ITT: 10/10 canon couples.
Pic related.
ITT: 10/10 canon couples.
Pic related.
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Why is Mitsuha so perfect
Shes ok
Satoshi is fucking scum though.
Right on
Satoshi is the best fucking character though.
No he's not. Literally one of the worst.
Every girl was great in every route.
Pic related.
>muh database
Hyouka a shit
Best part of an already 10/10 show
Mitsuha and Taki dont even know if they'll end up loving eachother since the only thing that made them fall for the other party was the trust established through the body swapping, which they dont remember anymore. I am fairly sure that Shinkais goal was to tell us that they'd date but quickly split up.
Crashing this thread with what should be considered a 12/10 couple.
>tfw anime actually commits to a route instead of leaving things vague and unsatisfying
Good taste.
Thanks OP, I forgot about this. Its been a few years, need to watch it again.
I'd also include My Little Monster for like the first six episodes, but then they fucked it up. I remember how refreshing it was having two alpha upfront protags, but then instead of exploring the details of their relationship/them as individuals coping, they pulled a bunch of bullshit. Missed opportunity my niggas.
To Love Ru Ending
Patrician taste
How about canon couples who make you want to eat a gun?
>Pic related
>Tfw they could've focused on Ryu and Chizuru instead but instead made us sit through a lesson in autism just to catch a glimpse
Fuck forgot the pic
Mah niggah!
Government certified couple.
Is the adaption of this good?
find me a couple more pure
protip you cant
but is there an ageskip?
They're so good for each other.
This was honestly the only reason I went into this show. I don't regret it.
Wait, what? they got married? Last time I checked he wanted to die in style.
Are you serious? The first time they interact in the actual movie is fucking terrible. Just the most schlocky generic romcom routine. There is nothing to their relationship, the movie is all about the buildup to their "first" meeting.
Is this good? I love well done romance anime, but they're so few and far between. Most of them are "we would be together, but we both have severe autism."
Tsuki ga Kirei is "we could be together because we have severe autism". Quite frankly, the show is hit or miss. You wil either find it boring because its grounded, reasonable and lot is being narrated through voice acting in form of "uhm", "mh", "huh" or you'll be able to appreciate those aspects, in which case it becomes one of not the best romance show you've ever seen. If you like quirky like the average romcom then this isnt for you.
They both have severe autism bou still get together really early,
So Ringo end?
>Expected shitty body-swapping anime """comedy""" filled with shitty perverted jokes and autism
>Pleasantly surprised with an anime about 3-dimensional dynamic non-autists pushed to the limit by forces outside their control, a love-triangle consisting of likable characters, and a logical, satisfying conclusion for every character.
Speaking of likable love triangles, any word on this? I heard light novel 12 got delayed, but I'm too bad at the industry to know how that impacts the eventual conclusion of this, the chances of a third season, and how long the wait is assuming there'll be one.
It's good.
Best couple until they started meandering one-step-forward-two-steps-back bs.
Why couldn't they have just focused on the implications of two very different personalities being together and figuring each other and themselves out? Would've been a much better story.
Nah, I can't stand bullshit romcom bs. I watched Kimi Ni Todoke all the way through and wanted to kill myself. I only didn't stop because of "too far in" syndrome.
I'll give it a watch. Thanks senpai
Plus, best pairing.
He changed his mind
> I only didn't stop because of "too far in" syndrome.
Why anime fans act so masochist??You watched all 25 episodes because you enjoyed it no need to shy here.
Why do you try to shill this movie so hard?
They're an awful couple all around.
She literally didn't even know his name for most of the series and they talked maybe three times over the span of 12 episodes.
>all their actual development is shoved into a 5 minutes long fragment
this came out of nowhere, easily the only powerful moment in entire show
The best.
The source is shit so I doubt the anime's any better
Not exactly.
Basically, it seemed like they were going to get together midway through 1st season. Then at the end of the 1st season, they do. But at the beginning of the second season, it was almost like it was retconned by autism. Then before I knew it I was like 16 episodes in, they still weren't together because bullshit romcom.
At that point, I needed to see them finally become a fucking couple. It was a bunch of bullshit lazy writing that kept them from it.
I'd literally never recommend it to anyone, and wouldn't ever rewatch. Why do writers feel the need to stretch the will they/won't they out forever? Two characters actually dating is a fucking goldmine for storytelling. Its not like you go to instant boring old couple phase.
Damn, I don't even remember anything about that show anymore. I guess I should rewatch it since I think I liked it.
They have no chemistry at all though. The furthest they got was remembering their names and their personality is almost a blank slate. The movie was just trash.
you are a dumb ass bitch
Posting it should be a bannable offense
sounds like you're describing Your Name
I wish.
Why are you trying to imply two things can't both be bad?
It starts out very nice but devolves quickly into tired old clichés and insufferable melodrama.
It seems you have yet to be enlightened.
Could've been with some 300 chapters and Kikyockblocks removed.
>generic sub par harem shit
>10/10 anything
They would be 10/10 if only they had gotten together when she was still small and cute.
Is it bad that I almost burst out laughing in the theater at the pen drop?
Fuck you
They are a better couple than Inuyasha and Kagome, but the art you posted is shit.
2nd'd on the last part, I'm a shit when it comes to anime industry