debate this. you cant
Debate this. you cant
Make an argument. Protip: you are physically incapable.
wealth should be more evenly distributed
explain to me why it shouldnt. inherited wealth and offshoring are ruining the lives of americans
Oh no better make my police state even more powerful now.
inherited wealth means my parents or family earned shit and i am the beneficiary... also called survival of your family and heritage. also called normal as fuck.
offshore money is literally the least of our worries. even if it was something like 100 billion in lost tax revenue from offshore accounts it wouldnt make a fucking hill of beans in terms of a difference.
Let me guess.... millennial snowflake who wants everything handed to them?
How are you entitled to the fruits of another man's labor? Go start a company and be somebody instead of begging for gibs
Because properly debating it would make the jewish commie grasping for more jewish control over a country scream that you're a nazi. Commies are useful idiots who refuse to acknowledge who ((the top 1%)) are and instead insist we need to deposit more authority into ((their hands))
This shit is insufferable. I unironically hate gommunists and gommunism as a whole. But to act like most of Wall Street shouldn't be guillotined is fucking absurd.
My g-d... cheq'd
Even the poorest people in our country are better off than 90% of the world. Stop bitching and make something of yourself, if you want to be wealthy then start working on yourself. Nobody is going to just hand you shit you lazy fuck.
Is it bad to inherit wealth? If so, why?
Yes stop complaining, get out there and distract yourself goy, i have a biscuit for you if you behave
trips of truth
>if you're against jewish wealth distribution you're a jewish commie under jewish control
If mental gymnastics were part of the Olympics you faggots would be winning gold every four years.