Do you find Kobayashi attractive?
Do you find Kobayashi attractive?
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No because I am not a gay dragon.
>say no
>get burned to a crisp by an angry dragon
>say yes
>get burned to a crisp by a jealous dragon
How the fuck do you answer such questions?
Post her without her glasses and no ponytail
Sexually, no.
As a life partner, definitely. She's so damn chill and wise.
Kobayashi is cute
She's also an alcoholic.
She's a party drinker though. She seems smart enough to keep that thing in check, since it never impacted her work negatively.
Me too. I feel like I could be platonic life partners with kobayashi
>She's also an alcoholic
Well so am I, so I'd be in good company
I hate girls with glasses
I find most 2D attractive.
Honestly, what I find most attractive about her is that she has a job, and holds it responsibly.
correct answer: "Rather than yes or no, I would say that Kobayashi has this overwhelming sense of belonging to Tohru. They'd make such a great couple, they should just get together already!"
Crisis averted.
>Has a good job
Of fucking course
Yes very much so, i would love to put her filthy laundry in my mouth
What a ridiculously lewd body
I find her very attractive.
No she's not, wtf is your definition of an alcoholic?
Post her in the anime without her ponytail and glasses please.
Sorry: I had her manga tit pic on speed-dial, but you might have to wait for your more specific request. I'm watching the anime right through this week, so if I spot something suitable I'll come back and start a thread with it, entitled "For the Koboyashi faggot with the increasingly specific requests"
Could be a cultural thing. Bongistani, here - can confirm that K-san's drinking is normal compared to my m8s at her age.
What a coincidence so am I. Already have my stuff ready for tonight.
Kobayashi is very cute
she's like the boring spineless male protagonist with no redeeming qualities, except female
What's the downside?
Y - you too, user!
>no redeeming qualities
you tried
I agree. But the whiteknights on Sup Forums would never admit it. She's like the typical self-insert male LN/harem protag but just because she's a girl everyone is gonna whiteknight a cliche character
I would hangout with Kobayashi just so I could get closer to Elma and feed her things.
Then BAM, I'm a part of the magical dragon group too!
>no redeeming qualities
He doesn't know.
>cultural thing
Probably this. Bongistan pounds hard in particular. I bet you'd never find the Elma worshippers admiring Kobayashi either, but they're gone now at least.
>agreeing with yourself
Anyway, at least try to be accurate when you shitpost about a character.
>Drinks like every day
>Drinks at home
>Drinks alone
My dads a bad alcoholic and it's easy to recognize the early signs of alcoholism. And if it's left alone people who drink all the time get worse about it as they get older, not better.
She's not supposed to be, so no.
Hits all the right checkboxes.
The most recent manga chapter featuring Elma and Tohru had two panels in which Kobayashi looked particularly cute.
I've had trouble finding the new chapters translated.
An user has been translating chapters recently and posting them here. I don't know if they are uploaded elsewhere afterward, though.
thats the dumbest reason to justify anything
Yeah but with boobs
>My tail steak will increase your bust size, Miss Kobayashi!
>[skeptical grumbling]
Easily the most attractive of the cast to me. She's cute enough to begin with, and I think what also factors into it that she's specifically meant to be undesirable. The forbidden fruit, just begging to be lewded.
she reminds me of my actual wife so yes.
Do you not
You mean lesbian dragon
no, she's ugly
Kill yourself
>having curves
why... unlike you I have a loving family.
Fuck off
I liked her and Kanna
Best girl
not at all
i want to give her a back massage
No, not one bit. I feel like hanging out with her for 10 minutes would put me to sleep.
What? She's not attractive, and I'm not gonna lie to her just to get in her panties. She's a friend first and foremost. Not every girl needs to be pursued.
>She's not supposed to be
I am talking about that
I want to passionately disagree, but I still respect Kobayashi as an excellent wife.
>She's not attractive
Everyone in nippon is an alcoholic
No and neither was her anime, I regret wasting my time with that.
Best girl right here, if you don't agree your taste is shit.
What kind of face does she make during sex?
Yes, she has a great personality. But she's not wife material, and she wouldn't want to be burdened with kids or marriage. Because of that one thing we have in common, I could never be her mate.
Not really. Not my type.
The same she makes after cracking a cold one lel
Yes. Plain girls are best.
It's OK, some people just have bad taste. It's not something you need to worry about, so just leave all the bespectacled beauties to me please thank you
I fucking love this thread
I relate to her, but I don't find her attractive. It doesn't help that her life style usually leaves your body in a mess.
Tohru, please calm down. You have to get dinner ready soon.
I find her enviable. She has a magical loli, a magical waifu, and a better job than me in my field.
I love their mother daughter relationship. I feel like the whole dragon maid thing was just a ploy to get a slice of life anime about a lesbian couple raising a daughter together past the publishers.
You're gonna watch it on twitch tomorrow, aren't you?
Do you actually know how to cook? You know she's not gonna have patience with things she can just go buy in a store herself. She's a dragon.
Cool-kyou Shinsha has a pro-marriage agenda in general.
>There are seriously people who wouldn't eat Tooru's tail meat
explain yourselves
>streaming Maidragon on twitch
Goddamn it, I hate myself that I want in on this.
It's happening tomorrow evening in a marathon. I'm hoping all those teenagers crash the chat servers during episode 6.
link to the streamer
This week on Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen: Elma
Kobayashi is basically my ex, down to the exaggerated portrayal of her flatness, avoidant personality disorder and coding. Hair was brown, though. Also straight, not gay.
No because python makes programmers inherently unattractive.
There is nothing wrong with Python.