Kyle Kulinski is the new king jew of Sup Forums. This board is in serious need of bluepills. You're so fucking brainwashed that you have no problem with Republicans increasing military spending and now you're ok with sending young Americans to die for Isreal. There is literally no counter argument to Kyle.


Other urls found in this thread:


I'm a liberal and I agree with Kyle. True nationalism is using our tax dollars to take care of our own people, not globalist wars and occupation.


This is the redpill Sup Forums refuses to swallow

>Sup Forums summed up in 1 pic

Just tell me if he calls Shapiro out for being an anti white, double standard having yid

>implying Sup Forums isn’t already a natsoc board

Literally everyone here has swallowed that pill long ago, goofball. Go back to plebbit.

>feminist btfo
>look at these stats
>theyre just facts silly
>sjws are destroying our freedom
>now go and die for protect israel Goy

So this faggot actually gets one right and we should start listening to him?
No thanks. Not giving his channel any clicks but I will take your word that he said tax dollars should take care of our own people and will agree. No problem with that.

But in the end, he is still a faggot and so are you OP.

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

>Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy

Did he say that?
Yeah typical smug, self entitled, spoiled, liberal.


It's true milifag

lol, i love these brainlet memes

He's a fucken upper class yankee that chooses what minorities he interacts with and doesn't have to deal with hood niggas.


No it isn't. Sup Forums excludes brown people from that narrative.

No. He didn't say that, snowflake

>our own people
Doesn't include niggers and jews.

>neocons back in power
>leftists making good arguments again
>wow vanilla being re-released
We're back in the Bush years boys! This is the best time to smoke weed and be a sentimental bluepilled alcoholic.

Kinda comfy tbqh.


>our own people
Only white people make a positive contribution in taxes, so only white peopel should be taken care of.

Average Hispanic household pays -2000 per year
Average Black household pays -8000 per year

Source? It better not be from some shitty fake news site.

>Became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the country at age 17
>graduated summa cum laude from UCLA at age 20
>graduated cum laude from Harvard law 3 years later
I know he's a kike, but he's pretty goddamn smart user

> source, it better not be something I disagree with
I was a tax accountant. Now I’m an accounting professor. The research is out there. But no one is allowed to talk about it because reality is racist.

No actually he is not and most of the people who work with him hate him.


Most of the research is behind a paywall. However, if you google “fiscal impact by race”, I’m sure something will pop up. It probably won’t be from HuffPo so you won’t spend the time to read it.

16D Chesssssssss

>Summa cum laude at a status school

They hate him because they're either jealous of his success or because they're too stupid to hold a conversation with him.

Funding our military is no where near as expensive as funding our minorities

>No he is not
Gonna need a little more than that user. I at least brought some metric in arguing his way above average intelligence. You're gonna need more proof than your word. Just because you were probably on the chess team and captain of the anime club in high school doesn't mean your assessment of his intellect is at all credible.
>most people who work with him hate him
Not surprising, he's a squirly kike faggot with shit taste, but also irrelevant to our argument

But USA is an empire. You need to protect and force USA interest worldwide. Regime changes, proxy wars, assassinations are inevitable.

That's not even remotely true. But it does fit into the Fox News/Nat Soc narrative, so I'm wasting my time.

> not true
It absolutely is 100% true. Do some research faggot. Pull your head out of your ass.

It’s not even close. The military is far cheaper.

The military complex creates jobs, research and development. Welfare doesn't.

You're a fucking retard. Defense spending has only ever been between 11 and 12 % where is social programs like Medicare Medicaid welfare all that all add up to well over 60%. Do some research faggot like said. And yes social programs are what minorities and niggers survive on, even if they do help white people too

There's still a ton of lolbertarian shills and Peterstein boomer-tier bots on this board.

To add to this:
If you take the taxes whites pay, and subtract the portion of entitlements that white people get, you still end up with a large positive number.

Hispanics run a large deficit. And the Black deficit is so large that society would collapse if their % of the population increased just a few percent.

The problem i have with NATO and the american military is the fact that they use their weapons extensively and test them on brown people in the middle east.

The reason why russian weapons are "inferior" to american, its because russian planes are getting bombed before they are able to take off, western weapons happens to very often be on the offensive, NOT defensive.
Israel does not defend itself when it bombs Syrian anti-air emplacements.

You can see this by the fact that the west spends very little on anti air weapons.
Because you can not bomb civilians with them.

But these fucking kikes can eat dick, and fuckoff back to the desert to which they belong.

