Ontario user here, can a fellow leaf explain why raising the minimum wage to $15 Was a bad idea? I don't work minimum wage but I've heard some say that this will have a negative impact on almost everybody.
Ontario user here, can a fellow leaf explain why raising the minimum wage to $15 Was a bad idea...
Other urls found in this thread:
because what should have been starter jobs for menial tasks now cost double for the employer.
If it's a small business their profits will take a hit
If it's a large business they might even ask for corporate handouts to pay for it, increasing the debt
With Universal Basic Income apparently starting in Ontario I'm wondering who will be paying for all of this.
Employers need to cut jobs to pay for the increase.
Can i hijack this thread to talk about the impending Redskin chimpout? What do you guys think the odds of a race war happening now?
Employers pay more
Jobs will be lost
Employees, after tax, make like 15 cents more, and may have reduced benefits
The only one who experiences a benefit with no cost is the provincial government who needs those fuunds to pay for services they already can't afford
>Increase min wage
>companies charge more for goods and services to pay their workers
>Inflation out the asshole of the bureaucracy
Anytime someone raises the minimum wage, it's to fish for votes from dumb people
The service at fast food restaurants is natrociously slow, they don’t even deserve $10/hour
The problem with a minimum wage is that by artificially increasing a worker's wage you do not increase their productivity, or how much their labour is actually worth. Since their labour is not worth the same as the legally enforced minimum wage they will lose their jobs. Companies will not hire workers whose input is less valuable than their output, instead they will introduce machinery to replace them or eliminate the jobs altogether. This is one of the reasons why hotels in the US still have bag carriers while in Europe they are non-existent.
The result is that young people, people without skills or work experience which would make them more productive and therefore more valuable to a company, find it difficult to find work. This then prevents those young people from developing skills and experience that would allow them to earn higher wages in the long run. Unions love minimum wages not for altruistic reasons (as one would assume) but because they actually help people already in work earning above the minimum wage as there will be less competition from younger inexperienced workers.
t. Shlomo Goldbergs.
These were already all over Toronto. Now they'll be everywhere in Ontario.
Employers will replace more and more people with shit like this. It doesn't just apply to fast food ordering. The 407 ETR has existed for years, it was cheaper to build without people than with.
Then they go from a minimum wage of whatever to $0 when they don't have a job. More government assistance.
The most disparate impact is that businesses seek to cut part timers to the bone and have full timers bear the brunt.
>A University of Washington study published last year revealed Seattle’s wage hike triggered higher salaries but a reduction of hours for lower earners, with a net effect of reducing low-wage workers earnings by $125 per month.
A higher average salary overall seems admirable until you realize that it displaces a lot of people out of minimum wages and into more government assistance, AND it increases the rate of automation before we figure out how to adjust welfare/basic universal income.
Those savages will lose
Are you telling me a Ontario voter doesn't have a clue about basic economics? Hahha you don't say. Fuck off Ontario shill faggot
Is there any chance of lowering min wage again when the PC's win?
No it is political suicide. You can, however, simply leave the minimum wage rate and let inflation reduce it to a negligible sum over time.
Heres an example: Pretend you have people working for $11/hr and $21/hr at the same company for different positions (restaurant etc).
Minimum wage goes up to $15, solution is pay both those people $15 per hour.
The harder worker in the harder position now makes less money.
Assuming the natives will avoid drinking Listerine long enough to chimp out. Do you even know squaws bro
everything will cost even higher then it already is, and from higher tax brackets it will move people out of a lot of benefits. So they will be cutting back the cost of benefits while still increasing taxes on the higher classes. Its fucked
what redskin chimpout?
And how many where in Ontario? Let me guess, you didn't even read the article.
Yeah, I can pull quotes from the same article you didn't even read too, idiot:
>found no connection between wage increases and dips in employment rates. It further revealed that in 68 per cent of the cases examined between 1938 and 2009, employment jumped after a hike.
it wasn;t even min wage jobs that were lost
and it was just an overcorrection from november and december
i think statscan forgot to seasonally adjust
Canada goes on ‘hiring splurge’ in November with 79,500 new jobs
78,600 jobs were added in December: StatsCan | CTV News
Canadian economy lost 88,000 jobs in Januarycbc.ca
what jobs are actually available these days
t. unemployed mech eng
How about this, i work at a job that i was getting paid 13.40. Now that the pay raise has come they bumped me up to 14.05. Sure 65 cents higher as a raise, but ultimarelty i was 3$ higher then the miniumem before the bump. Now i am only 5 cents higher.How the fuck is that fair.
