> Ufufufu~
>Hello, user. Would you like to have one night with me? It'll cost you, though~.
How come literal prostitutes are under-represented in anime and manga?
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I'd like to see your mom in more Mangas too
Same goes to you, user.
Because most of society frowns upon prostitution.
68% of historical manga feature at least 1 chapter of red light district prostitutes
Most Japanese guys consider hookers boring. Not much different from fapping.
I'm guessing they want their waifu to be pure, stereotypical bitches instead?
What percent of Japan's population do you reckon is prostitutes?
I'd argue they're overrepresented, especially when you consider shitty isekai.
They are too realistic. Anime and manga are dominated by escapism, so most of it is full of fantasy elements like magic, romance and horny children.
About 25%? Every schoolgirl does compensated dating.
What I meant as in prominent role in the story rather than side-fucks.
But they're often just filler.
It seems I need to catch up on my demon slaying samurai manga to know what the fuck went wrong
Why does everyone's name has "ko" in it?
Because "ko" is used in female names, those are boys dressed as girls.
It started as a popular character in the names of minor princesses, and just sort of spread.
whats the appeal?
Yknow, besides going and doing it myself
That awkward moment when the prostitute tries to kiss you and you know where her mouth has been.
They all have herpes.
A real good brothel and prostitute choose whose dick to suck real wisely.
> Thinking an experienced woman is unappealing.
as said
English equivalent would be to add -ina to the end of a male name to make it seem more feminine.
like Josephina, Adolfina, or Augustina
Just like in real life.
People don't associate with whores, even when they use them, they keep it unpersonal.
This is why they're tested these days
That girl was a mess. As least she chose someone that was gentle with her.
There's no good way to portray their lives. It's either terribly sad to play into people's expectations, or decried for violating people's expectations. You can't ever have a happy young traveling adventurer who pays her way with quickies and pickpocketing, despite that being a real thing.
>It's either terribly sad to play into people's expectations, or decried for violating people's expectations.
A lot like rape victims really. If you aren't a quivering nervous wreck, people will assume you weren't raped at all.
>implying there arent experienced women arent hookers
Generally when a prostitute is in anime/manga, there character doesn't extend beyond the fact that they're a prostitute.
> Implying you can find that many of them, compared to the abundance in the red-light district.
And often they're some of the best parts and settings.
Doujin stories involving them are pretty nice as well.
If you mean h-manga then yes, they can be. I can't think of any doujinshi that involve prostitutes personally.
>implying women dont have sex
Try a club, user
> Implying you can get one in bed easily compared to paying cash.
Post the Kingdom Hearts one.
I like ones that involve a love story.
it's only time before someone invents the virgin prostitute genre
even though it doesn't make sense
God, I hate this era
exactly, so thats what porn is for.
Some prostitutes or courtesans merely just pour a glass of sake or socialize instead of bed action.
I hate it, because girls are basically forced to prostitution by our society.
They don't receive proper education and support to have proper work.
And I hate thinking I'm doing it with girl who would rather be doing something more fun than having sex with ugly and boring guy like me.
It's not the 17th century anymore, user.
Are you saying prostitutes do it because they enjoy it? And are perfectly fine having sex with random guys?
Are you saying that everyone that has a job enjoys that job? Do garbage men and coal miners love what they do?
It's just another job.
They reach the position they are in as a result of their poor life choices and/or shit parenting. I'm sure many prostitutes enjoy their job just like any other profession.
While garbage men and coal miners are not as glamorous, they are much better than having to do something you only really want to do with your lover.
>of their poor life choices and/or shit parenting
No when they are not given proper choice and you cannot pick your parents.
>they are much better than having to do something you only really want to do with your lover
The problem here is you and the pedestal you place sex on. Not everybody thinks like that.
Of course not everybody.
But massive majority of people consider sex as a private occasion with someone you trust and are comfortable with.
Coal miners literally die because of inhaling all the shit they work with. They "sell their body" far more than a prostitute. What's more, not everybody sees sex as something you only do with your lover. Especially in ghettos and whatnot, it can be part of everyday life. What's more, I would imagine that most prostitutes are already very experienced with sex before they start the job.
As for your second point, while I will concede that you can't choose your parents, you make the choice to do shit in school and ruin your life with drugs and become a dependent crack whore who then becomes a regular whore.
And those people don't tend to become prostitutes. Consider the number of porn stars there are, all those women consent to having sex with strangers and having that shown to the world. It's not that much different from prostitution, except that I would argue a prostitute has more dignity.
>except that I would argue a prostitute has more dignity.
About as much as pornstars that won't do X or Y so nothing
I really hope you don't believe what you just wrote.
I have yet to see anyone who is so disconnected from reality.
Valid point. 0x2=0.
>I have yet to see anyone who is so disconnected from reality.
Well, there's this guy right in this thread.
Short of being kidnapped and forced into sex slavery, there is nothing forcing you to become a hooker.
While I sympathise that they may have had a shit upbringing, I'm not going to white knight for a literal whore.
I imagine you are white, western male with proper family backing and how never in his life had to worry about shelter or food.
Ever tried to put yourself in a shoes of someone who is not as fortunate as you are?
You imagine wrong. That's called projecting.
SAO had a good one
It's in the image
I want to be a prostitute for all those poor lonely girls who didn't win the MC of their series.
I've fapped to that doujin where the kid saves up his money to fuck poison and she records it to sell so hard, it was one of the first doujins I discovered. Good times.
I googled searched and even tried to type in the supposed name but I keep getting the LN and a wikipedia. What's the exact name of this manga?
Try Yandex
Think I'm screwed here.
It's a gook mango.
Sounds great and all but I'm interested in finding the actual name so I can read about the prostitute.
I like that kind of thing too. For years I've done the typical user thing of disappearing in to the fantasy worlds of romance manga.
Korean Berserk
Is it wrong that im looking forward to this weeks chapter solely because of Inosuke pinups?
Thanks user.
Are you kidding? Prostitution is highly popular in Japan, just look at enko that turns into sex. You're obviously bullshitting.
Shin Angyo Pico
Shing Angyo Onshi, is the korean version of Berserk. Too bad they had shit taste and axed it.
That was a good read, some of it was unrelated to me but about half of it hit home.
Depends on the setting.
Brothel are banned in most countries so now it's all disgusting street shit.
>literal prostitutes
Now I want to see such an anime.
anal please
I guess Sayaka was the best girl after all.
Some people do actually sell their virginity.
I knew a prostitute im my catholic middle school. Her first car was a super expensive sports car, that she claimed she paid for without mortgage and the way she spent money supports that claim.
How do you determine the authenticity of the property for sale?
Where? I see a Rindou in kana but I get nothing with in if I search on ex-hentai or nhentai.
Nevermind, I had to fix my eyes.
Would you take advantage of her poverty, user?
100 yen per minute
I can last for hours
Here's a prostitute on the cover of Comic Birz. And it's got another series with a (robot shota) prostitute as protagonist.
>I can last for hours
Giving headpats, or receiving them?
Because whores are shamefur stain on grorious nippon culture
Eh, Geisha and Oiran stuff is actually pretty interesting and more complex than "oyy baby you want some fuk" but it's stupidly niche and no one has a reason to care about any of if unless you live in Kyoto or something.