ITT: Post your favorite anime fast food sandwiches.
ITT: Post your favorite anime fast food sandwiches
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>thinly veiled rec thread
Fuck you aba
This would still be true even if he wasn't holding the sandwich.
I love /ck/ memes. That board has some sort of magical healing property that I can't quite explain
Is this the official burg thread?
>1 hour
that little 3 bite thing is like 500 calories, fuck
So that means you only need 5 for your gains.
Are you retarded? A mcchicken is like 380 calories
It's McDonalds, you thought it'd be 200 calories or some shit? I usually order 3 McChickens, a large fry, and a 20 piece nugget. It's addicting, like I honestly don't hate the food at McDonalds.
>you will never know so much joy in life as this man and his burg
still mind bogglingly bad, should be illegal
Meh. I have more calories than that stuck in my beard.
That nigga must have been hungry as fuck
How can yall eat that shit when in every mchicken there is always an inedible fucking nugget of god knows what. Grosses the shit out of me but otherwise delicious. Jack is better though
>should be illegal
Please kill yourself.
It's cheap, and I personally love McChickens. I'd rather eat that than a hamburger from McDonalds.
I normally get those in the big macs
Double cheeseburgers are the superior drunken choice
My brother of African American descent
My nigga, jr jacks with secret sauce. All you need my man
>posting the inferior anime fast food chicken sandwich.
Listen anons: The best fast food sandwich in all of anime is the Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich.
>Chicken and pickles together
Looks gross
i think this was that one guy who was in the army and was stationed in pakistan with shitty food. so he went straight to 5guys or something the moment he came back
outta my way, wcdonalds fucking shits
Tastes great
Pickles are great on almost any savoury sandwich.
government has to save the people from themselves, 90% of men are overweight in America
this cannot continue
an america without burgs is not america
I miss Chick-fil-a so much. They don't have them in the northwest because of all the sjws.
It's not just America either. America is just at the head of the curve.
The American adiposity is a relatively recent thing. Why would you make it the defining trait of the US?
freedom to stuff myself with shit food is a basic cornerstone of american values
shitposting is saving Sup Forums
However its better to seperate the bread and chicken and just eat Raising Canes, the superior fast food chicken dish.
I'm not one to argue. I am barely capable of feeding myself at all. The fact that ready-made food is available for cheap is the only reason I'm still alive.
But it seems a bit odd when the values you hold so dear are the same values that will inevitably drive your country to ruin.
I don't blame him, especially if you had to live somewhere eating crappy food and just wanted a greasy hamburger with fries.
I loved Carl Jr, sadly the one in my town didn't make it. Not sure why, I loved the food but I guess it wasn't making enough to stay in business.
Great taste, fucking love Raising Canes.
What are you arguing for user, to ban burgs? Careful that your solutions aren't worse than the problem.
As I said, I am not arguing in any direction. If I had solutions, I'd articulate them. I see the problem as deeper than just the legality of burgers.
Education, wealth disparity and many other factors seem to play a role in the issue. I can't even pretend to know what would help.
All I am saying is that there is a problem.
You would think so, but it actually compliments the chicken very well.
SJWs are the worst.
I like Culver's.
Wisconsin master race
What the fuck is Culver's?
God bless the hambaga
Pretty good burgers. I find freddys burgers really good.
>He doesn't live in the midwest
Feel bad desu
>Finally have Raising Caines in Denver and dont have to drive 2 hours north to get it
Burgs are overrated compared to chicken and honestly Wendys is probably the best of the big chains. Mcdonalds is boring and BK is sloppy. I love the burgers and fries at Steak and Shake and Sonic and Freddys since they have the crispy edges.
White Castle is worse than BK and that's pretty bad.
McChickens are dry af even with all the mayo.
Just don't eat it, dummy.
That gif screams NTR.
It always had lettuce fatass.
Their cheese curds are the best.
>He doesn't like McChickens
Shit taste senpai
>Having In-N-Out, Chick-Fil-A and Popeyes close to another and all within a 10 minute drive
the best
>standing on the street and completely unsure which direction to walk because you can't make up your mind what you want to eat
The worst.
For everything else there's Mastercard.
You're a small gal
/ck/ is nuts
The fact that someone actually eats ramen like that, and they enjoy the way it taste. Some people have really strange palates, like I enjoy putting ranch on pizza and some people think that's disgusting.
But making a ramen sundae sounds fucking disgusting in general.
>People who unironically like lettuce and tomatoes in their burgers
Explain yourselves, fags
Tomato in burgers is overrated, beetroot is much better.
The only vegetable that goes on a burger is onion and pickle.
I don't know user, /ck/ sounds pretty sweet.
yellow peppers are also good if you want that added kick
I had always avoided pickles but recently I've come to appreciate their flavor in sandwiches.
Tomatoes on the other hand will always be shit unless they're being used for a paste or sauce.
What's the matter, scared of veggies?
Their chicken sandwiches are shit, burgers look unappetizing and don't even fill you up (I got a bacon cheeseburger once and only a single piece of bacon ripped in half was put on there, slapped onto a burgee with the cheese hanging off of it), and their shakes are nowhere near as Carl's or McDonald's
Da bes spicy chicken sandwiches.
Anything that adds no flavor or too much of a single flavor has no place in a burger you fucking mouthbreather
Anyone know if the Buffalo chicken sandwiches from Arbies are any good?
>How can yall eat that shit when in every mchicken there is always an inedible fucking nugget of god knows what.
I have never had this happen to me. What are you taking about?
>or too much of a single flavor
So use less. It's not that difficult.
I have no mouth and I must vomit.
I want to make a touhou MMD version of this
Not him but I can't stand it because of the textures. They don't mix well in my mouth.
any burg eaten by a 2D loli
>government has to save the people from themselves
no way fag
My great aunt is feeding me all kinds of shitty ass "healthy" middle eastern food and other hippie crap. I don't want to be healthy, I want good tasting food. There's no point in living past 100 if you don't get to enjoy it. Someone kill me already.