It was raised to 14 and I'll give you one example -- 59,300 people lost their part time jobs in January, the same month the raise was implemented. Now they will have to get benefits which everyone else has to pay for.
Kill yourself you liberal kike.
>The decline in jobs paying less than the new minimum wage is offset by an increase in those paying more.
The effects of 137 minimum wage hikes, in one chart
wtf i making more money now
lol right wing retards are dumb af
>how many were in Ontario?
Good one, I suggest you politely give back the 65 cents for every hour just so it can help you sleep at night.
Only Ontario raised the min wage to $14/hour
lol u retards are so fucking stupid
why did quebec lose 31,000 jobs?
because statscan jobs reports are retarded. u can't go off 1 month.
Canada goes on ‘hiring splurge’ in November with 79,500 new jobs
78,600 jobs were added in December: StatsCan | CTV News
Canadian economy lost 88,000 jobs in Januarycbc.ca
5 cents higher retard, i was 3.50 higher previously. It was a small amount but it made the difference, and now with every other cost about to increase I technically got screwed over.
Might as well go flip burgers if they're only paying minimum.
The prices are already starting to rise at grocery stores too, and i'm sure everything else will follow soon.
>anecdotal evidence proves anything
>Yeah, I can pull quotes from the same article you didn't even read too, idiot
I did read it. Do you want to know the difference between 1938 and 2009 to today? The cost of technology is way, way lower than it was historically. Before, businesses had to absorb the cost of the wage increases, big and small alike.
Now we live in the internet age. We live in an age where tech is cheaper than ever. We live in an age where acceptance of that tech (particularly touchscreens) is higher than ever.
US casual dining chains like Olive Garden and Chilis are replacing 5-8 servers with one person who runs food/drink orders and tablets at each table that offer games, instant food/drink orders, and payment at the table.
Major tolling authorities in the US are firing all of their toll workers at major toll plazas in favor of electronic tolling (electronic tolling account or camera + license plate + owner record = mail bill for toll). NYC will be free of human staff on bridges by the end of 2018. Some bridges already lack humans.
McDonalds started with order kiosks in 2003. The tech was larger, slower, and people didn't like it. Now tons of people have smartphones and iPads, the kiosks are cheaper, they can be mounted away from counter space in a more stylish/space efficient fashion, they aren't slow as shit, and people know the usability concept. PLUS mobile phone ordering with coupons and saved payment info.
You ignore a quote from the same article:
It's like saying that most people used non-smartphone telephones from 1938 to 2009 if they owned a phone. Congrats! Doesn't fucking matter, shit changes.
Traditionally, wage hikes were more marginal and region oriented. Previous wage hikes basically equalized dips in the value of the real minimum wage. Employers didn't like it, but the value after inflation was there.
Minimum wage impact on jobs is blown out of proportion because of that meme supply-and-demand graph. Let's say you employ 100 people originally, it's because you need them to meet customer demands. If minimum wage goes to 15$/hr, customer demand is still the same and you still need 100 people to work, and sure you're gonna cut a few shifts here and there but worst case scenario maybe 2 out of those people will lose their jobs as a direct result. It's more likely the employer will try to refile part of the cost to the customer, but nobody will stop ordering pizza and burgers because they're a buck or two more expensive. It's really neoliberal scare-mongering. That said, I don't think some pierced-up millenial faggot deserves 15$ an hour for flipping burgers.
>this confuses the leaf
Don't bother.
ur a retarded kiwi
min wage jobs increased.
>Job losses were heaviest in the services sector, which shed 71,900 positions in industries including educational services, finance, insurance and real estate. Among goods-producing firms, the construction sector saw the biggest decline, losing 14,900 jobs.
>The job losses were spread across industries and included higher paid work, according to the statistics agency. Employment in the food and accommodation sector, where many workers make minimum wage, was little changed.
>The decline in jobs paying less than the new minimum wage is offset by an increase in those paying more.
The effects of 137 minimum wage hikes, in one chart
Lost my quote from the wapo article as part of cutting my comment (was too long to put all in one post):
>On the whole, the study estimates, the average low-wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the hike in the minimum.
