Israel’s prime minister is going down

Israeli police recommend that Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu get indicted on bribery charges^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

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Only goes to show that Israel is ruled by the army and secret services


you may even get tired of winning

What did Israeli police mean by this?

Israeli Police are Nazis!

Nothing will happen. Even if he is found guilty the police wouldn't say so because his hoards of chimps will riot.

Bibi could shoot a random toddler in Tel Aviv while burning an Israeli flag and praying to Allah, and he would STILL get elected

Hasta la vista, Bibi

It goes to show how much of a criminal Netenyahu really is if his own police are recommending charges against him.

This guy is considered a war hero and the face of the Israeli military state. It takes enormous balls to even accuse him of something, let alone investigate him. You see this all the time with people in power, we are witnessing it at the DOJ and FBI here in America.

When people think they won't get caught or are above the law, they will abuse their power almost every time. Sometimes its small things, other times its wanton corruption.

Netanyahu has used his position to greatly enrich himself. He's really no different than Putin except Putin tends to be far, far more covert in his underhanded dealings.

How popular is he in Israel?

Hah! You win. Now meme it into existence.

>Putin tends to be far, far more covert in his underhanded dealings.
Who the fuck is going to recommend indicting him, his own police or the guy who just died?

I wasn't kidding about the toddler thing

He's just trying to secure the existence of his people and a future for Jewish children.

American education

What does his opposition even look like? From an ignorant foreigners perspective it looks like your options are him or the PLO.


Netanyahu stepping down.

inb4 bears on the moon

He tried to Jew the entire Jewish nation..
What they are going to do to him and his family... well... it will be a holocaust

Zionist Union?

>Initiating negotiations as part of a collective effort with regional allies Egypt and Jordan, before presenting a peace initiative to the Arab League

>Shifting Israeli–Palestinian conflict resolution away from unilateral action (including that by the Palestinian Authority at UN agencies and the ICC) and back to a bilateral process supported by the international community

>Halting construction in isolated settlements

I just thought of something, this is going to look bad on Israel’s right wing which could mean the left could win Israel’s next election. Israel’s left is heavily in favor for open borders and bringing refugees into Israel

A’s they should be

Am I the only one here that likes Netanyahu?

yes, fuck off

>Am I the only one here that likes Netanyahu?

I would frequent his Deli.

>winning elections in israel

left won't win until bibi retires.

What opposition? A plant at the head of the ZU and the faggot lapid

>you have no power here, goyim

You deserve to be curb stomped you filthy leftist. Move to berlin

It's a shame. Israel deserves to be part of the progress revolution that is taking place in Europe.

People like you are the reason Jews are hated.

I want the Labor Party to win and for them to force y'all to live in kibbutz with Arabs

Big if jew

You don’t understand israel

Jews are Jewing the Jews now? What a world. Hope this fucking gets taken down hard

Fuck off parasite

On the contrary, we know the Jewish spirit quite well.

Good. Fucking rats deserve a taste of their own medicine.

Israel only exists in your imagination.

Nothing ever happens.

>underrated post


Trump does too
Maybe you three can be neocon butt buddies

>Israel’s left is heavily in favor for open borders and bringing refugees into Israel

Wow.. being a Syrian refuge is hard.. you have to decide which rich "white" country you will become a lifetime welfare citizen of.

Sweden gives free living and lets you rape as much as you want, but is cold there.
Germany gives you free living , but they yell at you if you rape.
Israel gives you free living, but they try to rape you!

This is Israel’s left, they would willingly throw themselves into the ovens in the name of virtue signaling and appeasing Muslims

>This is Israel’s left, they would willingly throw themselves into the ovens in the name of virtue signaling and appeasing Muslims

With fellow citizens like this, who needs enemies?

>implying i want filthy muslim immigrants in my country

btfo, filthy leftist.

