ITT: Anime that can cure insomnia


You were suffering from insomnia, user? Did something traumatic happen or is the cause still unknown?

Hunter x Hunter
Serial Experiments Lain
Kiniro Mosaic
Maid Dragon
any slice of life, anything with no plot, anything pretentious

Any Miyazaki movie.
That guy that did Your Name's movies apart from 5cmps



Take that back you fuck


The GOAT sleeping aid


I find it easy to fall asleep to DB/DBZ, despite all of the yelling and destruction. Theres no specific anime that will cure your insomnia, you just have to find something youre familiar enough with. If you want to doze off feeling content, just put on an anime that you know front to back, and is near and dear to your heart.

I fell asleep on episode 2


Monster? Monster.

Anything that isn't battle shonen. Literally the only saving grace of the trashpile that is Japanese animation.

I thought visually it was very pleasing to look at.

Don't fall asleep while marathoning Bobobo though. Christ that shit will give you the weirdest dreams

This. Not because is bad. It's because is so comfy that all the problems that gave you insomnia go away.

It was very nice to watch, but I think the lack of dialogue meant that it was really difficult to follow.

I genuinely have no clue what it's about and I read somewhere that it was made to be really artsy fartsy

Finally, someone who understands. The amount of top10 lists this show is on is ridiculous. I can't make it past episode 5 because I fall asleep during EVERY episode and can't remember the plot so far or even if there was a plot. It's just a dull, dull anime regardless of if it gets better later on

Even the worst SOL doesn't bore a person to sleep

It doesn't take much to get the gist of it, it's about one character who has faith in something and another who doesn't.

The artsy stuff worked on you too, since you said it was "very nice to watch". That's why it has a following, a lot of people don't need tons of dialogue and a deep complex story to appreciate something. I just liked the world the story created and wasn't really worried about following the plot.

In the fourth act or so I realized they were literally underwater and it wasn't just a visual thing and I felt pretty smart when I proclaimed this. But yeah, it's rather difficult to follow but then near the end they reveal everything with dialogue anyways so it kinda feels pretentious.

LoGH always puts me to sleep after an episode or two. It's great and all, but it is tiresome to watch.

This felt like a bad Yotsuba knock-off. The gay jokes weren't funny either.

It cures insomnia and so much more

Pic related

Kill yourself.

How about one that makes it worse? Like, you keep trying to fall asleep to it, but it just keeps talking?

Texhnolyze, Ergo Proxy

Just go and do that thing you keep postponing and you'll have the greatest sleeps. Faggit

fucking true

it's not even like I find it bad, it's just boring enough to put me to sleep

Naruto before the edgeshit/powerlevelshit took over was a pretty good anime with logical events and well-balanced characters

DB is fun

DBZ/GT/S is boring as fuck for me

except when caulifla comes on, then it is faptime

it's the truth, I fell asleep during the first episode of whatevergatari when the araragi dude was watching some kind of dragon parade in darkness

Nice rec thread gunna b gettin tons of animes and maingas bro

lol brainlet go read some philosophy

This. I tried it because I've seen positive criticism about it but it was boring as fuck.

>Hunter x Hunter
I just woke up having fallen asleep midway through episode 1

it's the opposite for me. I can't sleep during naruto because it triggers my autism and I keep paying attention to every small character that pops up

I'd say it was mostly sophistry but what they talk about is so banal I can't even call it that.

>People just posting shitty opĂ­nions instead of things that truly qualify

ITT: Shitty bait

ITT: literal ADHD brainlets.
Millennials were a mistake. Go watch your Narushit, kiddos.


Didn't even make it through half the first movie because it spends like half an hour showing Ryougi opening a motherfucking ice cream shot from someone we don't even know.

Fuck anyone that enjoys this pseudo-philosophical bullshit. Seriously, fuck you

I'm not a brainlet, I'm just so exhausted from work that I lie down and watch comfy anime with one eye open until I fall asleep

>"hey guys, I enjoy eating literal shit. It tastes amazing and you guys are fucking retards for not enjoying the taste and texture of shit like I do"

That's how you sound right now

Don't blame other people for your ADHD.


>"wtf this $300 steak tastes like shit I'd rather eat sum McDonalds, it's much better than this pretentious shit"

This is literally you.

>"hey guys I have the attention span of a 5 year old and can't stay awake to appreciate something unless there is a big explosion and epic fighting every 10 second"

That's how you sound right now.

what does 300 dollar steak taste like? serious question, i'm poor

>hasn't read the novels
why did you watch knk agan?

are you retarded?
Its a legitimate question because it's apparent that you are a base individual whose attention span might be less than that of a fly.
So why not just fly the fuck off to the next pile of shit you degenerate


so they made a film for people that only have read the novels?
that seems like a good marketing idea to me

>>"that seems like a good marketing idea to me"
>heh, that sure showed him. he has no counter to my smug cool response ahahaha

it's a really popular series of novels in japan you dumbass. and you whatever you think doesn't matter, because it was pretty successful in its primary market.

why are you so upset user
I didn't even watched that movie
does japanese dick really taste that good to defend them like this?

Like a 30 dollar steak but with the bitter aftertaste of having wasted 270 dollars on bullshit washed down with the delicate finish of a 70 dollar glass of wine that's worth 15.

Or literally the greatest thing ever if you have your head too far up your ass to realize you got fucking played.

Although whoever said it's not about the quality of the meal, but not having to eat near people who can't afford it is definitely right. Nobody buys a dinner for their annoying children at a restaurant that only takes reservations and has a 30 dollar corking fee.

Kobe beef is not steak and might be an exception, I'd have to actually fly to nipland though.

This and Aria for me.

>Kobe beef is not steak and might be an exception, I'd have to actually fly to nipland though.
It's cheaper to have it flown to you if you know how to cook a steak.

Do you even cook it? I thought it was like carpaccio

You want to cook it rare or medium rare but just enough to melt the fat on the inside. The texture is like meat melting like ice cream in your mouth.


I really liked White Album 2, so I started watching the original. It's really putting me to sleep, is it worth it to keep going?

How dare you.

this shit