Three Applebee's employees have been fired amid allegations that they racially profiled two African-American women dining at a location in Missouri over the weekend, company officials said.
St. Louis resident Alexis Brison was having dinner with a friend at an Applebee's in Independence, Mo., on Saturday when their feast of buffalo wings and mozzarella sticks was interrupted by a police officer, a mall security guard and a restaurant manager. To Brison and her friend's surprise, the trio accused them of "dining and dashing" at the same location the night before.
"We have not been here before. We're just trying to enjoy our dinner," Brison can be heard saying in a video of the encounter that she posted to Facebook.
"This is what black people have to deal with," she added, as the officer continued to ask them questions.
John Stewart
Jeremiah Ortiz
So they didn't dine and dash?
Easton Reyes
They probably did, but now they won't ever get caught and 3 people are now out of their financial livelihoods.
Gabriel Martin
Jordan Scott
Because Mondays are the fucking worst
Landon Cooper
People can ignore rhetoric on the internet all they want, but nothing redpills you harder than EXPERIENCE; living among black people, dealing with them as patrons at your place of employment and seeing how they spend EBT, babysitting them as a teacher (God help you if you teach high school), keeping the peace as a law enforcement officer, ever so much as stepping foot in a Chuck E. Cheese's. NO ONE comes out of that with a "there's only one race, the human race" philosophy intact. There's a reason why the biggest liberal yuppies live in little whiter-than-Vermont enclaves that insulate them from brown people, it's the only place their views can survive and be protected from the truth. They're terrified, not just for their physical safety but for their lofty understanding of their world which they've tripled down on despite the deluge of evidence suggesting they're wrong.
Oliver Powell
If you ever have a canoe, paint it black.
Then it won't tip.
Chase Brown
Or you're just a racist inbred redneck who deserves a good ass kicking :)
Luis Thomas
Gabriel Ramirez
Yeah that’s a nice post and all but can someone tell me when it’s ok for me to see black panther? If I wait a week for blacks to see it, is that enough? Or is it a two week white wait time?
Jaxson Garcia
let me guess! >1 post >meme flag Yep, checks out. Another shit Sup Forums thread idiots will reply to.
Michael Evans
First , you know they chewed &screwed. You can ALWAYS tell it's the guilty that protest the loudest, like they're trying to convince themselves. Second. I've eaten in a restaurant while niggers were there. I literally asked for my check and pack my entire meal to go as soon as it arrived. Niggers are uncivilized proto humans. I would actually sit and have dinner with an active Leper before ever eating in closed room with niggers. The experience was profound. Didn't matter what age either, young or old. Literally like eating with swine, same noises and smells as well as the constant LOUD jibberish and spastic jerking movements. SICKENING
Cameron Fisher
Jackson Jenkins
fucking kek
Jaxson Allen
I can bet money that any faggot stupid enough to get a job at a restaurant will know first hand how bad niggers can be.
Matthew Watson
Yeah I wouldn't expect someone who proudly flies a communist flag to make it past that "your place of employment" part.
Brandon Wood
Communism works, with closed borders.
Blake Rogers
if they don't have them on cam from last time. why would they call the cops?
Cooper Williams
simple look at the video....this isnt news if there evidence examined
Ryan Sullivan
Joseph Bailey
take your wife's son right away leaf, no one expects better from you
Andrew Sanchez
Thats weird.
In our store, if we suspect a shoplifter, we consult the many cameras around the store. If we see that person stealing we simply print off an image of that person and then confront them if they ever come back.
We tell them we know they stole and dont ever come back. They never do. The end.
Nicholas Phillips
my guess is yes but the reaction of “we’re bein racialy profiled” of course drowns out any actual laws that exist
Noah Lewis
Start a "We apologize with one free meal for every POC" meme Campaign