If the average given low wage person in a wage hiked area LOSES money that was intended to gain it, the hike was a failure.
In the 80s/90s we had increasing factory automation, this robot can just put this bolt in this spot or whatever. Now we have machines that can tell when a burger is done and plate it, and it's cheaper than ever, and we don't have to install a fixed assembly line for it, we can just wheel the robot into any kitchen and it will adjust AND it has a bunch of sensors on it so if a person walks next to it the robot arm won't clock them in the face because the robot will realize they are there.
The way that the kiosks at these restaurants were trialed in the $15/hr areas was a warning that was often ignored, a $15 minimum wage will be met violently by the largest businesses that can afford the fixed costs of picking an automation solution for different things like checkout or restaurants and distribute them among many locations, the losers will be the small businesses.
If higher min wage is so bad for workers, how come the workers absolutely love it. How come the only people complaining are conservatives and corporate shills? Why aren't the workers in the streets fighting to go back to $11/hour?
wtf money is worth less now because everyone earns 15/hr.
lol, socialist retards are dumb af.
Study: Minimum Wage Hikes INCREASE Jobs
If you cost more to employ than you are worth to the company in output they will replace you with a robot or simply eliminate your job altogether (if it is unnecessary to the fundamental objective of the business, say bag handler at a hotel).
>nobody will stop ordering pizza and burgers because they're a buck or two more expensive.
That is a buck or two that the consumer could have spent on something else. The consumer is being made poorer as a result of the price increase, and the worker who would have been employed by the buck or two spent loses their job.
>the globe and mail
>can't even read the article without subscribing
>he subscribes to the globe and mail
ohh that explains it.
>>found no connection between wage increases and dips in employment rates.
no connection doesn't mean no dip, them finding no connection doesn't mean there's no connection
>employment jumped after a hike.
so employment must have went down
Actually our leafbux keep going up against your shit dollar
the economy does better for everyone because people have more money to spend and deploy back into the economy
conservashits cant into economics
The unemployment rate in Ontario literally dropped from 5.6 to 5.5%.
Explain the logic behind that.
Also the problem with most surveys that show minimum wage increases increasing employment is that they only survey companies which survive the hike. It's like surveying people who have played Russian roulette and "proving" that it is harmless as those people survived.
Let the market decide pay. Minimum wage is communism
>The unemployment rate in Ontario literally dropped from 5.6 to 5.5%.
less ppl on EI benefits doesn't mean more jobs, ya dope
im sure there are ways to read it without subbing
heres another
>Ontario wasn’t alone in seeing a drop in part-time work. Eight of 10 provinces recorded drops, including 31,200 lost jobs in Quebec and 33,400 in Alberta
“>Although some might speculate that the decline could relate the large increase in the minimum wage in January, it is important to also acknowledge that there is a lot of volatility in the monthly job numbers,” said Craig Alexander, chief economist at Conference Board of Canada.
because everything rises with it and you are back at square 0
proof there are more people on EI?
oh shit u just made it up
Yes but young, unskilled workers aren't getting the skills and experience that they need. This will be an enormous problem in years to come.
No one is going to hire a pimple faced teen to flip burgers for $15 an hour unless they absolutely have to. What is the result? You have more young people, more college student who is are on benefits, taking out loan after loan, all throughout the duration of their study. Then they get their degree but they still have no experience. So maybe they intern somewhere, still claiming benefits. Maybe someone gives them a chance and they get a job which may pay higher than minimum wage but is historically lower than what they would have been paid had they earned a little work experience in their youth/during college.
Minimum wage is a jewish trick. It creates a nation of debt serfs and underpaid drones.
>implying automation wouldn't happen if only wages were kept low.
>pay a robot nearly nothing or pay a human something, pick one.
month to month job reports are useless with Statscan
i laugh at retards who put so much emphasis on a 1 month job report.
can't wait to see how hard they dindu when employment explodes in another months this year
Canada goes on ‘hiring splurge’ in November with 79,500 new jobs
78,600 jobs were added in December: StatsCan | CTV News
Canadian economy lost 88,000 jobs in Januarycbc.ca
>proof there are more people on EI?
LESS ppl on EI from the EI stats you posted
nigger can ya read? are you a new arrival?
