Why are Americans so abhorrently fat? I dont get how a country can be so fat...

Why are Americans so abhorrently fat? I dont get how a country can be so fat. Why do politicians in the US dont care about their people and tax food with sugar and fat?

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The Government actually Subsidizes Corn Syrup and Sugar, it's not a Left vs. Right conflict, there are Dems and Republicans who will go to school board meetings and tell parents Soda has no negative impact on health. These large companies will literally ride on the "Muh free market" wagon in order to sell sugary poison to kids in their schools. 80% of schools in the U.S. have Contracts with Coca Cola, this country is loss in a different way than Germany, Sweden, France and the UK.

That's Disney World. You're examining a sample size of several retired adults inside a theme park in the richest country in the world. I would guess that Disney World is the fattest place on Earth. Source: I live there. If you go to NYC or even other cities in Florida, people of that obesity are much more rare. My Dad is obese, and it's just because he thinks Fat Free milk tastes like shit, he loves white bread, he just doesn't care. He has no interest in learning about nutrition. It's like he doesn't believe eating healthy is good for him.

You live in Disney World?

>germans aren't blubbery wastes of space

Most 1st world countries are fat as fuck nowadays.

Nobody in America knows anything about nutrition. Browsing /fit/ is unironically the easiest way for Americans to access information about how their bodies work.

Most of what American's know as weight loss methods, or dieting, are actually doing the opposite. Most American's simply will not accept that the best way to lose weight is with ketosis. They absolutely believe that eating multiple small meals (with no concept of carbohydrates and sugars) will actually make them lose weight.
I don't need to add how the ignorance is spread. We should all be very aware of that here.

>googlen „dicke deutschen“
>topp lachen
>«59 Prozent der Männer und 37 Prozent der Frauen im Alter von 18 bis 65 Jahren sind übergewichtig»
>lachen intensiviert
>pic ist erheblich
>nun heißt deutschland „amerika der zweite“

it isn't fat, we're muscular. Europoors are scrawny lankfags

it's ok, they all watch sports to compensate
americans are number1 sportiest people worldwide!

You know what's funny? America's fat problem isn't new. The alarm was sounded as early as 1954. Back then, America was already the fattest country in the world. Now, 64 years later, the problem has only gotten worse. How the fuck this was even allowed?

This. Food pyramid is incorrect, yet its still taught. Fat and protein fuck carbs

>Why are Americans so abhorrently fat?

Google up the role the sugar industry played in the past 100 years. Fat has been replaced with sugar.

I won't go in to the Cuban Sugar Quotas pre '59 either.

Troll harder. The USA is #18 most obese.


Sugar + flour + gmos + laziness = the kikes.

The degenerate mutt food pyramid has turned much of the world into carb junkies.

The jew wants us fat and docile. Like cattle.

Lean and mean = bad goyim

Fat and happy = Good Goyim

100% because of sugar and carbs.

How the fuck do you think a fat free, protein free snack is healthy because it says it’s 100 calories?

Sugar replaces fat and the weight of Americans got bigger

Many poors are fat from fast food and no exercise. When I visit my fiancée's family in a very small town in the South people look at me like Im crazy for going for a jog. Nobody runs for fun or exercise there..
Also, I am somewhat fat 6 foot 230 pounds. I lift heavy and work out a lot, run 7 min mile, 42 min 5 mile, bench 375 pounds, do cycling swim etc.
I just like eating and drink a ton of IPAs. Probably 6-8 IPAs 4 nights a week. If I were single I would shed a few pounds, it isn't hard just drink less beer and eat smalle rportions.

Everyone is fat
t. live in tourist trap that is visited from all nations

La creatura...

>Why are Americans so abhorrently fat?
Because they are lazy, self-entitled stupid fuckers that don't know the concept of jogging.

Too much money and market forces have made the food taste too good and be too affordable.

American Samoa
Cook Islands
Marshall Islands
Saint Kitts and Nevis
The Bahamas

>Having to mention meme microcountries with half a dozen people each to make his nation look good.
Hey, everyone, just look at all these great relevant countries are fat!!!

They make everything that is bad for you cheap here, and the healthy stuff is super expensive.

we just have more leftys

Not just "retired adults," but Boomers. Show them the deference they deserve. They've earned their thirty years in retirement, their reverse mortgage, and their taxypayer-funded Medicare Platinum program while they stuff their face with toxic food, and go on vacations and cruises while their kids are debt serfs and subject to an inundated job market.

Press F to pay respects.

leftys aren't fat usually, they'd be happy if they were fat

I would have expected Italy to be much fatter. I'm surprised.