I've actually got a pretty good grasp of it
You need to be turned into glowing green glass

I like him too

>implying reforms are REAL jews


You filthy cocksucking traitor, I hope you and your family get ripped to shreds by the Arabs.



i like netanyahu. he actually cares about israelis, and the liberal press there hates him, so thats always a plus

they're being disingenuous. they know bibi is an israeli nationalist and therefore hate him


fuck off. all you faggots do is blame israel for your own cucked soyboy race

can i get a rundown on the bibi situation? the (((israeli press))) has been trying to take him down for years now

And your point is.....

>Drain the Swamp
>the real swamp was in the desert

God Emperor confirmed

They are saying bibi took bribes from a Hollywood mogul and some other shit

Soro won!!!

How is Israel going to manage its demographic shift towards being a population of ugly hat-wearing welfare head rockers and brown Mizrahi/Arabs?

Im sure you’ve got the smartest Ashkenazis on this issue.

these trips are the truth

>Bibi tries to start World War 3 with a new round of Israeli aggression into Syria
>they still arresting him


That's for saying " Hitler didn't want to gas Jews"

You hear the audio recording of his son Yair with the thieving Russian oligarch?


about 30% of israeli jewish children come from mixed backgrounds now. haredi kids(who are predominantly ashkenazi) are about 20%. these are just rough estimates. but the trend seems to be in the direction of more mixed background israelis and haredis. Overall, this is a positive trend because mixed backgrounds = less inter-ethnic tension, but the haredi problem still looms large. israel will probably start forcing them to inttegrate in the near future

whats with the anti-putin shills? i thought pol was pro putin

Israel is already a Feminist hellhole

He barely won last time

Based Bibi will beat the crap out of those libtards

Jews are Jews. When they are not surrounded by goyim they will suck the blood of other Jews instead.

I hope the rat goes to prison.
He is the most evil, deceitful world leader there is.

I feel the same about England getting pakis

Who cares? They'll just install a new corrupt leader until they get bored of him too.


>A friend of Trump's
>Basically banned Trump from coming to Israel after Trump said we need to vet people coming in from the Middle East
Top Goy.

i thought they were trying to install this faggot


So what a jew goes down, the amount of distraction it causes furthers the group. Shouldnt we not give a shit here, explain why we should care?

Not the same party, he will fail miserably because he doesn't have a charismatic bone in his body. If Netanyahu leaves in a disgrace his party will be crushed and it will be Bennet vs Lapid

they are, don't think they'll succeed, no one has even 10% of Bibi's political relevancy.

Has Shapiro come down on him yet? Or is he still crying over Michelle Fields?

>explain why we should care?
Bibi wants Greater Israel.
Bibi will burn the whole world down to get it.
Removing him is a plus, though it doesn't mean an end to his influence.
One step at a time.

Lurk more nufag

if bibi went down, who's his most likely replacement? a leftwinger?


Read .
It will be far right vs a centrist who is actually a leftist but is considered by many leftists to not be a lefty.

who do you think will win?

The centrist most likely. It appears that he gave the testimony that heavily affected one of the cases, so that may take points from him from right leaning people. The other contenders are just too polarizing.

fuck. i hate how leftists can just stage coups like this. they pull the same shit here. its so fucking disgusting

It's not a coup. The supreme authority in the police was assigned by Netanyahu and he's a settler from 'occupied' territory. Full disclosure: I'm not a fan of Netanyahu but I'm not so naive to think that political leaders and tycoons shouldn't be scratching each other's back. It's just that Netanyahu is way too arrogant and should get his just desserts.

>Based Bibi will beat the crap out of those libtards

When JIDF kike shills constantly uses the term "leftists" because "anti-semite" only works on rebbit.

Its all left wing bullshit.

Wow. Trumptards aren't even hiding any more that they're Israel-slurping neocons.
Until now it's been
>haha no, it's 4D chess, trust me, when the time is right he'll throw Bibi and Israel to the wolves! BASED MAGAMAN is on a mission to avenge 9/11!