

Do NOT sexualize my wife, Kino.

What else can you do with her?



Why does she look like a boy?

Please point out the parts that make you think this is a boy

The masculine vagina.


Vagina is feminine a priori, user

Is she actually going to be drawn in this style for the new series? I was hoping it would be more like the original series. At least not like the 2007 movie.

Yes. Princess Principal has the same character designer

It's safer to travel that way. She even refers to herself as boku.

Oh sweet, despite what I said that's a great sign.

It's probably gonna suck then.

Are you sure? Kouhaku Kuroboshi was Kino's charcter designer since the very beginning if I'm not mistaken

Never trust llizardposters.

I thought she was a (male) before Sup Forums ruined it for me

A (male) what? A reverese trap (male)?

A (male) boy!

That's the default for boys.

This is Photo (pun intended)

Kino is pretty


>masculine vagina

This is an interesting concept and I would like to hear more

is kino worth watching if i don't like atmosphere stuff like mushishi ?


it's far better than mushishit