>if we had as many people as the USA we would be better than them at sports!!!!
>uhhh wtf don't say anything about smaller countries!
USA isn't even that fat and if the other countries were our size they would be fatter than us

> How the fuck this was even allowed?

The media is owned by just a few (((companies)))?

>Why are Americans so abhorrently fat?

crop surplus.

around the second world war america developed an immense farming infrastructure to provide equally immense of food (so the population could provide its own food internally). thats a very useful thing and needs continually maintaining (e.g. farming skills / the farms themselves) so they're available whenever and for whatever. it also means they're consuming large amounts of refined carbohydrate on a regular basis.

i will issue all anons with a challenge / thing to observe.

there's basically one recipe the food producers use as a base for pretty much everything, it's:

carbohydrate (preferably refined and this also includes sugars e.g. those made by ezymatically digesting carbohydrate) + some form of oil + salt

it's so popular because it keeps for fucking ages and is extremely cheap to produce, and contains large amounts of energy. you'll find it fucking everywhere and its most of the thing you buy + some flavouring / different shape

e.g. chips (potato fried in oil + salt)
crisps (potato fried in oil + salt)
pizza (largely dough)
bread (largely dough)
pasties (largely pastry, which is flour and lard)
pies (largely pastry, see above)
sandwiches (largely bread + sauce)
ground meat (large amounts of saturated fat + wheat based filler)

it's also in the sauces themselves. most of what's in a pie (other than the pastry) will be carbohydrate in the sauce.

interestingly, people often point out that during the second war world ppl were down to eating flour + lard. but if you look at the current things people eat, its still basically the same thing just in different packs. some of it contains things like 'microcrystalline cellulose'; that's essentially cooked down saw dust.

i'm pretty sure america can 'de-fatterise' itself as its been reasonably successful in the uk; loads of school kids will avoid bags of crisps and eat fruit instead (free fruit in schools / some retailers give it away in store to kids)

Lame stereotype that doesn't hold water.

I'm a 28 year old male that only weighs 150-170 lbs.

The USA is a social experiment.

Their food is shit, no wonder. I spent a month there over the summer and honestly prefer this Americanized Italian garbage to that.

while all of that is true, its more of every fucking thing we have has high fructose corn syrup in it, and that shit is awful for you.

Fuck, if you're not careful you could even be brushing your teeth with it.

>Why are Americans so abhorrently fat
Big agra, soy, etc.
(((Corporations))) have hijacked the (((government))) to do their will instead of the peoples.

And while Americans are fat, niggers and beaners are especially fat. How many of them get conflated with white people statistics?

t. Manlet

Really? some Americans seems to have a warped view of Italy for some reason.
This, there seems to be a lack of understanding regarding nutrition in the Anglo countries, every time the arguments come out it's always "why are you Italians so skinny when you eat pasta and pizza all day"? some people don't understand that Italians are taught since they are kids how to eat properly, about carbs, fat and proteins etc. etc. we know what and how to eat.
By the way Americans seems to be victims of "liquid" calories too i.e they drink soda with every meal and don't know that shit is full of sugar and calories, add that to a bad diet and you get chronic obesity.

There's some normal body types in that picture too.

Are you serious?


>first world

Feasting on mass manufactured processed crap that animals wont even touch. Youre living the high life there matey

Why do Germans smoke so much? It’s disgusting.

Our politics generally go against control by the state. Unfortunately, when this combines with other factors, like high fructose corn syrup subsidies, then we have a lot of shitty, cheap food that's fattening, loaded with carbs and sugars and oil.

Also there's been a major nutrition push demonizing fat, when small amounts of unsaturated and saturated fat are fine. A lot of people drink "fat free half and half". It uses corn syrup (which is basically half sugar half carbs) along with some other ingredients to thicken it in lieu of the fat.

Then everything is so far away from each other in most areas and public transit such shit that everyone drives everywhere. Then if you work a desk job you aren't exercising that much.

portion sizes are smaller in italy too. and when you DO use oil for pizza and pasta, you don't use tons, AND it isn't in huge quantities in breakfast cakes, cookies, shitty prebaked pizzas, cheez-its (basically little flour crackers sprayed in oil with a tiny amount of cheese on them - basically it's 99% flour + oil)

italy has great food but it's very easy to get tourist trapped in the big cities. florence was the worst for this. i didn't have a single meal that was less than 8/10 in spoleto. florence on the other hand...ugh. you had to check. any signage in english or any other language (particularly chinese or korean) was a huge warning to stay the fuck away, shit food.

it's harder for american tourists as free wifi isn't as common in Italy and we don't have free roaming on american cell plans throughout the EU.

