Poltards ignore the 25th Nubian dynasty of Egypt

>poltards ignore the 25th Nubian dynasty of Egypt

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>not even remotely related to nignogs with west african ancestry
>also worst dynasty of Egypt by far and short lived as fuck

So why shouldn't we ignore it.

because the 18th dynasty (hyksos) fucked everything up with mixed race breeding intelligent folks with niggers

You mean the dynasty that marked the fall of Egypt? Oh yea that one. Sage slavnigger.

How are the Nubians related west Africans?

>croats not realizing nubia is the lower section of egypt/upper section of sudan
>ignoring the fact their "kingdom" was only Egypt by name.
>mfw when Sudanese

you fucking nazis. Egyptians were black. End of story.

Gr8 b8 m8. I know the r/t_cuckolds will enjoy this one.

pic forgotten

How will wh*tes ever recover from this?

Yeah okay I’m supposed to believe niggers who still live in mudhuts and eat each other to this day built the pyramids and ruled Egypt for thousands of years

good point, but the sad thing is your dumbass probably couldn't even build a mud hut.

wrong, niggers had no place in Egypt except as slaves

>niggers ignore the other 24 dynasties

Stop acting like a retarded cigan for once
Hyksos dynasty was controlled by jews in the priest class which they infiltrated during the 17th Dynasty with polytheism, the paradigm shift to monotheism was supposed to clean them out but Akhenaten was too late, everything was in decline, the people were not native to the land and no one gave a shit anymore.
Sound familiar? Look at Europe, America and Canada today because the same people are involved and they're doing it again

koji je tebi kurac

>build frame out of sticks
>cover in mud
That’s literally what they did in that picture
Wow real difficult


Nubian elites were if anything only slightly more Sub-Saharan than Egyptians

Nigger why are you using a story board cell from a Michael Jackson video. That's Eddie Murphy you dumb blue gum monkey.

Sea nigger at it again.

White people build everything, niggers break it down, this is the cycle of life on Earth

>we wuz kingz slaved the jews
is that good or bad?

>1 dynasty that lasted a mere 100 years prove Egyptians were sub Saharans
>also long after Egypt's apex
Stop waisting our time, OP

nice b8 countryman

Who ignores them. They were a short lived dynasty that fucked Egypt up so badly that future generations tried to erase them from history. And they did that by pissing off the Assyrians.

it was just one dynasty and they were obviously foreigners (nubians) who conquered egypt.
It's like saying china is mongol because of the yuan dynasty.

>normies ignore the first 24 egyptian dynasties
>only focus on the last black one which ran egypt into the ground

>Be niggers
>Become pharaohs
>Unable to win wars against Assyrians
>Egypt becomes vassal of Assyria
Why do niggers ruin everything?

>pol is one person
I mock the "WE WUZ KANGS" people by pointing out the Nubian dynasty, their ability to come to power only after Persians crippled Egypt, and the fact they oversaw the end of Egypt before Persian conquest. At best they are a failure.

The Nubian dynasty is one of many (hence 25th) and the only actually black dynasty. "WE WUZ KANGS" nuts claim all of them were black.

I believe pre-Dynastic Egyptians were black but that early Dynastic Egyptians and Nubians were red Caucasoids

I'm so glad you found this picture from the historical archives that clearly shows the skin of Egytians as properly melanated. We need pictures like this to battle the devil (doubt in the minds of the sheeple)... Stay strong

presenting salves to Amon

Here niggers. Here's video proof egpyt was niggers. Wie wuz edddey murfays n sheeeeeeeit....


Wow, based leaf...

