Mfw I found out Sup Forums hates Fist of the North star but praises Jojo and Berserk

>mfw I found out Sup Forums hates Fist of the North star but praises Jojo and Berserk.

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You shouldn't trust any information you learn while dreaming. Often, the ghosts that tell you these stories are flat-out lying to you.
You would already know this if you were a more experienced medium.

Why do you think that?

But I like it. I think Kenshiro is the ultimate MC.

Sup Forums told me.

Besides Sup Forums was the one who started calling Kenshiro a moralfag when he's anything but.

I hate all shounenshit and manime

>Sup Forums told me.
That's even more retarded than I thought the answer would be.

>Sup Forums doesn't have Fist of the North star generals but has constant Jojo and Berserk circlejerks

I absolutely love the soundtrack on the dub

i mean obviously the dub ruins the show, but a ruined show with amen blasting is 10/10 in my book.

If you enjoy FONS this is a good thing.

>Sup Forums was the one who started calling Kenshiro a moralfag
>the entirety of Sup Forums is one tripfag

One less general is a good thing no matter what.

>Sup Forums told me.

Now there's your problem.

For you.

Kenshitro is a shitty moralfag

Jojo is shit bro.

Meanwhile there's Dragon Ball Super threads all the time with worships to horrible characters, like Caulifa

Z retards really ruined shounen jump while forgetting it was originally Hokuto no Ken was the one who invented the whole power levels bullshit and did it in such a brilliant way it didn't feel contrived.

>Sup Forums told me.

Kenshiro IS a moralfag. As in he has morals and he uphoalds them. He upholds them by burtally killing people who go against them.
Example: he believes raping is evil. So if he catches you trying to rape he will explode you.

"Black & white morality" was pretty much the default for fiction for thousands of years before modernism shat on the table and convinced critics/academia that inner turmoil automatically equals "depth." Morally gray protagonists are for children who want to feel like edgy grownups. Morally black & white protagonists are for grown ass adults who realize fiction should echo the eternal truths of Romanticism.

This desu. Kenshiro is more or less the embodiment of pure justice. He is the ideal hero.

Lurk for 2 years before posting.


Man, haven't seen these in a long time. Post the Kamen Rider one.

>Sup Forums told me.
Jesus christ.

They generally have a better taste in anime than majority of Sup Forums though.

It's frontier justice, that's what moral correction looks like in an environment without the resources to support law and order. Just usually lynchings don't goresplode guys.

Do you really believe that stupid chart about what board likes what anime?

Hokuto no ken is very good, but very repetitive. If they made it shorter, it would be near to be a masterpiece.
In any case, Berserk is even better

>berserk is better
Millenials everyone.

The manga is the perfect length if you stop reading it immediately when you get to the time skip.The second half of Hokuto no Ken doesn't exist.

>Sup Forums told me.

This piece of shit board is full of kids what did you spect

Hold up, so you are telling me that the second half of the manga of Hokuto no Ken is as bad as the second half of Hokuto no Ken's anime? I thought that it was an anime original.

Second half in the manga is fine fuck you

Souten no Ken is better, desu.

>perfect ending set up
>perfect ending happens
>everything wrapped up perfectly
>manga is perfect
>shonen jump and mangaka both decide that they want more money
>uuuuh have a time skip and introduce a secret twin brother of the main antagonist who wasn't hinted at at all before who acts just like the main antagonist minus the depth
>also everybody fights with lasers instead of kung fu now
It would like if Cowboy Bebop season 2 got made immediately after the original and Spike just wakes up at a hospital and continues his adventures.

You should be able to enjoy a pure hero enacting justice on pure evil as much as a person doing evil things for good causes or good things for evil causes. Otherwise, you're limiting yourself.

>tfw your hobby is bait
>tfw you walk into a thread and get bested by some kid from Sup Forums who isn't even being ironic

I don't remember any lasers.
I do,however, remember the cool as fuck snow country arc and that fight where the hokuto female statue appeared that was hype as fuck.It was worse than pre time skip, but it wasn't bad at all.Also i liked the little son of Raoh arc too but the one where Lin falls in love with Ken was shit .

>the eternal truths of Romanticism
>black and white morality, no inner turmoil
people will fall for this

It's classic storytelling and in about 90 percent of anime.

True bait comes off a genuine and often IS genuine. Forced bait is the art of cheap and unfulfilling (you)'s.

yet I feel so fulfilled by increasing my (you) ratio ever so steadily. I'm taking off an angle bracket to keep it even higher than it already is(enormously high btw).

It would have been acceptable if Kenshiro's story wasn't so obviously intended to be wrapped up after he defeats Raoh.When the Hero walks off into the sunset,he's supposed to keep walking,not come back right afterwards and keep doing the same shit.It completely undoes any impact of what easily could have been my favorite endings of any story.

Both started in the 80s

as bad as the tentei arc was (parts of it were pretty funny though), the sura arc was even worse.

lets have the green general pointlessly take lynn to mainland china filled with super badasses for a pointless emotional revenge against a guy he never even fought

Ken Shiro his basically Giacomo Leopardi

is* ffs

Hokuto no Ken ended before Berserk even started to get good.