You seem to think that everyone on welfare doesn't also work. Workers paid into social security and medicaid their entire working life, it's already their money not the military's. When you remove Medicaid and SS, welfare costs(food stamps, CHIP, etc) are nothing compared to military spending.
And what's the point of military spending for the sake of jobs if those jobs result in trillion dollars wars, hundreds of trillions in damages across the globe, millions of lives lost, refugees, and destabilized nations? How the fuck is that cost not more than "lazy people" on welfare?

WHITE workers pay in. They pay in more than they take out. Everyone else takes out more than they pay in. How is this hard for you? I dumbed this down to the point a kindergartner can understand it.

You are a brainwashed communist. There’s no hope for you.

If you take the positive number from white taxes less white entitlements, and subtract military spending from that number, it’s still fucking positive. There would be no deficit.

Why even waste time making this trash

>test them on brown people
I'm confused, are you suggesting we test them on people that matter?

>only debate people you a certain to win against
Please pick one

Shapiro, just like Mccain, or Bush, or Lindsey Graham, or that whole ilk, is nothing more than a neocon. BTFOing a neocon is nothing special; it's low hanging fruit like SJWs Feminazis or militant atheists.

Is that a big penis going in his mouth?

Welfare is a snowball system. The amount of non whites is increasing. The input is decreasing.
Military also protects the country and the interest of its people. Military has invented lots of technology.
If you don't feed your army, you'll feed a foreign one. Even most communist countries are highly militarized.

if you think Sup Forums is neocon you should immediately gargle nigger semen and kys

>Muh whites being taxed
People and their families who have had wealth the longest in this nation, also have more wealth now. It just so happens that whites have always had an economic advantage in this country, which is also why they don't need government assistance as often now.
Most people on welfare are white (yes, blacks use more per capita). The vast majority of blacks and Hispanics don't use any welfare at all.
You're also assuming that individuals in welfare have no economic output, or use welfare forever. Poverty is typically cyclical and most people on welfare also have jobs. What do you suggest these people should do without welfare? Have you considered the effect on society if thousands of families are unable to eat despite having jobs?
The narrative that working whites are have all their money taken by lazy brown people is false. Instead of pumping cash into failed military programs and wars, we should be investing in our people including the black and Hispanic people.

Pumping more money into welfare never solved anything. Even the suggestion is borderline retarded. First they should stop having children.

I want them to go back to a country where they can compete. It isn’t fair to expect them to be able to compete on a level playing field. Blacks have an average IQ of 85. On average, black adults have the mental capacity of an 11 year old white child.

They absolutely cannot contribute to our society in any meaningful way. Their grandchildrens’ grandchildren will still be the dregs of society, no matter how much wealth we transfer to them.

And Hispanics will NEVER contribute either. Socialists don’t migrate because they want to pay taxes. They migrate because they want to use services. When you get your head out of your ass, and stop worshipping brown people, maybe you will be able to look at this objectively.

I agree. But there right is also against birth control and abortions. Shilling "personal responsibility" doesn't unbirth unwanted children. Welfare should be thought of as an insurance policy, not necessarily something that helps people. If you want to see wide spread choas, poverty, and revolution then go ahead and end all welfare. At least you'll get to keep all your hard earned money as long as society is still standing.


Why is this not in /IBS/?

>economic output
Herein lies the issue. Different cultures have different expected economic output. Whites have created a culture that gives them a high per capita output. Hispanics and blacks have cultures that create low levels of output.

You are advocating enslaving people from the high output culture, to make up for the below subsistence level output of shitty cultures.

No no no remember Ideology is what matters not skin colour.
Boom those brown people!
Starve them at home!
Blame "white people"!



How can you say that when most black and brown people contribute more to the system than they take out? The majority of them have jobs.
The reason why your arguments are falling flat with me is because I'm black and i have a degree in engineering. I make over 100k, I now live in a liberal city with high taxes. And when i was a kid, my family used food stamps temporarily. i have no issue with regulated welfare within an efficient government. I wouldn't be where i am today without that help.

52% of people on welfare aren’t white. 71% of people on government assistance that isn’t for Seniors are Not white. Non whites are net burden. White Americans even rural white Americans are not. Also 65% of the 17,000,000 people on food stamps as of December 1st 2017 are not white. Also most of these welfare recipients do indeed have no economic output.
You’re all incels.


You are a net burden by existing dog. Also 52% of people on welfare aren’t white. Even including senior programs. Where Non Whites are still over represented by about 20%. Literally even 31% of Americans on Social Security aren’t white. Also I am an Arab BTW
Black and Brown people do take more then they give in BTW.

