Symphogear AXZ

This is a thread dedicated to the perfect beings freeing us from oppression.
Please refrain from distributing S.O.N.G. propaganda in this thread.

Pictures of Tiki reading Utazukin are allowed.

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I'm going to marry Prelati!

Can somebody give me a quick rundown on the Pavarian Illuminati?

Cagliostro confuses my penis.

They want to free humanity from God.

They used to work with Fine until they both found out they had other goals in mind. Fine wanted to fuck God.

Only Saint Germain is a woman from birth.


Reminder that she will not kiss or fuck Bikki this season, she will not get a geah this season, and she won't even get half as much screentime this season as she did in GX.

I feel a mixture of equal parts arousal, disgust and envy every time he's on screen.

Episode of Miku and Cagliostro bonding over their impure desires when?
>Question: Could you summarize the whole of their relationship from the first three seasons?

>Answer: The feelings between them are the same as a married couple. In the first season it's like they were dating, then had a fight during G and then made up, which lead to them getting married in GX. Now AXZ is 1 year into their married life.

Does that mean xir is starting to crave dicks?

How do we fix this cow?

I hope you're being ironic.

By turning her back into a man. Male alchemists are best alchemists.

I want more pics of Cagliostro and Prelati hanging out and being cute.

The lodgemaster's female form is still perfect however. Doppelgänger episode when?

These interviews mean nothing, remember when people said Vivio and Einhart were married?

Remember when people thought that Vivio and Einhart expanding their circle of friends and interacting with other people means they weren't married? Oh wait, that was just one guy.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Like you were told last time you tried to post that, that image is the character's relationship only in the context of Vivid Strike.
And Vivio/Einhart aren't even in Vivid Strike enough to portray any kind of actual relationship with anyone, as they aren't the focus of the story.

Please keep your dumb drama in your own threads, Nanohafags

I guess you are right, my bad.

Yes, photo booth stickers are a very common thing for friends to do. I get that you've never had an actual friend in your whole life, but even you should know that much.

Any chance you could stop making off topic posts now? I assume not and you're just going to keep derailing the thread.

Since the Illuminati are using data they obtained from Carol, how high are the chances Carol pulled a pic related, and Elf9 has a flashback at the right moment about a flaw built into the Faust Robes?

Everything is connected through an ultra-dense web of autism. There's no way out. We're destined to suffer for all eternity.

I will post this every thread until they dock if you catch my drift.

As long as we can all agree that Neptune doesn't love Noire.


Is launching a nuke a common entry for op alchemists in anime or did they just copy FMA?

Sure but VignexTap is OTP.

Do you happen to have that one picture where Genjuuro is carrying Ryouuko and Chris is riding on his back?

>it wasn't enough for Hibiki to have protagonist asspull powers
>now maria is probably getting ones too
How mad would Sup Forums be if she becomes the deuteragonist? I would welcome it, if only because these past two seasons Maria and Tsubasa have more or less been attached at the hip, so more Maria would hopefully also mean more Tsubasa.

>dat stealthy DMJII
They may be smarter than we think.

You need to stop doing this. It's not funny, and your posts are off topic nonsense that have nothing to do with these threads.

They're super spies

Shirabe might be but Kirika is not.

DMJii spy adventures spinoff when?

Shirabe needs to go undercover as fine

After Magical Girl Utazukin Chris gets greenlighted.

Why is it okay when Hibiki does it?

Good, didn't like her anyway.

>introduce a naked man and a straight girl
>they are the best new characters
How did they pull this off?

Does anyone have a webm of Adam?

You've been hit by
You've been struck by
A smooth criminal

This isn't a power up it's eve

Fuck off, I like the moom


I'd love to have music in Symphogear that is a bit smoother and less electronic and boisterous like this. Then again, I don't know oif Japan can do smooth jazz or anything of that sort.

So when is Maria going to be useful?

When she quits being a geah and marries Tsubasa.

Shut up, Maria is very useful! For my heart.

When Elfnein starts being useful.

So never?

No, in three weeks.

When she dies and Hibiki takes her Gungnir to make Double Gungnir

Why are all Adams fucked in the head?

Did the Chris character song happen yet?

It was leaked yesterday .

She has done so many useful things already, stop being mean

im waiting for the downloadables, thanks chief

Check /m/'s general.

Like what, eat a tomato?

She grabbed the suitcase when the airplane got destroyed!

When she becomes Eve's Vessel

But Hibiki already has her Gungnir.

I don't remember Father nuking anything.

Blocked for distribution outside of Japan.


It's the same with every other anime with insert music, producers prefer to not deal with other copyright laws.


Ended up going and finding it myself.

You can never have too much Gungnir

>he doesn't know about City Pop
For shame, user.

It airs on TV in Korea apparently. (site shits itself if you click on anything, but AXZ appears on the scroller).
There was also a link to a Chinese simulcast that someone uploaded to youtube after the first episode aired, but I can't find the source because I don't know any Chinese.

Don't trust third worlders.

All hail our commie overlords!

so where can I watch this? cause horriblesub failed me

Do it at home.

I'll give you a hint.
It's on the internet.

If you have a functioning brain that's all you need to know in order to find it.

the 3 stream sites I found all have terrible buffering

Where do you think stream sites get their anime from?

How can you be this genuinely stupid?

Is Genjuuro the best dad or what?


How would you feel if Eve got you kicked out of Paradise? Imagine going from living in a Ivory Tower to a saggy box under a bridge.

>Lilith won't stay in the kitchen
>Eve gets you kicked out of your home
Women were a mistake.

Don't get me started on Pandora. Has she never fucking seen Hellraiser?

>Falling for obvious bait.

Be better than this symphobros

I wish. But that person gave up too easily to be baiting.

This what I'd like to believe but I've seen too many people genuinely not know where to find subs outside of stream sites and crunchy on Sup Forums the last months that I can't tell anymore.

Are we gonna get any got lewds this CM?

I can't believe we have different languages because some crazy woman wanted to fuck God