Why are lolis?
Why are lolis?
for protecting?
Ugly and boring?
Threadly reminder.
Delete this thread.
me on the left
lolis should be put in loli jail until they grow up
How are you dealing with the drought of LO translations, lads?
you like headpats you filthy slut
Have you seen the nekololi triplets in Centaur no Nayami?
They really activate my paternal instincts
Anybody who claims to not love headpats has obviously never had their head patted.
>trusting google translate of all things
I'm commissioning private translations and typesetting them myself for myself.
Pretty fine, since I know runes.
I could translate, but I'm too lazy to.
Learning moonrunes
I don't know moonrunes so not well.
>"bulge" on shirt
I remember a show, I think it was Seitokai Yakuindomo where they made the distinction between lolicon and pedo. Apparently pedo when used by the japanese refers to a person who likes girls even younger than the typical lolicon. Is there any truth to this?
In my country the Muslims can practise sharia law allowing for marriages below ten if both parties of the couple are agreeable. Different cultures mayhap. If you want to discuss that go Sup Forums.
onii-chan, I cant sleep
why is there a panda??
Yes, pedo is 8 and under, the people want 9-12 year olds.
t. comic LO
>living in england
Show me the page that says that. I need it for citation purposes.
We get some Tod every now and then, but the standard is on the upper end of the loli spectrum.
>This guy sees the panda
Everybody point and laugh.
what year is this
No where does that article mention the difference between lolicon and pedo.
> the people want 9-12 year olds.
>t. comic LO
cause of pedos
Well for starters pedos are attracted to prepubescent children and lolicons are attracted to cartoon girls
Welcome newfriend
No. In Japan "lolicon" is the word people use to describe people into little girls, be they 2D or 3D. I don't care about the english definition.
This should be required watching for Sup Forumsnons:
Important stuff starts 2 minutes in.
Really nigga?
Lolicons like elementary and early middle school girls.
Pedos like kindergarteners and below.
Oh, I remember this. Guy makes homunculi lol is to fuck and promptly daughterus them. Got the title? I haven't been able to find it again.
in b4 "that guy" that hates himself appears
It's the same as making the distinction between the medical definition of pedophile and the popular definition.
Then the fiends RAPE him
I'm not proud.
I mean, taking pride in things like your sexual orientation, nationality or gender is absolutely retarded.
You are a smart user.
Is there a word for men who want to make adult women dress up like middle school girls and shave their snatch?
I'm asking for a friend...
so in love with headpats?
But user the definition of words can change depending on how words are commonly used and that is what matters, sometimes even in different regions. In japan Bit means slut while in the english speaking world it means a female dog or a girl with an abrasive attitute. A second example is the word hentai, while in Japanese it means weirdo/pervert, when used in english it's used to mean japanese cartoon porn. Another case is the word style, when used in japanese in a phrase such as "ii style" it means something more llike you have a nice body, rather than reffering to their fashion sense or something to that effect like how it is used in english. same thing with lolicon, in Japan it may mean pedo/attraction to children, but in english the commonly accepted meaning is the attraction to 2D drawings. The worst offender of something like this is the word literally. People used that word in such a way that it didn't mean literally to such a degree that even in some english dictionaries the word's meaning got changed to not just mean literally anymore.
not here, Mr.FBI
No, I just accept what I am. Like, be urself and all that u no?
Would you take a loli as your husband?
Head pats are ok. I wouldn't really like someone petting my head though
Those are very low standards.
Only dominate futa loli.
It feels amazing.
This doujinshi is fucking amazing.
Hell yes. Preferably so, over a wife honestly.
because your heart isn't pure.
Reminder that Satuyo is the best current up-and-coming loli artist.
Because God clearly wants us to be happy.
Or does He?
Good taste my friend.
I would love to welcome my loli home from work with a drink and a backrub.
i am actually pretty sure that smile was destroyed and we couldn't save it
reminder never to touch a loli, only stalk them from a distance
Cursing jewcob everyday for stealing away 5am.
Don't forget the other sellout.
All the fallen picked up Ponsuke, though.
>not abusing your lolis
are you actually a homosexual?
I much prefer this time travelling loli expert.
that panda protects your entry into heaven
do not forsake him
9 years old = starting puberty, characters can have chest/hips/lips/ect. This age group appeals to people who reminisce over their first crushes, appeals to people who want to indulge in escapism. It's the age when boys and girls start paying attention to the differences in the sexes and it's possible to create more believable scenarios story wise. It's still creepy and gross to regular people but the flimsy justification for enjoying it is actually there. Historically, 9-12 years was the age in which people use to get married at so it's not like it's entirely arbitrary. Our ancestors use to regularly bang 12 year olds for the same reasons 'lolicons' find drawings of them attractive.
8 years old and under = you are an actual pedophile and its offensive to be around you. It's hard to create 'realistic' fantasy scenarios involving this age group and most of the stories end up implying or outright stating abuse/rape/trickery. These characters tend to completely lack any kind of sexual characteristic which is why regular people do not want to even try to listen to your bullshit when you try to justify it.
toddlercon = absolutely degenerate, there is something wrong with your brain because there is nothing intrinsically arousing about infants. By the very nature of the helplessness of small children, nearly all scenarios involve some kind of abuse, which is why most people find it offensive.
Stating the obvious, user
I completely agree with your argument, but the 8/9 distinction is completely arbitrary. The actual number varies from girl to girl—some 10-year-olds still have no sexual characteristics whatsoever, and some 8-year-olds do (threadly reminder that 8-year-olds and even younger have occasionally given birth).
Because mammals can't fully develop inside the womb. Because giving birth to an adult sized individual is not feasible mammals need to grow outside of it, thus making way for these intermediate stages of growth. Thus, loli and shota.
I hope your moral superiority comforts you when we're both being killed in the same gas chamber.
>she steals her dads collection to have an excuse to fug her teach
that was a good read
not trying to be morally superior, just spelling it out as to why people think the way they do about the things that are.
society is hypocritical in nature, and everyone thinks they are better than the people they think they are above in the social hierarchy.
This doujin has awoken the toddlercon inside me.
who is the best loli artist and why is it higashiyama show?
Why spoiler it when it's the unconditional truth?
lolis are getting more and more clever these days.
>Some anons are attracted to little girls
>Is a Pedophile
>But pedophile is so vulgar
>I know, let's make another term
>Begins to call oneself a Lolicon
You fucking pedos deserves a good slit in the throat.
It's a pity he stopped making porn.
I don't have a problem saying I'm a pedophile but if I do the post usually gets deleted.
His manga keeps getting lewder each chapter. Just give him time.