How did this happen ?
How did this happen ?
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Wooooohoooo e-celebs :)))
Woooooooo shills
Mirin those HH
>everyone that talks about white interests is an e-celeb
i wonder (((who))) would say such a thing
soygoy of mossad is fucking stupid, people realising it now...
Anglin got him to say bizarre stuff was hilarious tho
>alt right attacks anti-SJW free-speech advocates more than SJWs
I wonder (((who))) could be behind them.
>Alt-right attacks zionist gate keeping shills more than low-hanging fruit from tumblr and this is bad
Liberalist shill detected.
>edgyboi LARPer wants to fight imaginary threats instead of the ones demonstrably in front of him
It's almost like you guys are pussies wanking off to some "day of the rope" that's never going to happen, but at least you don't have to leave mom's basement add actually do something...
El goblino de norte america.
>imaginary threats
whites in US down to 56% London whites under 5's down to 20%
Anglin totally won you goys
I have too many Sargon memes to not have a thread in which to post them
Sarg'n looked like a complete fucking faggot. I think the entire internet now hates him, save for his small number of sycophants who only latch themselves to him for favors and channel views.
>his small number of sycophants
Sargon has two things your guys don't.
1. More subs, a lot more
2. A MUCH louder alpha chad microphone
*forced laughter*
He has a fan subreddit and it's exactly as bad as you'd imagine.
Except its literally ironic lol, have you never been to daily stormer?
>Losing a debate so bad you have to resort to pretend the daily stormer isn't ironic bluster
Under that same standard you admit that Richard won against Sargon because Sargon had a 2 hour circlejerk-stream immediately after saying "sorry guys I have to go to bed seeya"
This is the equivalent of saying enforcing traffic laws will result in slaughter, even if you don't want it too.
Thats because you couldnt redpill an SJW.
To use a Political compass meme the circle gotes counter clockwise from the bottom left for most people in the west. First you have to escape the bottom left because its the most brainlet, so you either go up to commie or over to libertarian, It'd be impossible for someone to go from SJW to 1488, Sargons fans are Civic nationalists, hardlined on immigration id say but libertarian, they still strongly believe that democracy is the best way to preserve freedom. We disagree.
Also another big reason sargon cant agree with us and has to have his "Secret goy plan" is because he wants to seem intellectually consistent, hes probably made a barrier he thinks is taboo to pass, becoming 1488. He's literally trying to create infighting in the antijew white force by talking about how certain white races suck. 0/10 brainlet, dont trust him just because he has a british accent hes trash
We want freespeech too faggot, democracy is now the greatest enemy to free speech in america outside the jew
Look mate, I'm not here to debate anyone. I just wanted to discuss your conversion to Islam and your child wives. If you're going to argue I'll just leave to go make tea
Are you trolling me?
>i-i-it was a joke
>pretending to be retarded
Next you'll be telling me his typical audience is 14 like that isn't fucking creepy as all hell
We need sargon fans to join us, we're using him to get to his audience. Thought this was obvious
>Look mate, I'm not here to debate anyone. I just wanted to discuss your conversion to Islam and your child wives. If you're going to argue I'll just leave to go make tea
was for
>tfw wake and bake
You're the one pretending to be retarded by not seeing daily stormer for the parody it is
I can't even find the side right now, anyone know what the current domain is?
>never going to happen
Are you sure pal?
Have to show their audience of civnat cucks that White nationalism is the only solution.
>falling for that retarded framing
they're competing for their audience you retard, they aren't doxxing and killing people
they explicitly say "we want to humiliate their leaders and expose them as dishonest liars", thats the whole game
>Sargon: [Forced, condescending laughter in place of an actual response]
>--- Pressured to answer the question ---
>Sargon: "I-I have to go, I'm tired.."
>Alt-right attacks zionist gate keeping shills more than low-hanging fruit from tumblr and this is bad
>You're the one pretending to be retarded
I bet you haven't even read Locke
Hi tea was ready how hard is that for you to understand???
Dude he has a secret plan to take down the SJWs and save the west, nobody has thought of it yet! Sargon the savior!
Youtube drama. A sign that a channel is starting to die and on its death throes. He attached himself too strongly to movements that are ultimately transient and fleeting, and now that things are starting to change, he's getting left behind.
>I hope you're ready for mouth watering classical liberalism.
>I thought you said we were having cultural imperialism.
>Oh no I said liberalist, that's what I call classical liberalism!
>You call classical liberalism, liberalist?
>Yes! It's a philosophical dialect.
>uh huh, what philosophy?
>Mainstream Empiricism.
>Really? Well I've read John Locke and he never mentioned liberalist
>Oh not Locke no! It's a more of a Hume thought.