High fructose corn syrup and Sugar from GM sugar beets

be nice to Pedro he's still an American a Cocaine American

I agree that's bad but it's the same thing as sugar.

They started adding it because of a bunch of bad research from the 50s that said we needed to take the fat out of everything. They did that but shit tasted bad, so they added sugar.

If you just eat normal food- no diet shit or anything special just normal food and in reasonable portions... and you get some reasonable amount of exercise in you will not be a disgusting fat fuck. Maybe you won't be rail thin either... but 10lbs or so overweight isn't that big of a deal.

>florence was the worst for this
That's sad, Firenze and Toscana has a whole has amazing food, famous all around the country, but if you are a non-Italian it's probably crazy hard to find the right places where to eat properly.

yuropoors are just mad we can beat them up

fatness is directly correlated with republican states. as usual, its a conservacuck problem. i'd be ok with it, since they deserve to die out and we will be better off without them--but unfortunately we all have to help shoulder their enormous health care costs because ironically its mostly these sacks of shit that are declaring bankruptcy when their fatasses cant pay the hospital bills they rack up.

Exercise has other benefits but losing fat isn’t one.

The calories you burn working out are negligible. 80% of the calories you burn is your basal metabolic rate. Basically all the shit keeping you alive.

You don’t have much control over over that but you do have full control of how much energy you consume.

US is fat because we eat to much. Nutrition labels are misleading. They are usually higher than what is says by 20%. That and portion sizes are bigger.

They need to include the entire portion size calories. Most people think it’s low calories but the bag is 4 portions.

the skin head is right. a large portion of our obese people come from our lower classes. it's not hard to figure out who these people are. most type 2 diabetics in the us are black and hispanics don't seem to understand nutrition outside of tex-mex style food. thing is poor people tend to be dumb and don't know how to properly feed themselves.

Because they think french fries and diet coke is a good lunch, they eat this shit everyday at school and work, even their president stuffs his face with big macs

My classmates (on a school trip) found a place that served a five course meal for thirty euro with free house wine. I was told it was amazing.

Some other classmates I went with picked the restaurant and we were seated at a place with paper menus in six languages and Italian food that was supermarket freezer quality that night.

Ugh. 2011 was cruel, not a ton of people had smartphones, $10 a day global data passes didn't exist on American carriers (just ridiculously expensive overseas data packages), and wifi was less common. So for most of the trip we were bereft of resources to find out what good restaurants were.

I think know with online reviews and travel resources it's not as hard as it used to be. Without the internet or local guidance though, basically impossible in certain cities.

Reminds me of the life of brian gladiator fight

These memes again, like the welfare one.
You limp dicked libs are so predictable.
100% of the b;acks in Missippi on welfare and are fat, this means conservatives are bc Missippi went red...Muh stats. N
Thanks for showing again we have a black problem in all states.
People aren't as fat in commiefornia bc they are cucked faggots hugging trees with aids

because of all the fat niggers and spics we feed

It's not so much the fatty foods everyone eats but rather how much they eat. My friend eats McDonalds almost every day and he's still in good shape because he works out and watches his carbs. Most burgers just eat until they're full and then proceed to stuff themselves some more

> tax food with sugar or fat
> freedom

Pick one.

Fat free milk is shit though. Healthier to drink regular. Fat is not the problem, sugar is.

Because americans are incompetent, which shouldn't be suprising

He probably means Orlando

lol @ top of image
>rub objects on your fat to make it go away

500 calories for a 30 - 45minute run is not negligible. No wonder you guys are fat if this is the the mentality you operate under.

That pic was taken in some theme park. They're tourists. Probably Swedes. Fuckin gross fatties

Poor kid, it's retarded.

Notice that west virginia, kentucky, and tennessee are just as fat as the rest of you fuckheads. Guess what? These states at 95, 90 and 88% white respectively. Meanwhile, Massachusetts, is literally less white than these states at 83%. California, also a bright green is only 72% white. your little narrative is worthless.

in fact your post highlights why your states are cesspools: you're not not interested in taking responsibility for your health or your family's well-being. you'd rather just take the lazy route and blame "muh niggers". truly pathetic and the definition of a cuck. i imagine your father must have been a little dicksucking loser like you.

Because everywhere you go, horrible food is plentiful and cheap. You have to reject the dominant culture and make a deliberate effort just to eat somewhat healthy. There are entire stores in which every single food product is loaded with sugar-salt-fat-carbs. And if you lock yourself in your house, kids come by selling chocolate bars to raise money for band camp.

Americans are all so brainwashed by the 'muh freedom, muh free market' meme.

