
Have you noticed?

…… that people who are awake, think about consciousness, truth seekers…. tend to have struggled with an addiction or alcoholism at some point in their lives. Arguably to be human is to get addicted to SOMETHING but I’m talking about people who are looking to fill a hole, who are usually kind and sensitive but then can become gruff and cruel sometimes - but if they are, the world sort of turned them that way since their underbelly is so soft and gentle. Tender folks.

They tend to be highly productive when sober, deep thinkers, relatively intelligent, and when they aren’t lashing back out at a world that hurt them, when they forgive, they are among the most giving and nurturing people.

These bright and talented individuals were frequently selected for gifted programs in elementary school and could do many things well. However they probably quit things often… or do what is expected of them begrudgingly. They don’t understand the sort of robotic actions in society and (think of Tim Leary’s The Others) they hate the “hows the weather?” elevator banter and long for a table to sit with close friends who want to ponder the deep truths of this reality and not talk about money. Oh yes, money. They’re usually not great with it or they don’t care much about it. Nice to have, but they will easily give away theirs as long as they have the basics.

Other urls found in this thread:

Often the family’s black sheep, these individuals are willing to see many sides to a story and are not staunch in any one political pigeon hole. They are often the type of child who the parents will say “Bobby, he’s just different.”

Although, they are VERY idealistic and value justice deeply. Frequently firstborn children or the baby of many children, these people dance in the fray not linger at center. They have always felt “weird” and even when they are in the center with a ton of friends feel like outsiders. Never quite at home on earth, they have a pervasive sense of homesickness that confuses them. Their family, whom they love deeply, can feel like a foster family that is with them just for the time being. They struggle with impulse control and wanting life to be “fun”- the fact that we are slaves, drones, dawns on them at a young age and will often think things like “Think of all the hours I waste here” while in elementary school when all the other children never dare- doesn’t occur to them- to dream of the outside while they are seated at their tiny desks.

Perfectionists with black and white thinking, if they mess up a task they will often say “fuck it”, because they know they could have done it so well, once a little corner is garbled, Why bother?, right?

These people- addicts and Alcoholics (or an eating disorder, something self harming not harmful to others) are the type of people who want the world to just be nice and safe. They often work at jobs that are less challenging intellectually than what they are capable of. They have existential crisis-like thoughts about their life and have a deep and persistent feeling that they have a purpose, that they are “supposed” to do something great in this life, not in a narcissistic way, but in the way that they get nervous they have a calling that the daily grind is keeping them from.

These people…. do you know them?

I think you do. I think we are them.

>implying I will read this

Nice blog, faggot

geh ham du wappler

You're right OP, but you're a faggot.
So, kill yourself.

You want to talk about your worrying identification with social outcasts and your problematic relationship with your parents user?

t. Indigo Children
t. Autism
t. Covert Narcissism
t. Schizophrenia

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Autist here.

Can I move to your country, my great grandfather was Austrian? I will learn German and help save you from the Muslims?

>i'm su speciul

yeah, welcome bro

Are you me?

So? Did you gain insight from this revelation? Why are we here?

We meme, user. We meme.

Gib job

I’m ready OP

it's called autism user

>implying I'm not a teetotaler straight edge autist

This obviously describes myself to a T but what if everyone can relate to this feeling? What if we aren't so special? Maybe the only special thing about us is that we THINK we are special and end up dwelling on it and sinking further and further into a tarpit of isolation?

>Arguably to be human is to get addicted to SOMETHING but I’m talking about people who are looking to fill a hole, who are usually kind and sensitive but then can become gruff and cruel sometimes - but if they are, the world sort of turned them that way since their underbelly is so soft and gentle. Tender folks.

spoiler: everyone with an IQ greater than 50 feels this way. it's just not cool to go around talking about it.

overcoming an addiction is huge. it makes you question a lot, and isnt possible without taking some hard looks at reality.

used to smoke a lot of pot and cigarettes and drink a lot. it was difficult to quit. a paradigm shift in thinking was necessary. quitting those also led to quitting tv and Sup Forums although neither were intentional. i also cheated on girlfriends in the past but can honestly say i wont do that ever again.

a lot of successful small business owners i know are recovered addicts. i think that recovered addicts have had to answer the question "who do i want to be and what do i want to do with my time" with a degree of seriousness that most people do not have.

Grug hates you shiny heads.
Grug thinks you should stick spear in throat.

Holy shit, this is a very psychologically insightful post.
I think this profiles a good half of us on here, the other half are covered by autism.

On one hand, I am ready to accept the call of destiny, should it finally arrive, but on the other hand, I sort of just want to get by.

this tells me nothing i haven't known for years; unclear if this is a cry for help or an attempt at reaching out so you know you aren't alone. dunno why this is even on Sup Forums at all.