Only White Americans and EASTERN ASIAN immigrants aren’t a bet burden. Also most of the white welfare recipients are Rural & over 50. There are less everyday. There is no argument.

> most black and brown
Read this thread. Most black and brown contribute far less than they take out. America doesn’t run a deficit. Our minorities do.

Congratulations on the engineering degree and the good job. I’m legitimately happy for you. But I know that, if you have an engineering degree, you know what an outlier is. You are an outlier.

Bias is when you base your opinions on outliers instead of on averages. I’m sure you believe whitey pol is biased. But they are actually forming their opinions based on averages. You are protecting your identity by basing your opinions on outliers.

>*aren’t a net burden*
Also fuck this shit bro be an outlier and exclude yourself from this sick system.

Actually the first time I see this guy mentioned on the board at all. With all his faults, the man is a highly intelligent and mature individual with actual answers.
He would literally shit all over any alt-right autist in a debate. Too bad we'll never get to see it.

Also fuck America.

>t. subhuman neet weeb

His entire world view is based on anti-scientific views on human genetics, so no. He's right about the insanity of neocon trash like Benny, though; but the alt-right agrees on this point.

>oo hurr durr muh black race scores 2 IQ points below whites in general harrrrrrr
>blyuuhh hey guys race realism is important enough to base our ideologies and systems upon

>>oo hurr durr muh black race scores 2 IQ points below whites in general harrrrrrr
30 for African blacks, which is two full standard deviations, which is colossally significant. They're literally incapable of maintaining or contributing to a modern society.
>>blyuuhh hey guys truth about human genetics is important enough to base our ideologies and systems dealing with humans upon
Very much so. Obviously, in fact.


More like 20 points.


Pffff. Everybody blows Ben out...

...when he's not there.

~15-18 for American blacks (due to white admixture), upwards of 30 and even close to 40 points lower for black Africans, depending on the location.

Everything after that comma is true tho

Also this says “head of the household”, so I would like you to know a lot of the white recipients who are the “head of the household” are single women with Non White children. What are the demographics of the children on food stamps??? Close to like 75% Non White. For some reason native born/Middle class & affluent Non Whites are too liberal they have the same birth rate as White Urbanites/Rural retards. So most Non White young are born into poor or working class households in which only 1 person or even none work. Continuing the cycle.

You mean actual Africans, right? The negro living in Africa? You're comparing the IQ of this savage with that of a white man living in a civilized society? Explain to me how this is relevant?
The only area where your shit has any real application is immigration policy. It is every country's right (and responsibility really) to enforce strict, scrutinizing, and outright discriminatory immigration policies. Other than that, who gives a shit? And even then, what's the point of race realism if you judge intelligence, language proficiency, and skill when choosing who gets to immigrate?
It's clear that with opportunity and a long enough lineage, a person can be capable of greatness regardless of ethnic background. Race realism is superfluous and pointless, just face it.
What's not pointless is the research into the correlation between being born into poverty and having a lower IQ, which you should look up.
It's obvious that people are also capable of being worthless scum, again, despite ethnic background, as evident by redneck degenerates.

>due to white admixture
Citation needed.
Cause from where I'm sitting it's clear that their brains are more developed because they live in the West, not in the African shitholes.

Not knowing the dollar creates wealth because it is backed with military power

-durr more gibs is the answer, fuck American imperialism

African Americans have an average IQ of 87. Whites 105. American Jews 107. American Asians 105. Hispanic Americans 91. Mixed race Americans 91. Africans have an average IQ of 74. Also again there are less White Rural retards and Self hating White Urbanites/Jews everyday. There are more Non Whites everyday who leech off of Reasonable White Suburbanites like myself who also number more everyday.

>You mean actual Africans, right? The negro living in Africa? You're comparing the IQ of this savage with that of a white man living in a civilized society? Explain to me how this is relevant?
Because those savages are currently pouring into Europe.
>Other than that, who gives a shit? And even then, what's the point of race realism if you judge intelligence, language proficiency, and skill when choosing who gets to immigrate?
Because there's more to race than intelligence. Non-white groups via voting pattern research and polls simply do not care about Western values. Whites are the ONLY group on the PLANET that a majority of values free speech. Because filling an economic niche isn't enough to have the right to become a citizen with voting rights in a country. That's why.
>What's not pointless is the research into the correlation between being born into poverty and having a lower IQ, which you should look up.
Already accounted for. Socio-economics contributes to lower intelligence (though the inverse is true as well), but all research puts intelligence at about 80% genetic, with environment accounting for the other 20%. It's why no matter how well a Chinese population eats, they'll never be as tall as the average Nord, and why the same is true of blacks and intelligence. There are always outliers, but in dealing with groups, averages are what matter. But by all means keep using silly retorts like redneck, though.
>due to white admixture
>Citation needed.
It's already well known the average black American is about 20% white by DNA, given the genetic basis for intelligence it accounts for their higher average intelligence than blacks in Africa.
>it's clear that their brains are more developed because they live in the West, not in the African shitholes.
Their brains are more developed because they have white genes. You don't seem to understand how IQ testing works. It doesn't test for cultural progress, development or anything like that.

