Would you a sensei butt?
Aho Girl
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The way he delivers this line is so good
I'm calling the SWAT team.
sensei a shit.
worthless old hag missed her opportunity and is now too old to feel love.
>legit Aho Girl threads are dead
>the other thread is 100% shitposting
Not when she's out cold like that.
first one she did as 1+1+3
second one she divided
She couldn't possibly be this clever.
A-kun's ahou imouto must've tutored her
what a cute little idiot
He is gonna have to marrie all 3 of them.
Non of them can function in todays society by themself.
>28 years old and has never felt in love
What the fuck, how?
Poor sensei.
Love is a meme.
I couldn't live without memes.
tits president seems pretty well-adjusted to me
I don't know how he can reject all these cuties. Even if most of them are insane.
Aho has no future and is gunning just for a meal ticket husband. Nobody wants to be in the lurch financially responsible for an overspending idiot who brings literally no value to your household and doesn't love you. You'll get enough of that being a father.
Sayaka is a catch but scared of her own shadow so it's not like anything is going to happen quickly there.
And the blue one is just a perv. You don't marry the woman that breaks into your room to huff your used boxers. You just don't. The moment you give her a son, she'll fuck that, too.
I would still take boob president, even if it might turn out to be a mistake.
Sayaka is definitely marriage material though.
Is she more stupid than the Aho?
Please marry my daughter
I'd rather marry the mother
The dark secret is that he himself is an aho.
Aho doesn't even try, so probably
How much of your husband's retirement are you willing to pay me?
>implying they won't just move in with you as soon as you're officially in-laws
I'm 25 and in the same situation, not all that surprising. Maybe for a woman it is.
No no. It's one thing for someone to have never been in a mutually loving relationship, but to have never felt love at all, to have never harboured even a silly teenage infatuation at any point whatsoever, that's just unbelievable.
That's exactly what I am talking about though. Dunno, maybe I'm just a jaded fuck but I think you are confusing crushes and shit with love.
The whole point of her wanting a happy retirement is she wants to get away from Yoshiko though.
holy shit
There's no confusion, it's the same shit m8. When you tumble into mental gymnastics about "REAL LOVE" you're just being asinine.
>but to have never felt love at all, to have never harboured even a silly teenage infatuation at any point whatsoever, that's just unbelievable.
getting put down rather harshly on your first attempts kind of kills your capability for that
Nah it's not. You were just infatuated. It's not the same as love if the other person doesn't acknowledge your existence.
Well I've felt neither, my point stands. Can't imagine being the only one either.
So you regressed from "crushes aren't love" to "b-but I've never felt either one anyways!"
Bud, I think you just like playing victim. Get over yourself.
Yes. Aho at least is strong, she has nothing at all. Poor girl.
She has her good looks.
She's cute, she just needs to get a bit older.
Also contrary to Aho she actually feels bad about being a fucking idiot so she would be way less taxing on your nerves.
>sensei begging you to teach her about love
She has common sense and at least some self self control.
Aho also has her love for bananas. What does imouto have?
>she has nothing at all
She's just a normal person but also very stupid.
Aho on the other hand is a giga retard who drives everyone around her insane.
Do you?
Can't tell if I should be impressed because you know how she's thinking or be worried because you know how she's thinking.
She does not, she accepted Yoshiko's math reasoning over a calculator.
I fell in love few times.
Several years, In elementary school I had a crush, and I confessed to her.
She laughed at me and was the class laughing stock for few months.
Saw her a few months back, she was pregnant.
white older or japanese older
Does it makes a difference?
fucking dropped
You're either dense or stupid. What he meant is that white older women are 30+ while 24 is already too old by Asian standards.
Fucking normalfags infesting every board.
Seems like a good thread to ask.
I am aho.
Is it actually worth downloading stuff in 1080
I cant really see a difference between 720 and its way faster to download
>that banana vomit
literally this
I found this strange. Why would she vomit from her favorite food, literally the only thing she knows?
Lots of bananas makes you fat cause theyre sugary
and yet aho is skinny
what magic is this
Have you ever tried to put more than a liter of water in a 1 liter bottle?
A water bottle can't expand, but a stomach can.
She plays 24/7 thus burning all of that sugary energy, when that runs out, then you start burning fat.
It takes lots of calories to maintain such a high level of aho.
that aho is displaying her value by supplying a harem after her ability to swallow a whole banana and taking her top off didn't work. soon he's gonna wake up to rape.
That's been attempted multiple times in the manga. It's why he booby traps his room and doesn't trust anything he's given by that family unless it's from the dad.
If she could be forced into too low an energy state to run 100 kilometers while giggling, would her logic improve?
What's your screen resolution?
1280 x 900
Welcome time traveler from 1997. You will be amazed by the technical progress we have made in the last 20 years. And how shit anime got. Unfortunately, Eva is still popular.
You're using WXGA then, which is mean to play 720p.
Do you think she suffered a concussion from oppaincho's attack?
I'm afraid she's even dumber now
Your resolution is shit and outdated. Your laptop is shit. Throw it away and steal a better one from a garbage dump. Even cheap phones have better resolutions.
If her aho goes into negative could she end up a genius?
s-sumimasen senpai. I've been away from home for work for 5 years and my laptop was already old when I left, so it makes sense
Finally an explanation why she's so stupid.
Aho Girl herself is stupid because her mom dropped her too often as a baby.
thanks senpai that saves me some space on my hard drive in any case
metabolism is a magical thing, I'm nearly 30, I eat junk food every day, large portions, and all the exercise I get is from work and its standard retail.
Meanwhile the piglets I work with cry over fucking chocolate bars while I'm eating a whole tub of icecream in the tea room just to piss them off
Who'll off themselves first? Akkun or Sayaka?
Akkun won't off himself, he'll just die from a heart attack because he's getting angry and stressing all the time
Damn. I have a friend who is like you, she gets paid sometimes to do special medical trials, because her metabolism is actually overactive. She can eat more than anyone else I've ever met, and yet she weighs about 45kg soaking wet and that's at 5'9.
Don't listen to him.
All new laptops have backdoors.
C2D is perfectly fine to watch aho-toons.
How tall are you?
I'm just half asian, mind you I need to stop, my blood pressure was getting a bit high, it went down but damn cost of food at work is too high to buy $7 salads and I don't have (spare) time to make my own shit
6.2ft, I'm lean
You have marfan syndrome
Wouldn't surprise me, then again hard to say, my dad is also a skinny fuck but of average height (family is above average apart from a cousin who's 6,8ft), mother's side (apart from herself as she's asian short) is all abnormally tall, but fat.
Brother averages out, eh I'd probably have heart problems anyway as my family has a history of high blood pressure so meh, if I die I die
Think of it you're on faster train to meet your waifu.
If he was in 1997 he'd have the higher resolution of 1280x1024.
Are you guys for real? I got my first PC somewhere in 1998 and it was 640x480 and it was great. 800x600 was insanely expensive and big.
I got the feeling my waifu would outlive me by that logic
>tfw no sensei gf
Her IQ is a signed integer?
Why do I love this opening? It sounds like it should be annoying yet I can't stop listening to it.
what happens if you insert a banana into the aho?