Simple. Certain genetic variants in the dopaminergic system that do strongly correlate with increased curiosity and higher cognitive finction do unfortunately also predispose for addictive behaviour and depression. Less active reward system in the brain ... those with an easily stimulated reward system tend to be intellectually lazy as a happy brain is not in problem solving mode.

The broken are the more evolved.

why user ? I'm crying now... really fucking sad i'm not alone !

are SSRIs a fix?

We're the prophesied 21st century schizoid men

We're naturally resistant to hypnosis

We are a threat to the status quo

We are to be pacified at almost any cost

Nobody really wants to live in a world where they're not allowed to thrive, but outright suicide is for cowards who couldn't hack it.
Smoking, drinking and drugs bring sweet release that little bit closer every time AND they make life more enjoyable as a bonus

you were close
but lost it here

Another quality Austrian post

Is this the explanation of the constantly homesick feeling? I used to think I hadn't found my calling yet but I'm starting to believe this is just how i feel

That is how the government is pacifying us, they give us drugs so we do not have to deal with what it going on, don't you get it user?

Who is this semen annihilator?

>are SSRIs a fix?

dont touch that stuff if u are a male. its likely you will suffer from ED from side effects. Wellbutrin is better.

Usually not as they do mainly act on serotonine and influence dopaminergic system as a side effect or indirectly. Acohol, nicotine and other drugs do act directly but they are no solution in the long run. Many 'addicts' are in fact self-medicating. It is fucked up. There is of course depression without dopamine system being the direct cause and here SSRIs may in fact help ... but for the type of person described here the depression is no mood disorder ... it is boredom from an underwhelming and soft world lacking in dopaminergic kicks like warfare or shooting a man to the moon. Our ancestors have been semi nomadic horse invaders from the steppe ... bellicose, prone to innovations, restless. Back then this type of personality may have led a small warband and pillaged farmer villages. We are simply not adapted to this peaceful, socialist joke of a society

This. I feel the same way a lot, but I think it's very likely most of the world feels the same.

It's not the government mate

At least not the one you get to vote for

I dare you to go and try to change the course humanity has taken, see how far you get

We're fucked, so just try to enjoy it while you can

Might be. Same gene also seems to increase the longing to explore your surroundings and wander off into the unknown. May have been what has driven the Cro-Magnon to conquer the whole world. Original African H. sapiens did lack that gene variant (nowadays you do find it in Africa too due to backmigration from Europe in the Stone Age or later)


They don't.
T. the amount of people on facebook

It's nowhere near as common as it ought to be

We're not alone but we're in the minority for sure

Normies are actually cattle

Despite OP being on point, this is the matter at hand. Many of us share your sentiment OP, but it's more so a matter of what can be done about it rather than trying to eloquently put what we endure into words.

I wonder if there is some kind of allele connected to this mentality? It seems to be a clear product of genetics rather than a defect if it's a real thing.

I did Promethease recently with my 23andme results and found a bunch of interesting alleles, and one of them was a novelty seeking one.

I'm American of Northern European descent btw

Quit smoking weed 3 months ago and that shit was easy, cigarettes are way harder to quit, I've cut down but I still have a few now and then, usually when I drink. I'm also the first born so your post is spot on.

I often tell my friends and family that I was born in the wrong era. I would have fared much better when I could have led a small warband pillaging farming villages, as you put it.

You almost made me cry cause you described me so well

how did you stopd smocking weed ?

Just quit cold turkey, didn't have any trouble at all and I don't feel the "pull" to smoke like I do with cigs and alcohol.

I was touted as a wunderkind as a kid, got accepted into Cambridge to study for a year at age 12, which I declined. My IQ was measured by a shrink to be >140 via a written test and a motor skill test.
I flunked a year in high school, got into psychadelics amngst other things, then quit college after a year. Did a year of freelance photography but it was tiresome and I felt homesick.
I'm not a braggart or anything, everyone else touts me as intelligent and amazing, but I realize I'm a shit tier non educated autodidact with nothing to offer the world. Enjoying little things makes me 'happy', like tinkering with cars or taking hikes in nature.

I used to be like that. Almost to a T. I found the solution. I got myself in shape with /SIG/ and then joined the army under a 18b program to become an operator. After the first few deployments, which you're gonna see combat in, I never felt better in my life. I felt a longing. I found my true family. Living outside the wire, being used by the government as an effective tool has helped me cope mentally with this life. And the risk of dying every time I walk out the wire, the feeling of an intense fight has really gave my dopeamin receptors what I really wanted. This is how I found out I'm a warfighter, civi life just wasnt cutting it anymore.

