Air ships!
Why are they so awesome?
Air ships!
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It's the dream that goes along with them.
Fractale > Last Exile
Why not more sky adventures takes flight?
Because their time ended too soon and they're still seen as extravagant and adventurous vehicles
Cool airship thread
Naval ships end at the waterline, airships get twice as much hull to show off desu
Also anime
The best
Wouldn't an airship, space ship, be crushed under its own weight? How would they even cope when entering any atmosphere?
Gravity/inertia control
Reactionless engine
That might be the case for some spacecraft, but an airship wouldn't normally collapse in the environment it's designed to operate in.
Why is Musashi such a best girl?
Airships are stupid!
Season 3 when?
>Do you have any idea how large and heavy something would need to be before gravity would have a notable effect on it?
>Since energy and mass are equivalent, all forms of energy (including light) cause gravitation and are under the influence of it.
Sorry, I misread your post. Please ignore that.
Just believe.
Liars are stupid
Why did it had to fail?
The Iron Grip universe was awesome.
Fuck this gay Earth.
I always wondered why airships are a pretty common thing in jrpgs but rare in anime. They're so fucking cool, it'd be great to see more of them animated .
Bigger issue is surviving the wall of plasma that atmospheric re-entry creates.
No way.
Do you even CHIVALRY?
Why would the spaceship not slow down as it approaches its destination?
Do you also ram your car into your house every time you come home?
Unless you have shielding form the effect of gravity there's no avoiding re-entry plasma
If you have sufficient power for interstellar travel, you can go down the gravity well at whatever speed you want, even walking speed, though that might get boring after a few hours.
Besides, if your ship is capable of relativistic speeds, it already needs extremely thick armor by default.
That all depends on what you're using for propulsion. I wouldn't want an intersellar plasma drive firing into my atmosphere just to let a ship enter at a reasonable speed.
>ships are calmly retrorocket-ing their way down to the space port
>suddenly pirates arrive at 0.001c with a vertical angle of attack
>>suddenly pirates arrive at 0.001c with a vertical angle of attack
>everything explodes
>news article later describes the pirates as suicidal bunch of morons that didn't understand E=1/2mv²
What's the point of having musketmen in that series? Opening up gaps in armor to shoot at each other with airguns doesn't seem like efficient fighting. It's very aesthetic but not very practical.
They're like sky battleships, how can that not be cool?
They were all about aesthetic because war was a game
People hate marvel's helicarrier though
Because trying to take off from a platform producing a shit ton of turbulence is a bad idea all together.
Just drop them from underneath then
Another news article doubts the ability of our government to be able to identify an object moving at 0.001c when they barely had to time to register that it existed before the disaster.
I would surmise that that is their rules of engagement
Moreover, at those earlier parts of the series, the float units of each ship is presided over by the Guild, who could pull out those units at their whim, which makes the float units (and hence the ships) more valuable than human life. The only way to win an engagement then is to reduce the number of soldiers each side has, while preserving the valuable ships as much as possible. Hence, rules of engagement.
How would anything land on it then?
That's a sky carrier, which is just dumb. I'm talking about sky battleships, totally different.
>Another news article doubts the ability of our government
Another news article accuses you of doubting our glorious leader's intelligence services and of needing immediate re-education.
Things either need to accelerate to 0.001c in relatively close proximity - which would be very visible to anybody - or travel to the planet from further away, which would give you more time to spot them.
It was a highly ritualized form of warfare, designed by the Guild to allow most battles be decided before any ships came to harm. As you may remember, every airship the surface dwellers used had a self contained claudia unit with Guild engineers that could detach and fly back to the sky. While other Humans' lives were not important, the chance of Guild members losing their lives was thus minimized.
because they combine the dream of flight with romanticized naval combat
I actually had to check to see if I was on Sup Forums or /tg/.
>yfw freeborn don't respect zellbrigen
Could treat flying carriers like real life airships that had aircraft. They are launched from a hook under the ship and retrieved by the same hook.