Is Little Witch Academia good or not?
i liked it but I've seen people shitting on it.
Is Little Witch Academia good or not?
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>im insecure in my opinions, the thread.
Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of whiteknights so any anime with cute girls is considered great. Watch it for yourself instead of asking these virgin faggots their useless opinions
well yeah, what the fuck do i know
Yeah it's good.
Watch it you faggot.
I was loving it until Croix showed up.
It's not good.
I watched it and I liked it, I just don't know if it's generally well received or not.
Why does it matter? If you liked it then you liked it. Why do you need Sup Forums to validate your opinions?
No it's shit.
Watch it you faggot.
It's slightly below average.
It's shit you should watch a masterpiece like kemono and friends instead.
OVAs were better.
>interesting premise
>throws it all away by spending ~11 episodes on useless slice of life stuff that did NOTHING for the plot of the second half
>second half finally arrives and people expect plot
>episode 12 sets up great for plot
>then we're back to slice of life and irrelevant shit
>last few episodes rush the fuck out of it (much like KLK did)
>final boss is horribly mediocre (again, like KLK)
The first cour doesn't have any plot to it, the second cour is interesting though made me cry in a good way.
i first watched it thinking it would be another gouchamon o any of those loli shits out there, reason why i avoided it until the very end of the season, but i Heard some Friends and watched it.
I was wrong, way too wrong.
Its pretty good, quite childish but not too boring. the characters are interesting and funny, the story not bad at all, and the drawing style is kinda different, thing which makes it good to me.
so yeah, I approve this!
I thought it was 8/10 til Croix showed up and it went the mecha tech route which ruined it
>caring what other people think
Can this meme die
-good animation
-magic school that's actually magical and like a school
-pretty good message about belief and fantasy
basically the pros and cons balance each other out
everything trigger does is perfect so yes
If you like cute girls, Trigger antics, and Harry Potter inspired everything, then you'll like it. If you hate one or more of those things, you probably won't like it. Watch three episodes and see if it tickles your fancy.
this to be honest.
just watch the OVAs and spare yourself the suffering.
Sucy all the way dude!
Anyone have a MEGA with all the episodes?
it was charming at best
it's actually incredible how fucking bad akko is as the main character
Who cares what we think? If you think it was good then good for you. If you think it was shit then it was shit. Is that so hard?
Sure thing, Mr. Netflix-Lawyer. Give me a minute to find the link.
Classic 7/10.
It does nothing special but it does nothing offensive.
It's well animated and has an average story.
The OVA'a are better in all aspects, but that's to be expected.
It's nice and cute but the worldbuilding is shitty and the pacing is all over the place
It was well made and fun while it lasted but I wouldn't watch it twice
Best way to summarize that disappointment.
>setting is like Harry Potter
>plot progression is like Harry Potter
It's just disappointing, and I've heard many different reasons why. For me it was because I was expecting a cute show about magic and the three main girls' friendship. Instead I got some dumb serious plot about Chariot and Croix that was boring and it ultimately became about Diana and Akko, while Sucy and Lotte became side characters. It bothered me. I'll never watch it again.
Its ok
>episode 4 to 11
>people keep complaining about a lack of plot and it just being silly adventures
>episode 21 to 25
>people keep complaining that there is too much plot and that they'd rather have silly adventures
Good thing I consider Akko best girl!
Yes, it's great.
Cute girls doing fun things and magic shit
how could it be bad
I rate the show 7 but since Akko still remain retard it become 8
stop asking the internet to validate your opinions
2nd half of the show was killed by not enough Sucy and too much Akko. Way to build up your awesome side characters and toss them in the garbage...
Still liked the show and the OAVs all around though.
It sucks. Plagiarized concept, absolute dogshit execution. Unfathomably bad end. Overall poor writing.
I can't imagine liking this show if you don't like Akko
How well did it sell?
And both are simultaneously valid. Choose solshit or plot and make it work. Don't half ass both and then expect people to like the disgusting, chimeric result.
worse than Maid Dragon
It became boring quickly.
It actually makes sense.
People were expecting some amount of plot and were disappointed by the episodic adventures, so they were complaining we didn't get any plot in the first half. When episodes started focusing on plot the audience realized it was fucking shit and they'd rather have more of the first half even if it was mediocre.
At least that's how it happened for me.
It was mediocre, standard Trigger.
isn't that like every show? SOL turns out to be the best part and it was best to forget any kind of plot. Like with Flip Floppers.
Wich is decent
Here we go with the 2nd part, anons.
Clarification: THIS IS NOT THE END.
Lewd comes tomorrow or the day after.... or in saturday.
Or in sunday.
Anyways, enjoy.
Flip Flappers was never SoL. You probably meant fun episodic shenanigans like in the first half of both LWA and FlipFlap. I think the series would have been better with 3 or 4 more episodes like this. But contrary to LWA, those episodes were never completely independent of the rest of the story, and Flip Flappers needed some kind of explanation and conclusion, you can't say that it would have been better without plot. I agree the second half wasn't great but I don't think the first half was much better, so I don't consider it a good example of what you meant.