I´m considering the same path man

I was touted as a wunderautist as a midget, forced in to big brain place to study for a year at age 10+2, which I thought a funny opportunity for a fag like myself. My cranium capacity was estimated by web MD to hold +14 intelligence. Which was ultimatwly useless since I can't write without a thesaurus and I have no motor coordination whatsoever. My limbs are like noodles. I chose to fail a year in high school to hide my intellectual powerlevels from my bullies. I decided I was too smart, so I destroyed my brain with permanently altering substances. I became such a megatard I dropped out of college. With no skills or money I pointed a camera at shit and took pictures and claimed it to be art. I was still starving and missing my momma amd my tendies.
I swear I'm not full of shit. everyone routinely gets in line to hear what smart things I will have to bestow upon their ears! I swear! Really! I'm gonna make it alittle sad now so you'll feel I'm genuine since I've just tooted my own horn a bit to impress some faggots on the internet I'll never meet. I have hobbies. I enjoy little things. Like buttsex and getting cucked.

>I was touted as a wunderautist as a midget, forced in to big brain place to study for a year at age 10+2, which I thought a funny opportunity for a fag like myself. My cranium capacity was estimated by web MD to hold +14 intelligence. Which was ultimatwly useless since I can't write without a thesaurus and I have no motor coordination whatsoever. My limbs are like noodles. I chose to fail a year in high school to hide my intellectual powerlevels from my bullies. I decided I was too smart, so I destroyed my brain with permanently altering substances. I became such a megatard I dropped out of college. With no skills or money I pointed a camera at shit and took pictures and claimed it to be art. I was still starving and missing my momma amd my tendies.
>I swear I'm not full of shit. everyone routinely gets in line to hear what smart things I will have to bestow upon their ears! I swear! Really! I'm gonna make it alittle sad now so you'll feel I'm genuine since I've just tooted my own horn a bit to impress some faggots on the internet I'll never meet. I have hobbies. I enjoy little things. Like buttsex and getting cucked.

It's because we're most likely INTP and therefore tend to do drugs. For me it's nicotine and caffeine daily and sometimes alcohol (last time i drank a whole glass of vodka within 3 seconds(20 years old))

Thought about taking kratom, lysergic acid and mdma once but don't feel stable enough. Weed isn't that mine.

Once you take the big leap and stare darkness in the face, you feel like you can overcome anything this world will throw at you. A very freeing feeling.

Why are you colluding with Russia?

A little bit about us Finns. We are generally a "confident" people. We easily feel at ease in many situations. This comes off as "arrogant" in other cultures. Most cultures are reserved, polite, stand-offish. The Brits for example will tend to judge you with their looks. We are the bull in the world's china shop of norms and "proper" behavior. Never mind that some cultures are more arrogant, boorish, or hostile to others.

LMAO this is like so totally mee!! :^) SUBSCRIBED!!!


Brits hate everyone its nothing personal, its just a byproduct of us being invaded since our inception.

INTJ here. This is accurate. The problem with these types is parents aren't prepping them for adulthood quick enough. The moment they get a hold of something that helps them cope (alcohol is a good example, really) they struggle with it in moderation, and other areas of their lives become distorted.

If you are going to get addicted to something, get into /fit/.

>for me it's nicotine and caffeine
I maintain that my addiction to soda is because of the high sugar content which I crave because glucose fuels the brain and so I've been drinking 2 liters a day on average since I was 12~ because my Rick and Morty level IQ demands it.

But seriously how am I not dead or fat yet?

Wow... I'm actually surprised how well this describes me. I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one who feels like this. There was a certain point in my life that I felt like I was going mental, luckily I met my gf and she sorted me out abit, but even now to this day I do feel the same.

do it. this DOES describe me to a T. i joined the delayed entry program for the marines the day after 9/11, but i didnt graduate high school on time and then got in some trouble before i got my diploma. tried again at 21 and spent 4 months riding around with a recruiter and doing a bunch of bs only to get denied. now im too old and a permanent neet. even if i died it would have better...

>it is boredom from an underwhelming and soft world lacking in dopaminergic kicks
Couldn't have said it better. I drink a lot because how fucking boring everything is. Then once I get sober for a bit, I go off on a spontaneous adventure that I generally always regret afterwards but that never stops me from the next adventure. And im not talking an adventure like hiking in the woods an hour from my house, im talking about waking up in the morning and deciding to buy a one way ticket to Nicaragua by myself type of adventure.
I wish I could have been an explorer back in the 1600s -_-

It's true. I'm a truth seeker and also an incorrigible jenkem addict

>can confirm

Nailed my personality. Well done

>luckily I met my gf
Good, but obviously you neglected Torah you simian swine.

I would posit that most individuals who fall in line with OPs description would prefer more heady mind altering substances, like weed, psychedelics, etc. as opposed to alcohol. For me anyways, I fit that description and prefer the use of drugs that alter perception, not take away from it. With alcohol, I only feel the need to drink ever so occasionally, when nihilistic thoughts consume me and all I want is complete mental silence. I most experiment with weed (daily small dose user) and LSD

I came so fucking close user. The destiny part of that. obviously anyone with an IQ above 115 is doing everything they can to avoid a dronelike existence. but not everyone can have a destiny, can they?

