White women are now an abomination


So how do they transfer the money, I'm genuinely interested.

sure would be a shame if somebody shooped rule # 9 to "NO BLACKS" and sent it to Buzzfeed...

YES! Wonderful idea!

>if someone tells you to drink water tell them to fuck off
This is just ridiculous, water is good for you and very important to staying healthy. The complete disregard and disrespect for the importance of hydration is what really gets to me here.

Yep people would be squirming if this actually got popular

>White women are now an abomination
Fucking beta
You are the abomination

Saged. Get gassed Schlomo. White women can and will be brought to heel when white men agree to restore themselves to non-degenerate, civilized behavior. Take your white genocide blackpill back shit to the Temple. We don't want it.

Well done niggero

>women will end up miserable alone with cats

um no