Kyle is based, one of the few people I respect on the left. Oh and neo-con Israel firsters like Shapiro need to die in a fire.


>Because those savages are currently pouring into Europe
This is the only actual issue here, and it can be solved with absolutely zero regard for race.
Just vote out the auto-destructive traitors and set a rational, high bar for immigration, if you wanna have any at all. Establish universal standards for immigration and integration, and that's all there is to it. You'll probably end up turning back more colored folks than first world whites, I won't deny that, but the key is to not give a shit.
So, once again, I fail to see the relevance of race realism.
Problems are much greater when it comes to people who are already in the countries, though.
When it comes to sandniggers in Europe, you can always crack down on their religious institutions (they already have much more immunity than they should in a secular society), the influx of Saudi money, and just enforce the goddamn laws. A huge problem that has made matters much worse than they should be is a lack of law enforcement in certain countries for fear of being "racist." The UK is a fine example of this.
The vast majority of current asylum seekers should also be deported. And for the citizen Muzzies that misbehave, well, that's what prisons are for. And I wouldn't be against revoking citizenship for those who acquired it recently and are clearly not integrating.
As you can see my main gripe with race realism is not its factual merit, but its lack of relevance.

He was wrong about Trump and lies over the most pathetic things, like stupid women. Shapiro is beneath contempt.

Literally thanks to Negroes race does matter. Answer this, why are suburbs so nice???

Cause they are inhabited by the richer part of the population, I'd say. Of course, you'd say it's cause that's where the whitey lives.
But then again, I'm sure that not all suburbs are that nice.
By all means, do tell me what you actually think.

American cities are 25.6% white European in total. 24% Black. Suburbs are 74% white European in total. 4% Black. Rural areas are 83.2% White European in total and 9% Black. Most of that is from the rural south

This video is reductionist leftist drivel, even if you don't agree with U.S. mil spending there are far better critiques than this. He's keen to mention the autocrats we support but fails to mention the very important times we actually have defended democracy and freedom. He fails to mention the times we've abdicated our regional dominance and left people's to their own devices (like letting Chinks play their imperialist games in Africa , completely withdrawing from Vietnam after total military dominance, etc. ad nauseam). He forgets to mention conflicts fought over genuine ideological strife. His worldview is so Marxian that he is preoccupied by the material context of a condition or action in lieu of looking at the totality of the context of a condition or action.

Also he's shilling for government retirement programs, something only possible in homogeneous countries where the populations are intelligent enough to contribute, in aggregate, a net positive to the tax base. Government retirement benefits are also contingent on population growth. It doesn't take an accountant to figure out how gross of a ponzi scheme it is. Moreover, certain demographics are happy to vote themselves largesse from the tax base and completely tilt the way democracy ought to function. This only compounds the issue of taxing younger people, most of whom would rather be buying homes and starting families in their prime, to high hell in order to fund these programs which are invariably underfunded.

Kyle Kulinski doesn't give a shit though because feels>reals. His shtick is one of patronizing commentary laced with superficial talking points meant to endear the reader to whatever emotional garbage he can think up between changing his tampons. Which reminds me: if women couldn't vote our nations wouldn't be perennially indebted and flooded with the 3rd world. Have a nice day faggots.

Yea because whitey lives there. Specifically whitey under 18 and between 35 - 54.

wtf do shitskins have to do with ending the military industrial complex?

>Cause they are inhabited by the richer part of the population, I'd say.
And yet the poorest whites commit violent crime at a rate less than the highest black economic echelons.

Also, white students whose parents make $200k a year.

Fine. I could have guessed that myself.
That's hip hop's fault.

There are also a ton of people who are neither of those because they aren't meme posting idiots who see things in a real world situation you mongol.

>Summa cum laude at a status school

Explain? Is this just "ok"?

I have to say that now knowing the school system in my country, even I'd probably be able to do the same thing over here, if I went for the right courses for those easy ECTS credits. It would only take the right kind of mindset and educated parents, who would push me forward.


If you dont trust Faulk, and you shouldnt, go to the data hes working from and do the math yourself. You will come to the same conclusion