>I'm in pic related
>TFW NEET anyway

>I would posit that most individuals who fall in line with OPs description would prefer more heady mind altering substances, like weed, psychedelics, etc. as opposed to alcohol.
This is mostly true for me. I used to do a shitton of weed and psychedelics. Nevertheless, now that I quit those I rely on alcohol to numb my brain a bit from time to time (understand most days)

Perfect succinct explanation

So, you're actually me, right?

You have just described the
rh- people of the world. We are a separate species, a pecular people above all people on earth. We are the true Israelites, Not those Ideomeans who have ruined our name. We have a special responsibility to the world. When we are not shouldering that burden we are lost and we become self destructive.

I have no addiction and a powerful mind that's so great that i shattered both depression and anxiety purely with the power of my own mind and shattered the depression of another person who was maxed out on pills (they now take nothing).

Depression is an illusion. You can literally opt out of being depressed just by the sheer will of your mind. The only reason people can't is because they've been brainwashed into thinking they can't.

Drugs are shit for weak escapism addicts and zero will power people.

What are SSRIs? Can I pop addys?

Those new chicken ranch $5 subs are great, btw. Can you steal me a few for lunch today?

Start doing snus. Do for a year, then quit cold turkey.

So, this quote, basically?:
Only that man who has offered up himself entire to the blood of war, who has been to the floor of the pit and seen the horror in the round and learned at last that it speaks to his inmost heart, only that man can dance.

I went to the Marine recruiter at 18 but didnt go. After I read that quote in a book I realized I probably made the worst mistake of my life.

I am a raging alcoholic and you've just described me to a tee. I drink so much because this world was not made for people like us who value deeper things like love, country, justice ideals etc, it's all about chasing shekels and mindless fucking whilst living amongst shitskins now. Booze is a coping mechanism and fills a void that few things can in modern society.

>outright suicide is for cowards who couldn't hack it.

>reject reality and join my religion guys

You basically just described someone with ADHD or autism


so thats why I tell my friends and family I long for life as a warrior

Uhh? You literally made that up you dumb depressed reading comprehension failing coon.

I am like that too. I think it was because I was raised soft, my parents are legit good and nice people so are most of my family. Then I got thrown into the real world filled with cut throat killers and shitty people. It kind of jaded me a bit. BTW you guys should seriously quit weed, its been one of the best choices i've made lately.

No, stupid. You're ignoring reality by thinking that everything can be solved with "just willpower bro".

they just make you apathetic enough that you don't care as much about your shit
it works if you're doing therapy as well since you are no longer in a state where you're suicidal and you can do cognitive-behavioral therapy to increase your self-efficacy, and then when you do ween off of them you've solved your part of the ordeal and can go ahead without the crutches.

It kinda worked for me but you need to work on your willpower a lot and it's not panacea, it's just like taking aspirin for a headache, the underlying condition remains but you no longer feel pain and that can help towards a solution

whatever you do however, don't fucking smoke weed. it absolutely devastated me and stole 2 years of my life. It's no heroin but it's not something you want to do for depression, especially with any sense of continuity. You'll lose all sense of virtue and accomplishment and just medicate to a point where you can self-absorb in your thoughts, dissociate from reality and tolerate failure. in moderation is technically okay and substainable but if you have an addictive personality or underlying issues you're probably gonna abuse the shit out of it and fuck your shitty life even more.

If you really need to do drugs, do psychedelics twice a year, get a vape with nicotine to fill the 'i need to get cranked on something' mindset and if push comes to shove, try taking sub-psychoactive doses lsd or dose ketamine every two weeks.
I'm probably gonna get (understandably) shit for this but if you don't become a new age fag about it, ketamine has very good long-term antidepressant capabilities and microdoses of lsd don't get you high but short circuit your brain enough to change your perspective from day to day, and it helps. It sure helped me.
Oh and amphs are a meme, don't use them. I used to do amphs to power study and after a while i'd just jack off for 12 hours straight

Just, whatever you do, dont do weed or opiates. Everyone says this but trust me, it's not worth it.

No, I have not noticed any of this. Sounds like a loser trying to justify his poor life decisions by making out he's special.

you are describing a mental disorder. Depression or schizo-affective, or something like that.

There is a correlation(maybe an actual relation?) between intelligence and mental disorders but they're not the same thing.


Is addy a SSRI?

I seriously regret getting into weed. It didn't damage my physical health but fucked me up mentally. Yeah I had some good times with it, but towards the end it started to turn on me. And it made me more of a recluse/introvert.


that's me


Yes, it’s called being a starseed. “Normies” are likely jealous they do not have the discipline to attain higher states of consciousness.