One of these threads.
One of these threads
fine I'll dump
This isn't really funny, unless you're genuinely that stupid in thinking a single film would be able to adapt the entire manga. Fucking idiot.
>let's make a film based on 7 volumes of manga instead of tv!
>say no more
Completely irrelevant to what I've just posted.
delet this
Please stop dumping. Your collection is shit.
>I have the taste of a fourteen year old and am angry by what you post so please stop
how can anyone still be disappointed in SAC?
it was 15 years ago and it was fine/great in it's own way
just delete already
the episodic nature + it's plots always being made obvious to the viewer quickly while having to wait around for the characters to catch up. shit way to write something. it fools people that are desperate to have their egos stroked into thinking they are intelligent because they beat a fictional character to the punch. not the only series that tries to derive entertainment in that way. pure cheese.
some OC
You can immediately tell the WEG wasn't made by the dumpfag by the way the GOT isn't just a generic insult but actually descriptive.
I've seen most of these and tonight threads are shit, fuck me.
>[ ] engage in related discussion
>[ ] contribute to the thread
>[ ] post original content
>[x] bitch and moan a meta post
I don't know why you waste so much of your own time for just trying to bait people and kill threads.
what do you mean? aren't these threads about laughter and fun?
This is the worst WEG thread I have ever seen. Why would you even take time to make all those shity WEGs?! God, please someone post something actually funny or clever please!
what is anarcho-capitalist about Tanya?
>[ ] engage in related discussion
>[ ] contribute to the thread
>[ ] post original content
>[x] bitch and moan in a meta post
Holy shit these are garbage. Let's try posting some that aren't complete shit
Okay. When do the ones that aren't complete shit come?
Even if the ones I post don't make you bust out laughing, at least they don't look like a 3 year old put them together in paint
The other anons are right, your WEGs are dogshit. This isn't Sup Forums you fucking newfag. You can't just cram every random thought into a picture and call that funny.
See this? This classic WEG is an example of what we expect. Don't come back until you have WEGs more like this one.
like this? woooow so much fun!
But that one sucks.
At least you know that everyone thinks you're a failure
He's probably from Sup Forums, actually. I've seen their sorry attempts at WEG
Keep it coming friend, I'm loving these.
>he says as he posts facebook humor
why do you waste your time? no one's having fun with something like this. at least I have fun from all of the (you)s I get in these threads.
>I get fun from people replying to me
That's so pathetic user. You should reconsider your life.
>Look mom I am trolling the internet!
Are you actually underage, or just Brazilian?
if you're not expecting responses to your posts then why do you post? here, I took off an angle bracket since you are too cool for (you)s
>some classic
>good things
>bad things
i agree, we don't need more of those
>everything I disagree with is underaged Sup Forums trolling!!
Well now I know you are
>if you're not expecting responses to your posts then why do you post?
Are you seriously too stupid to understand the difference between having a discussion and having everybody around you calling you a fucking retard? Oh shit, I just realized - you don't get it because every conversation you've ever had has just been people telling you how much of a retard you are.
This is a blue bloard.
Stop replying to him. This is the perfect example of DNFTT.
Point taken.
wow you're so original copying an ancient weg with your own awful ancient OC
>contribute to discussion
should I bitch and moan? that's what everyone else is doing. in fact the only discussion in this thread I see is gits discussion I was a part of. your words contradict your actions.
>I just got my face wiped across the floor so they must be trolling!
cognitive dissonance in action.
It's too bad the best part/worst part ones never took off. I liked that idea.
WEGs succeed because they're a punchy joke, which is harder to do with that
That inevitably devolves into waifufagging.
Aren't WEGs just circlejerk veiled rec threads?
You can use them as rec threads, but they are supposed to be a fun experience for people who already know the titles in question.
At least half the shows posted are shit. They're just jokes, and some of the jokes are funny. I still laugh at this one
>use them as rec threads
>fun experience for people who already know the titles
so, circlejerk rec threads?
Still one of my favorites
fuck yo file name. the stupid length of time it took me to get it added to the humor
>recommending shows people have already seen
You're a special brand of stupid
Anything can be used as a "rec" thread. So long as an anime is discussed, somebody can choose to pick it up based on that discussion. That doesn't make that thread a rec thread.
And by omitting the "can" and the "supposed to", you completely changed the meaning of what I said. The jokes are just not very funny if you don't understand them. Most of them require some knowledge of the anime in question.
you're the one who said they can be used as rec threads and that people circlejerk over shows they've seen. literally copypasted what you said. did you just call yourself stupid? embarrassing...
You still haven't told me if you're Brazilian or not.
you must live in a third world country in the first place to even assume who you're talking to is from a jungle.
I'm trying to remember, but all that comes to mind is that Bloodivores was really bad.
You just summed up my feelings perfectly.
good one
All these people with multiple images in the slots are really missing the point.
>yotsuba b
yeah wegs like and are the reason these threads exist newfaqs don't even understand lel