Theoretically is there anything wrong with dating and eventually having children with an Asian girl? Asking for a buddy

Theoretically is there anything wrong with dating and eventually having children with an Asian girl? Asking for a buddy.



Leafs aren't white anyways, so go for it.

>meme flag
>probably some Amerimutt or Britistanian
If I took off my shirt on a sunny day at the beach it would blind people.

Why don't you want white children?
Dating Asians will open Asia to your country, but it doesn't work the other way around.

If you marry an Asian girl, make sure all of your kids are females, as hapa males are worthless.

It's wrong

I have nothing against 2 people falling in love and having a child out of it as long as they raise it properly, no matter the race of each parent
What i'm against are governments, corporations and movements manipulating love to follow their agenda

Non-white people can be pale. That doesn't make you white.

The modern Canadian is an admixture of Native American (Asian) and French (Sub-Saharan African and Middle-Eastern) genetic stock. Therefore, Wesley Snipes is actually MORE white than you.

Yes, your children are no longer white and your bloodline dies with you.

lel who gives a shit about that when white people no longer exist

Why the fuck don't asians shave? It worsens any yellow fever I have left for them.

Post under your flag you turd

It's for weak beta males.

Your children will be more asian and that may end up being a disadvantage for them if the place you're going to raise them doesn't like selecting for asian characteristics.

Even gooks can be soyboys lol.

>Theoretically is there anything wrong with dating and eventually having children with an Asian girl?
no because we'll need an alliance with at least one other race if we want to survive as white people. i personally dont care if any race dies out, but if you do you need to be realistic and team up with the best

She looks Mexican, and he looks autistic. Honestly I feel happy for them.

maybe pumping and dumping
good, but also ur a faget

>waaah, bodyhair is icky
you a pedomutt?

You must be into chicks with armpit hair and completely natural, unshaven legs then as well, huh user?


Sure, i'm not a pedo in denial after all

Brainlet here, thinking of possible timeline:
After hwites become minority in NA and west EU, (cf number of live births it has already crossed the line) based Slavs*, East Asians and Hapas may be humanity's last chance to continue technological civilization and further space exploration. East asians have higher average IQ than hwite Europeans so Hapas should on average be above 100, right?
Of course high IQ is not enough, he must raise the little hapa to resist Marxist indoctrination from MSM and educational system. It will be hard, yes?

*inb4 "slavs are low tier untermensch"
russian slavs have space program
slavs are resisting kebab takeover

oh fuck off you'd be balls deep in her day and night u fkn virgin enough with the muh white race bullshit

>another thread for seething virgins who bitch about other men actually having girlfriends

You might ask, 'Why do Western women shave?'

They shave because we have a shit-ton of porn in the west, and to get a good shot of a woman's vagina, "actresses" are expected to shave for their pornos. Over many decades of porn being watched, men started preferring this look, and women started shaving and also preferring to be shaved.

In Asia, they are not influenced by western porn so they leave their privates unshaven.

She'll make you happy but she will enslave you

Meh, it's an alright choice, just don't have kids and grow old together


Yeah they wont be white

My wife is Asian and she's terrific. That said, I don't think being Asian is what makes her terrific.


Fucking? If it helps you.
Racemixing? No they have similar problems like mixed niggers only that they will not show lower IQ. Better than with niggers but still bad. Now kys.

Or it could be to mimic neoteny... Or because they're sluts and that's one way to control crabs