The article links to the paper. One salient excerpt:
>Furthermore, in our proportional hazard model, the impact the minimum wage de-pends in a proportional way on the fraction of workers a
ected by the minimum wage. This suggests that upcoming minimum wage increase in Canada could have a large im-pact on the wage distribution. The minimum wage is set to reach $15 in both Alberta and Ontario in less than a year from now. In the case of Ontario, $15 currently represents the 25th percentile of the distribution. Once factoring in our estimated spillover effects, this suggests that the future impact of the minimum wage on the distribution may turn out to be substantially larger than what has been the case during our analysis period (1997-2016).
ON is doing it too fast, and that it isn't consistent historically.
They then also admit the whole thing is basically a best guess:
>At this point, our estimates do not allow for dynamic effects of minimum wage changes that we just discussed. Since our estimator is essentially a fixed effect estimator, our estimates reflect both the short term effects of a minimum wage change (e.g., the lay-offs that happen at the time of a minimum wage change) and longer term, equilibrium effects (the extent to which the type of workers laid off in a higher minimum wage equilibrium are different from those laid off in a lower minimum wage equilibrium). We are currently waiting for the results from a dynamic specification to be released. Thus, at this point, our conclusions are somewhat limited.
The paper you link, taken at face value (assuming their model is correct), confirms that the hikes in Seattle and Ontario are overly aggressive compared to history, and this makes them more likely to result in lost jobs in the last 5 years.
The biggest assumption all of these papers make is prior behavior, which assumes that businesses have no choice but to bear the increase. But automation is increasingly sophisticated & cheaper.
>Explain the logic behind that.
pretty simple. workers spend money, that creates jobs
EI wasn't on that pic and that's now how the job reports are done
Seattle is booming. Their unemployment rate is like 3%.
I agree you can argue Ontario was too fast.
Again with that automation meme, automation and minimum wage have little relation, a machine doesn't take vacations, get sick pay, get payed by the hour (except for electricity costs), employers will always try to replace your ass regardless what the minimum wage is, a machine will always pay for itself in the long run. Also there is nothing wrong with refiling some of the cost to the customer, it's more better to allow people to survive on a livable wage than care about the increase in expenses of some 300lbs fatass.
What about the jobs lost as a result of higher prices? When consumers have to spend more to buy a product, they have that much less to spend on something else. The money they could have spent on something else employed someone else. In truth there is no net increase or decrease in employment, except among specific groups.
ITT: liberal cucks shriek about how inaccurate "month to month" statistics can be while shilling their own month to month statistics; fail to understand how things can cause major problems across time (what is the future?)
Only the present matters, right commies?
these billionaire globalist cocksuckers love automation until it goes after their jobs
Union outcry as automation eats up 400 oilsands jobs – and it’s just the beginning
these right wing retards corporate shills arguing that u should work for peanuts in the hope that the elites don't automate jobs, is pure cuckery
Ontario CPI is like 2%
Seattle's CPI is 2.5%
Pretty sure people on EI are considered as looking for work, therefore if Unemployment was reduced, then EI was reduced as well.
>arguing that u should work for peanuts
Nice strawman you industrial cock inhaling faggot.
u got btfo kiwi
>in the last five years
in the next five years*
Look, the number of smartphone order apps at fast food restaurants, the increase in in-store pickup at big box stores (with deals exclusive to it), the increase in the number of self checkouts, including apps that allow people to scan items as they shop and then just scan everything to ring it up at a self checkout, roads with cameras and radio tags to take tolls, cars that drive themselves, etc... trying to compare to prior wage increases isn't really apples to apples.
Unemployment only counts those who are actively looking for work (post-2009 recession a lot of people became discouraged, about double the touted unemployment rate) and it also excludes anyone who works part time at all. A lot of workers in Seattle still have jobs at this point (as the larger businesses look to automate as many of them out as possible), but those who remained largely didn't lose their jobs yet, they just had their hours cut by 9%.
What i never understand is why anyone thinks its a good idea to have droves of shitty and poorly paid jobs in thier community/nation. As long as the bottom wage is basically poverty you will have a large class of impoverished workers.
Do you want impoverished people in your society? I dont. They are a giant fuckin drain and unpleseant.