You fuckers cant even dry your clothes on a line in your yard without the residents association breathing down your neck

But all companies will happily use the 'muh freedom' meme to fill your food with crap and sell your bullshit

You need a serious look at your 'freedom'. It seems to be very selectively applied, often against your interests

>and fat
You don't know enough about nutrition to be making decisions. Please shut the fuck up, Hans.


Long but worth a watch sometime when you're bored with nothing better to do. Guy literally loses weight eating Mc Donalds every day

Nigga, exercise is just an increase in caloric consumption for a small duration, but effective exercise damages your muscles and provokes a repair and growth response from your body that increases your daily caloric requirements.

This shit is bodybuilding 101.

>tax food with sugar and fat
Ehh, it's the cheapest foods that make people fat. Taxing the cheap food the lower economic classes buy would make a LOT of Muricans mad as hell because their monthly grocery bills would grow astronomically. (The medical and weight loss merchants would be unhappy too of course.) So taxing is not really a viable solution. If you want a solution, I think it lies on the producer level. It's the industry that needs to change and be compelled to produce healthier foods the lower economic classes can afford. Then you can over time start getting rid of the bad foods.

Anyway, Latin Americans are getting fatter and fatter if I recall. They'll overtake Muricans soon.

>fat makes you happy
It makes you dependent, weak and miserable

I should have to pay more because fat slobs have no self control?
Kys faggot

jesus, how many butt cracks does that man have?

Yeah, they get vicarious exercise through their nigger-pets.

There's also the fact that most tubbos here in Burgerland drink HFCS laden beverages like they're water. In fact, I know several fat fucks who refuse to drink water because it "has no taste". These idiots also suffer from diabetes and will all probably be dead before reaching theirs 40's.

We're not. Nor are we all le 56%. Just in the few random places will the stereotype be true.

>while all of that is true, its more of every fucking thing we have has high fructose corn syrup in it, and that shit is awful for you

It's really more that you imbeciles drive absolutely everywhere.

>get in car in apartment parking lot reached by elevator
>drive to work
>sit on your arse
>drive home
>sit in front of tv, eat chips and watch tv

>Really? some Americans seems to have a warped view of Italy for some reason

That's because they are completely ignorant of everything outside of their immediate environment and too fat and lazy to care.

Actually I saw the first american I've ever seen today in my uni gym
>see him walking up to me
>pretty well built but manlet
>looks vaguely english, but also slavic at the same time and has a kike nose
>opens his mouth and I prepare to listen to some shitty eastern european accent
>"HeY BRO u DonE with thOse caaaallaars"
>mfw I realise it's a mutt

This picture gets me every time, these girls are trying to hard not to wince at his clearly foul odor....unless his mother was actually able to get his rag-stick into all the crevices he doesn't normally wipe

The machines are not accurate. That’s how exercise equipment and gyms make money. Excercidr has other health benefits but people go to the gym to lose fat and look good. Not to live to be 90.

Go look for yourself and you’ll see. Exercise is not an effective fat loss method. You can do the same as 40 minutes cardio as not having a beer

>be in America
>go to Restaurant
>order one dish
>get gigantic "salad" with all sorts of shit thrown all over it
>full before ordered dish even arises
>Americans everywhere stuffing their big fat faces and sweating

Do you have a TGI Fridays? If so, they'll eat there.

You have a culture of excess and indolence, and are proud of it for some reason. It's both. You don't need to "excercise" not to get fat, just not sit on your ass 20+ hours of the day.

>being fat and worthless is freedom

Amerimutt mentality right here.

We’re rich and well off. Fuck other countries. They hate us cuz they ain’t us.

You're rich but your food is of shit quality. Sort out your priorities.

>homeowner's associations
Those housewives and cucks are first on the rope.

I’m not against exercise. I lift. But muscle building is the opposite of fat loss.

When I cut from a bulk I still lift but cut calories.

Cardio can make you fatter. You basically freak your body out it sends hormones out telling your brain it needs to replace all the calories if lost and more for next time

I am seriously disgusted and ashamed by the obesity epidemic. It's not everywhere, and the amount of it varies wildly from town to town and city to city, but it's shameful nonetheless.

It's lame that people usually post pics of white people. Yes, the US is fat, but blacks and hispanics are the most obese demographic groups. Lots of fatass whites too, but whites in America are very close to whites everywhere else regarding obesity.

t. WM, 33yo, 6'0" 145lbs. skeleton

That is just a stereotype, also what is the point of taxing food?

for a start, its the high fructose corn syrup.

A false statistic
Most hispanic (males) can't even properly gain weight, let alone muscle mass
You're thinking of mestizos/natives

>80% of schools in the U.S. have Contracts with Coca Cola
I thought that simpsons episode was satire
why does a school need contracts with a soft drink company exactly?