What's wrong with Berserk?
I thought Guts was way more likeable than Ken Shiro

My point is that they both existed long before the new millennium

It doesn't help that moralfags are constantly wanking it to him and kamen rider


I mean it doesn't help that most Top Tier Riders are Planet Busters/God Slayers/Have Massive Hax
After all, everyone deep down are powerlevel fags.

People who hate on Kenshiro, Jotaro, or Guts are just betafags or women who didn't have fathers, will never be men, or are genuinely gay. Those three characters possess many masculine qualities that Anons should start to embrace and develop in themselves. They're role models for stoicism and masculinity. They're the forms Plato talked about. Develop and learn Betafags, develop and learn.

Yeah, and I agree with him.

Jotaro is way different from Kenshiro and Guts, though. I don't know why you faggots always lump him together with the other two. I like those three series but to me it looks like you're just being 'muh MANime' autists.

How is Jotaro so different?

yeah, definitely anime featuring only women performing male wish-fulfillment is superior.

As someone that only read a bit of the manga and has played the first Ken's Rage, is the 80s series worth a watch? I know it's cheesy but just curious.


That's bullshit, majority of this board can't hate it since most children here haven't seen the show.

>I don't remember any lasers.
Do you remember when Kaioh could negate fucking gravity? How about Ken stopping a train by pointing at it? HnK 2 isn't terrible in the grand scheme of things, but attaching it to the story of HnK makes it look like dog shit. The character gaidens are the only good additions to the story after Raoh dies.

>did it in such a brilliant way it didn't feel contrived.




Kenshiro is probably the most boring and uninteresting character in terms of writing. But he does cool shit so who cares.

The entirety of the whole Heavenly Emperor shit and Land of Asura is unfortunately NOT anime original.
The manga has 3 more arcs after that though, one of which is just as shitty as those two, one of which is really nice (about a king and his 3 sons) and last one is contrived deus ex machina to end the series with Kenshiro walking off into the desert.

>I don't remember any lasers.

Only crossboarder vermin likes jojo.

That's not entirely correct.
Only crossboarders are currently comfortably discussing JoJo. Sup Forums used to have an enthusiastic and gentlemanly fanbase for the manga, but it's been utterly destroyed in recent years.

Jotaro is just a more douchey Kenshiro though.
He still has a sense of justice just like Ken.

Hating FotNS is an old Sup Forums meme, though. From the time when it was cool to hate "moralfags".
I've never seen too much hatred of it on Sup Forums. Mild dislike at most.

about 90% of anime is trash

Sup Forums doesn't "hate" anything
Sup Forums isn't a single person

>Sup Forums doesn't "hate" anything
Except Stella Vermilion.

Sup Forums hates dragon ball super though. Only reason it thrives is due to Sup Forums crossposters.

ok 1. jojo is still ongoing and has other materials. and I don't get it, do you want several threads like Bnha or just one? or would rather there be no thread at all?

I don't see what's the deal with HNK, like, it isn't even the best WSJ manga, that's Joe

I want actual discussion. Just look at the eternal HxH thread. Pitouposting is literally one retard posting the same pages over and over again, Killua is cute, CUTE, and now O MY RUBBER NEN are the only things that people post. If you try to start to theorize about the manga or just comment about characters the most possible outcome is that no one will reply you because they're too busy posting stale pasta or arguing over who's more retarded, 99 or 11fags. Then the VIZ scans show up and there are like 5 posts reacting to the pages posted, then back to the general shit.
Seriously, generals are fucking cancer. I don't even go to BNHA threads because I enjoy the manga too much to taint my experience with you retards.

Are you shit talking about Kamen Rider?

Why would you honestly believe the one board even worse than Sup Forums?

Hokuto no Ken>Ashitter no JoeJoe

I like jojo, but I would never consort with or talk about it with the scum that inhabits the threads here.

why are you talking about HxH? I responded to your comment about jojo generals and how there is actual discussion and its usually one thread that hit the bump limit. the times is shit is when the op is baiting and then the thread goes dead in like 3-4 replies

>Sup Forums told me

Oh sweet a Fist of the North star thread
Oh wait no, OP is retarded

>mfw I found out Sup Forums hates Fist of the North

are you literally retarded? those who watched this were the veterans and LOVED it.

Alright then, why does Jagi get a bad rap?

If Sup Forums told you to jump of a cliff, would you, huh?

It would be extremely painful.

>"Black & white morality" was pretty much the default for fiction for thousands of years
Who are Gilgamesh, Odysseus and Achilleus?

>those who watched this were the veterans and LOVED it.
Yes, then they grew up and took off the nostalgia googles, realising it was shit. Do you honestly think the kids who like Naruto will still like it after 20 years?

Non-white literature.

Greeks aren't white?

The jungle/drumnbass in the (English?) dub was fucking amazing. It fit the show so well, for some reason.


Kenshiro isn't even a moralfag. Toki is.
Kenshiro is just a likable anti-hero.

you are a terrible person go work out pls

>Sup Forums told me
Holy shit

>going to Sup Forums