>I see…You know this classical liberalism looks an awful lot like cultural imperialism.
>Oh ho ho no. Patented Sargon concept! Old cuck mentality!
>…For liberalists?
>And you call it liberalist despite the fact that it is obviously cultural imperialism?
>uh... yes.
>Next you'll be telling me his typical audience is 14 like that isn't fucking creepy as all hell
Nothing creepy about it m8
>Youtube drama. A sign that a channel is starting to die
Actually Youtube drama is the new hottest thing and probably the best thing on youtube right now. Unless you want to watch ANOTHER ironic video about vitnage vidya
>How did this happen ?
It didn't.
Support small meme farms and small happenings communities
Pic related
>I'm sick of you vile peasant fuck, I'm the king into what I fucking want you peasant
To be fair, it’s essentially a more modern take on the old "Why can't I just be a Rick and Morty fan" argument. They want to pick and choose episodes that they like while just rejecting the very high IQ to understand it. Its a pretty bad precedent to set because their own feeble grasp of theoretical physics is always going to go over a typical viewers head. What of Rick’s nihilistic ouotlook, deftly woven into his characterization, what of his personal philosophy which draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya, could they cherrypick to see it’s not just funny, it’s something deep about DISPOSITIONS AND LIFESTYLES. This sort of view is a consequence of people who attack and attempt to invalidate the basis of Rick and Morty, idiots, its not much different from Critical Theory in appreciation of, for instance, Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” at large. Undermine the base premise of Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons and slowly dismantle it. II’m smirking right now to see addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion about Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfold itself on their television screens, then essentially applies Critical Theory to Rick and Morty as genuine. What fools... how I pity them.
>new hottest thing
>best thing on youtube
I'm not much for people-watching. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
Is this freshly cooked pasta?
Shilling your own content?
>Dude I've got a secret plan to take down the SJWs
>the alt right isnt gaining traction!
>My plan is to go back to immigration policies we had in the 60s.
>this is sustaineable and will leave enough impact in the public consciousness to stop citizens with the help of (((the media))) to reinstate massive 3rd world immigration in the future!
>Especially after being outbread by niggers who breed at a much faster rate.
>This position is pragmatic!!
>You think I'm a cuck?!
>I dont want any immigration lololololol
>Romanians are roaches trololololo
>Have you asked the german questions HAHA!
>French frogs are weak hahahahha
the absolute state of nupol, fags cheering for e-celebs
sage goes in all fields
Couldn't even finish the sargon vs anglin debate, but it seemed like anglin had absolutely no good answer to how he was gonna avoid bloodshed in removing people from their homes for the ethnostate.
Every time he got faced with it he'd deflect to "So white people don't have a right to protect their existence?"
Cities automatically attract niggers, immigrants and other filth.
No, it's literally if Sup Forums had a talk radio show where they invited different ecelebs to come on and argue until one of them loses their shit and rage quites (or quits to go make tea).
Probably the best part about it is that Jews LITERALLY can't hide from it. Warski had some boomer on arguing about how israel is a really cool dude but he was outed as a jew pretty quickly and everyone laughed at him. I even busted out laughing in public
Jews can't manipulate this media
>not knowing what bloodsports is
>i-i-i'm totally an oldfag u goys
Plan to defeat the SJWs?
At this time of year?
At this time of day?
In this part of the country?
Localized entirely on your youtube channel?
May I see it?
yes sargoy of cuckad is a fatass just like Baratheon
>Spencer debate top trending worldwide at the time
>half a million views
>f-fucking e-celebs!
We have laws already.. what happens when people don’t obey them?
It’s why Sargins talking point is so empty. He is saying you can’t have “these laws” because people may not obey them and then you have to use violence
Anglin reponse would be “ok?”
See that’s the point.. if whites have a right to self determination then they have a right to protect their spaces.. we can do it legally or whatever.. if browns don’t comply it’s violence . Ok?
Either way the browns are already committing low level violence against us that will never stop till we are dead.
So we separate now or we die later
All of these faggots, along with the retards who post this bullshit here, should be dragged out into the streets and executed one by one.
because we want to protect our people?
>anglin thinks he could physically remove 40 million nigs
He must not really understand just how big of a population we have
Anglin is a better writter than debater. I still laugh reading this article:
Anyone who calls new media E celebs is a fucking kike rat shill. These guys talk about what we talk about here all fucking day. Kill yourself commie.
>how are you going to avoid violence
>avoid violence
>no violence
What a total faggot
What's your beef with Anglin? DS was pretty much The Sup Forums Daily. Fresh OC, good analysis of current issues coupled with hilarious tongue in cheek humor. Even if you don't like him or the DS, you should at least support him because he got completely shoahd from the internet. Seeing all the attacks on Anglin really makes me question the sincerity of "fuck e-celeb" posters.
