Would you love an actual inhuman monster?
Would you love an actual inhuman monster?
You dumbshit. Of course 2d girls look bangable but if you are to ask me to transfer how she looks on a 3d girl, then fuck no. You can't bang 2d you idiots, only 3d. Fuck. I hate explaining this crap.
Dunno why I love this guy's art so much, creepylewd is hot.
what he said.
irl I'd probably be dry heaving on the floor the moment I saw her
It was never about sex, its about love.
everybody in the nightmare /aco/ threads would say yes
Reminder that this monstrosity would most likely get too attached to you and kill any other woman who gets even remotely close to you
Ageha is a cute girl that deserves all the head pats and hugs in the world!
why is she hugging that table?
If I knew they wouldn't kill/hurt me on purpose yeah sure.
>Would you love an actual inhuman monster?
It's best not to.
Once I get past the initial revolt, terror, and fear, and had good enough reason to not be afraid for my own well being, probably yeah
Don't make me reinstall TF, I can't get back into the headpatting.
I'm still not sure what I watched.
Such a good film
So what's the story here? What sort of abomination is she?
It's going to get an official English release isn't it? Shame it's going to be done by SekaiProject but I wouldn't mind a kickstarter if it means I can get some Sylvie merch.
Would an inhuman monster love me?
>it's going to be done by SekaiProject
The author's expression of the fear he felt as a single father of a baby born with disfigurements. Also the idea that death is both ugly and beautiful at the same time.
Probably anyway.
Not anime.
Would she be a good wife and mother to your children?
Where in that body is she going to carry a child?
in yours of course.
>nonexistant stomach
That's where I draw the line, sorry fellas.
The right multi-eye.
Hey guys what's going on in th-
How about now?
Lay egg inside of your body. Which her babies will hatch and eat you from inside out afterward. Parasitoid wasp style.
The arm reminds me of holes.
Yes, I love you Sup Forums
Depends on how cute it is. For OP's pic, I could definitely love her, but I'd prefer if she kept her face partially wrapped like pic shows.
Maybe if she was symmetrical but as it stands it'd probably hurt my autism too much to look at her.
hahaha /aco/