trick as the russians with russian secession mommy
They just never have their own ideas

Fuck off Very Fake News CNN. Nobody cares about your propaganda here.

tfw no mistress that rules the country with an iron fist in the day and doms you in her dungeon in the night

I want to nibble and suck on her mousy ears.

she needs to get BLACKED

commie cunt that deserves to fucking die.

Ridiculously cute.

>not you dom her after sending entire familes to the golag with a smile on her face.



Damn she fine. I can imagine her in full tight black leather cat women style outfit whipping me into submission, forcing me drink her urine while stomping on my balls with her high heels.

can you imagine how great it would be to receive a fart from her into your face

kim is buddy with that famous basketball guy. maybe he should call him.

You can't trust a woman that has the same first name as her brother

Black widow murderess dom waifu.

Basically, fear boner material.

Fuck CNN, fuck totalitarian hell holes like North Korea. Fuck the Kim family.

Jews need to stay away from my new waifu

Insecure and in portrail

Multiple generations of inbreeding probably.

So shes the perfect Sup Forums waifu clearly


>he thinks that best korea is communist
its literally a cultist nation, but they still didnt forget their roots unlike worst koreans

wonder if dennis rodman tapped that

Looks like Martin Shkreli


Pure as a spring water. Am i even worthy to gaze at her?

t. ards

I wouldn't mind if she murdered her fatass brother and took over NK.

Would the feminists be happy that glass ceiling was broken?

She's kinda cute, but so are kittens. That doesn't mean a kitten wouldn't try to kill me if it could.

NK isn't true communism

Real strong woman.

She'll be dead within the year

I didn't know Shkreli was released from prison.


Same , also

>b-b-but its not real c-c-ommu

found the commie.

Kim looks like your stereotypical asian mafia boss, that will stab you in the back and discard moment you stop being useful for her + character of mantis, that will devour you after breeding with her.

Why I find this hot?

Someone needs to send her this


All I know is that the View told me that if I don't stand for the North Korean national anthem then I'm an asshole who should be thrown in a North Korean death camp.

She is likely to be genetically modified to fart bullets or poison gas by default

I'd dry smash her shitbox.

>stupid stalinist
>greasy hair
>big face
she looks like the average north korean girl

Martin Shkreli, what's going on big guy?

You can see in her face she’s watched countless torture sessions

The minister of propaganda seems to have allot of propaganda being thrown in her favor.
What a coincidence.

Get fucked nk shills. Everyone sees through these retarded posts

And there it is!The,"_____isn't real Communism",line.

It annoys me that the media have all colluded to build a bridge with North Korea. I understand the purpose but I hate being kept in the dark. It's patronising and I hate it that there is another layer of media communications and directives that regular people have no idea about. It infuriates me that the media work with the deep state so slavishly

They would make a great couple.


looks like a tranny

Because you're polish

Because they don't put their people into camps for watching the lastest Transformers movie.

i would butcher and strangle her for being an evil piece of tyrannical shit then shoot her in the vagina like fuckin duterte


Internal email groups were found about 5 years ago where journalists discussed the agenda of the day.
It was also found during the bengazi investigation that some of the same journalists were getting marching orders from the Obama admin.
The news narratives are planned in order to steer the masses too believe what these people want us to believe.
It's all bullshit


Holy sh...

He's not wrong though. The fact is true communism doesn't work, that's why nobody uses it. Commies will never admit this though.

Martin Shkreli

All you need to do it's mix in some good ol fashion dictatorship.
Torture the people till they succeed.

>commie attacks commie

Accessory of Communism

Deserves the gallows

would literally be the best power couple in world history.



>never sure that she won’t jab an ice pick in your chest as she rides you to climax

I wonder if there's a way to start a rumour that this happened...

that's what i was thinking, she looks smug as fuck

North Korea is a Communist Dictatorship or in prettier words Democratic Oligarchy,but the Oligarchy is really a modern day "royal family,"This "royal" family is the only living royal family of North Korea.What would happen if Rocket Man's little rocket couldn't produce any sons?Wasn't his first kid a female,and that's why we don't see his wife or child with him?The world would know it'd be a male because the birth would've been announced,and boasted to the world.Either he forced her to miscarry because it was a female,not a male heir,she died during the abortion procedure or he had her killed off[Just like his brother]believing she was the problem that some how her eggs determine the sex of the child,not his defective soyboy sperm?

North Korea literally isn't communism though. It's influenced by it but is also it's own thing. It is very nationalistic, in some ways you could say it is real national socialism.

She looks like Shkreli in drag.

Really digging the no make up thing though.

Totally let her drill my ass with the strap on

t. every commie ever

She looks like Voldemort or an Ayyy.

Ah,so what Hitler dreamed of having,Nation Socialism,is what North Korea is today?I'm pretty sure Nazi Germany had a great economy,and was able keep it's citizens full,and have jobs.I've seen a lot of shit from the German Nation-Socialism era,and country,even from both aspects,was beautiful and looked highly successful.That was until my shitty country's leader decided to fuck Germany,and Europe into next century,Nazi Germany,and North Korea,a place where its GPD is around $12billion a year,can't feed it's own people,tosses people into prison camps for several generations just for breaking absolutely asinine laws etc...It's almost as if I'm describing Germany today,but instead of work camps,you have Muslim no-go-zone ghettos.
Yeah,North Korea TOTALLY sounds like Nazi Germany.I'm not even a Hitler dick sucker,and I have enough common sense to know that's retarded.

severely underrated


probably extremely dominant
but also a skellington in disguise

Honestly of you paid money to see that garbage a camp is probably where you need to be.

>implying she wouldn't tie you up and rape you
This is not the face of a woman who makes tender love to men.

>Looks like Martin Shkreli went trans.
I'd still smash

Literally this.

>fuck her
>get her preggo
>hire an assassin to remove kim jong lard
>get rid of kims rest of the family too
>she gives birth to a son
>son becomes new dictator
>he is half white
>mfw i have become the jew

>half white

>no make up
Oh my sweet summer child.

This. We had so many mary sues in movies lately that everyone fell in awe when they finally saw a real woman in power.


>calling other people not white
its almost as if you want to copy the americans

IRL Anime psycho bitch

bet her and her brother have crazy incestuous sex in his office

>implying Rodman didn't already dick her while he was there a few years ago

would have sex with and then never call her again


>BREAKING NEWS: North Korea launches nukes at Australia

Why does she look so evil and authoritarian? I've never seen another woman with this aura.

She forces her child slaves to watch executions.