What other avenue can someone go through other than the internet?
his site is designed for a younger target audience
People can be incentivized to move to different areas, leave etc just as they were incentivized to come
Blacks moved north based on incentives
Illegals came here cause of incentives
Immigrants came here cause of incentives
They can be incentivized to go.. the process can even be done over decades just as it was done to is.
It could be done with zero forces removal and all done over time with incentives (this is Richard Spencer’s “peaceful ethnic cleansing”) that everyone flips out about.
It doesn’t have to be done in one day.. JFC you people are dumb
What the daily stormer current url?
Hey Jeff Holiday
just the way he says "we don't have to shoot them, we can tase them." it's just so naive
it feels like he thinks he's gonna get all these people out by just going house to house and knocking on their door
they're gonna organize. they will be provided weapons, they will start using guerilla warfare and will resist to the last breath. there will be plenty of white supporters who you will be unable to identify. he thinks that there won't be outside a handful of deaths, but that's just not true. he's taking the homes and livelihood away from people and shipping them off to shittier countries they've never known, people are not just gonna sit quietly, he was just totally skirting around the point and either couldn't comprehend this or wouldn't admit it. the moral question about whether or not the ethnostate is right (it totally is) is absolutely irrelevant to the question about whether or not blood is going to be shed to move people out of it.
>alt-lite explicitly announces their intent to draw people back to CivNat cuckery and stop the youth from growing racial consciousness
>attacks the alt-right
>alt-right hits back; destroys Destiny, Sargon, and Kraut almost immediately
>"Bawwwwwwww~! Why does the alt-right go after anti-SJWs?"
Truly, the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
I screeched about "eceleb posters" for a long time because of thirsty betabux Laura Southern and Venti posters. Beyond that, the people screeching about legitimate alt-media being "e-celebs" are most assuredly fucking kikes.
His tase comment was a joke as expressed on TDS.
Greg Johnson explains it the best, no violence needed
in a nutshell, who is "Anglin"? and what's his political alignment?
They're not dumb, they're being intentionally disingenuous. If cutting off welfare eliminates 40 million brown people from North America, then it was objectively the right thing to do. Whites aren't a slave race meant to toil away so that non-working dysgenic races can mooch off them and fart out babies without a care. The anti-white crowd knows they have no moral argument against this obvious fact, so they just scream "RACIST" at you and hope you forget.
>Shlomo Steinstein indoctrinates your 14 y/o son to a gay multicultural hellworld via the media and education system
>Anglin redpills your 14 y/o son
Pick one.
fug if I know anymore. I stopped keeping up after he even got nuked off Tor. Anyone got a tip?
>he thinks SJWs are anything more than mentally ill low hanging fruit that sometimes leaks from tumblr
If you haven't realized that the real threat is demographic replacement and not blue haired tumblerinas there is no hope for you
Andrew Anglin and the DS have been around since /new/, you retarded nigger.
Blood need not be shed. Just create incentives for people to go/move
david pls
He thought Anglin would say that he wants to genocide a bunch of people. He was not prepared to debate anyone who would say reasonable things.
That’s why he was “disappointed”
Sargin doesn’t know his opponents at all or he would have already known that Anglin is very reasonable when he is taking on podcasts etc
Is the irony of you quoting that lost on you?
The stormer has more readers than Sargon has subs. And it’s constantly moving due to persecution
found it. looks like he snuck back on to normie web
Times over the past 100 years where balkanization and population transfers have occurred:
>Decolonization of India/Africa/etc
And that's to say nothing of the massive population shifts that have occurred of arabs into Europe, spics into America, and internal movement of blacks from the south to all the cities they now inhabit across the country
They all moved to where they are. They can all move back to where they were. It's happened in the past, and it can happen again. Having a top-down peaceful separation and population transfer is the most human and non-violent way of doing this. If it does not occur peacefully and the current system continues beyond that, it will reach a breaking point and it will collapse into full-blown race war. We want to AVOID a race war here.
And they say the left eats itself.
Sargon isn't right wing, if that's what you were implying.
Can't say "we"? I dont get this jewish meme? We cant collectivize?
The founding fathers had to collectivize, individuals have to collectivize to achieve their goals.
Sargin is a leftist, defender of the current order and gate keeper just like Alex Jones
Civic nationalism is brown nationalism and the extermination of white countries
There is literally nothing wrong with Civ-Nat and Ethno-Nat debating.
That's creepy pedo shit
>Hey Jeff Holiday
In America they call me Jeff Vacation
>And it’s constantly moving due to persecution
So you really are white niggers
You can make a black person move just by burning a cross in their front yard.
Centrists aren't human.
>screen capture
Can people please stop being this retarded?