Putting Flip Flappers aside, you can find a bunch of show that switch between one-off episodic stories to a bigger plot and do it well. For example NGE, Tutu, Slayers, Utena, GITS:SAC.
mega nz/#F!6tczRDLD!bAhRu28Rh5BVBMlrW8U_lw
>i liked it
Then nothing else matters.
You can like bad shows and you can hate good shows. All that matters at the end of the day is how much YOU like something
Avery is cute!
>implying people can have different oppinons
What are you, a newfag?
And a rapist!
That's not what he's saying. He's saying whether or not other people like it it shouldn't affect your own enjoyment.
>Implying someone can like or dislike things that the mayority disliked or liked respectively.
Another newfag?
I'd let her rape, insult and demean me any day!
y tho?
I want to get through the series but I hate Akko so damn much.
Like a gourmet version of your favorite food made with great care and then the waiter takes a big smelly dump on it right in front of you.
Trigger did it while working on three other projects at the same time and were strained by 2cours instead of 1cour. It could have been better, but it's still good if it's your kind of thing.
Every Trigger show has either shitty animation (KlK, Inferno Cop) or shitty writing (Kiznaizer, Luluco). LWA falls into the later category harder than the previous two entries.
It's Harry Potter but with cute girls, OP; that's all you need to know. If that premise gets you hard, then go watch it because you'll love it, but if the concept bores you then the show will too.
Personally, I loved it, and the whole thing was worth it for Diana alone.
You're misconstruing both what people were complaining about, and the fact that these are two different sets of people.
As for the former example you give of the show's problems, while you may imply that was the part of the series people who watch plot-lite SOL shows would enjoy the most, I actually found things to complain about precisely BECAUSE I'm a fan of SOL. It's something that I and a number of people brought up many times, but the show struggled to make characters the audience cared about. Pretty much as the previous user said, if you don't like Akko, it's difficult to like the show at all.
Compare this to other shows people can still enjoy in spite of a flawed main character.
And as for your latter example, while I think most people more or less thought final 1/4th of the show's eps were its best ones, the overall second half of the show did suffer from a few poor episodes, and a plot that people didn't really care for.
I want Diana to smash a vase over my head in a drunken rage!
Not him but
>tries her best despite being a magic cripple
>genuinely cares for her friends and everyone around her
>S T I N K Y
She's my second favorite, but she makes the series enjoyable for me.
>shitty animation
Cute addition user. Looking forward to the end.
Nothing else new today, I'm starving for content.
LWA is a good show with a great idea that should have been planned and plotted better. Episode 25 was the ending to a better show.
It's still my favorite show of the year so gar, though.
>there are people that unironically like Enchanted Parade better than the TV show
The movie is the weakest part of the franchise by far.
Someone put the gif of Satsuki walking up a wall in the most GCI fashion, and any scene of Ep.4, please.
I genuinely can't wait for Megumi to sperg out on the next stream.
I want to shitpost with this cute Leaf!
Yeah, I agree when some anons said Episode 25 was an ending for a series that we didn't see.
>Bad writting
Isn't like they even needed to give Luluco a plot in the first place.
There's that rewrite fic, but it's not that far along yet.
Fuck man, I love that scene.
I have my figma posed to recreate that scene.
Episodes 4 - 17 of that show were objectively below average. That animation budget was stretched so thin it was opaque
Also, it is really shitty
What's with the Averyfagging lately? Not that I mind, but I'm more partial to elf-chan myself. Did Tattun confirming that she's Canadian really make her that more popular?
if it was stretched thin wouldn't it be transparent instead of opaque?
I'm rather inclined to agree with
Eh, it's underwhelming so far yeah.
Nah because then there might be something interesting to look at behind it, instead of the still frames and jank we got
>I want to get through the series but I hate Akko so damn much.
Have you been eating shit your entire life? How long has it been since you got used to the taste?
OVA? yes
Series? Save for a couple of episodes, no.
She's definitely a cutie. She needs more screen time if they're going to make S2, and maybe a minor role in the upcoming game. Would love to see how they work her out in a Hannah/Barbara episode.
It's good but it's flawed. I definitely enjoyed it though.
Around elves, watch yourselves!
There's not enough in it to say that it sucks outright, but it'll fall into the same problems that all her other stuff falls into, which is an overdramatic self indulgence with Diana/Akko. I mean, sure fanfics (and fan art) are really just indulgences but she goes a bit too far with it most of the time. I honestly think that the author is basically projecting Ruby/Weiss onto Akko/Diana and treats LWA as a RWBY AU.
i enjoyed a good portion of the tv series
and the ova1
not enchanted parade though
The best fics in terms of characterization I've read recently are Inconvenienced and Cat Nap.
It's okay. Slightly aboive average but nothing outstanding. Only 1 or 2 episodes are really good.