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>no Jagaaaaaan thread

I'm surprised no one is talking about this. Although i probably missed older threads by so much that it already dissappeared.

Nevertheless, i'm gonna start dumping the raws of chapter 22. Can't miss the new Justice League!
If anyone knows moonrunes, it would be nice to help with translation.

Commencing with a nice new cover

Did you suddenly die?

nah, captcha system shat itself





Most of them look pretty uninspired.
Wouldn't be shocked if they all bite it during this 'arc'.

I wouldn't go as far as "uninspired". But yeah, by the tone of the series i'm totally expecting some of all to die or turn full fractured very quickly. And that's where the fun begins

tags: ara ara, christmas cake, healslut




Ha Ha! Time for some Metallo!


So what exactly is her mad desires supposed to be? Seems non psychotic to me and all that definitely needs to be tapped.

Next chapter we have our boy Rabba slaying some pussy and cucking the first girl's boyfriend. Also, who is translating this manga?

Yeah, it's probably gonna be covered in the near future. Also have in mind that one thing is the supressed desire, and the other is the form that their minds assign. That's why both Jagasaki and Misogi wish for justice and heroics, but one based on an shooting eggplant and the other in a japanese Terminator

The fractured cock awaits. Sorry, i don't know who's translating right now


oh shit


Aaaaaand that's the last page. Thanks for watching. More news at 11.
Also my bad, with that shirt they clearly are the japanese Avengers

Givin' the link for future references
http lhscans com / read-jagaaaaaan-raw-chapter-22 html

H-he's fast!

Which one do you think rabba is going to rape first? I am betting my bets on the horned girl.

The real question would be: who will he not going to rape?
But yeah, probably the horned girl

yep, that was my first thought when she was introduced, but seeing her abilities now if she isn't killed here she's probably [forcefully] joining roba's harem
would even be interesting to see if when Roba starts getting extremely ruthless he starts using the tongue on guys too. I'm getting the feeling that if terminator-kun doesn't start showing "his true colors" soon he might have the worst outcome when running into roba


Iron man is the coolest

So she has some kind of healing powers, I can only assume this ability stemmed from some twisted desire.