>EI wasn't on that pic
That's what Unemployment rate is man, it's the amount of ppl collecting EI
You don't think they're saying only 5.5% of Ontarians are without work, do you?
because everything else will cost more. for example theyre already raising bus fares
i just went to mcdonalds and it's all pimple faced teens
ur fucking retarded holy shit
kiwi min wage is like $16/hour and going up u fuck
its the corporation way of making you sell you businesses, mom and pop shops will have to sell to most likely the oil corp
m8 you've been getting annihilated this entire thread -- all of the HuffPo articles in the world can't save your fallacious bullshit
Because the cost of all things is decided by the wage floor? Get you thinkin straight ricky.
Seattle employment soared.
You corporate shills are so mentally handicapped that u don't even know that the unemployment rate goes down when unemployed get jobs
>I just went to McDonald's and it's all pimple faced teens
Not an agument
>kiwi min wage is like $16 an hour
Yeah and a pound of butter costs $8 you fucking idiot.
>jobs went down
>workload per hour went up
>less benefits (no more paid breaks, free uniforms, etc. etc.)
>consumer price index went up significantly
Even if you don't work minimum wage, this was horrible. Say you make 40$ a hour, and that can buy 40 widgets. Now the prices went up, you can only buy 30 widgets. Your salary went down, proportionally, due to the minimum wage increase.
You live in Ontario you retard, you are either a child that doesn't buy his own things or a troll. Go into any restaurant or grocer and compare the prices to the prices we had this time last year.
bloomberg and globe and mail
you're a fucking snowflake who whines like a bitch about facts and sources because u can't argue facts
why the fuck did all of canada lose jobs because of ontario's min wage? u retards didn't even think this thru
>Have always cautioned “never to use single month of labor force data to prove a point,” Ted Mallett, chief economist at CFIB, said on twitter. Employment “showed a long-expected correction in January.”
u have to be retarded to think that the job market actually swings this wildly
Canada goes on ‘hiring splurge’ in November with 79,500 new jobs
78,600 jobs were added in December: StatsCan | CTV News
Canadian economy lost 88,000 jobs in Januarycbc.ca
no that's not what unemployment is actually lol
Call statscan and ask them
They will have no incentive to replace you unless you are more expensive to them than the machine would be, and a minimum wage increases your cost to the company thereby increasing the chance they will replace you.
I have already explained several times in this thread why an increase in prices would leave the consumer worse off and lead to job losses in other sectors of the economy, even if the worker receiving higher wages earns more and can spend more. There would be no net increase or decrease in jobs - just an inefficient redistribution of wealth as people's needs are not met to the degree they would otherwise.
butter is much cheaper here
sucks to be u
these corporate shills just want their cheap labor gibs
Forget to mention that this move disproportionately affected small business owners...
>corporate shills
The corportations actually want minimum wage increase, because their profit margin can afford wages going up, but small businesses can't.
That's why Hasbro lobbies a lot for increased taxes on toys, because those taxes prevent small businesses from starting up.
>you became the one thing you swore to destroy
Faggot, neck yourself immediately.
Yeah and it won't be for long with your fucking massive minimum wage increases. That's what everyone has been trying to tell you you fucking knob.
>The corportations actually want minimum wage increase
no they don't
the only time u shills pretend to care about small biz is when they have to pay workers higher wages
walmart and amazon destroyed literally thousands of businesses and u shills didn't say a fucking word
>Call statscan and ask them
>calls aunt at CRA
>confirms you's a fag
>Ontario demanding a explanation for anything
You've got pedophile sjw curriculum teaching your kids, AND, commie tribunals operating outside the law, with blessings from the Feds. WE owe YOU squat.
Countries without minimum wage laws have the highest employment rates in the world. Singapore has no minimum wage and its unemployment rate has been around 2.1 percent. Hong Kong had an unemployment rate of 2 percent in 1991 when it was still a British colony. The US had an unemployment rate of 1.8 percent during the Coolidge administration, the last administration before the introduction of a minimum wage. In 2003, Switzerland's unemployment rate hit a high of 3.9 percent, and they have no minimum wage. It is usually much lower than that - in 2013 it was 3.1 percent.
CRA doesn't conduct labor data
holy shit you're retarded
u called the wrong department leaf
Implying consumer and worker are a different thing in any country worth living in.
Someone needs to photoshop Corbyn on monkey's face.
4 of the 5 employment rate countries have minimum wage
what u shills forget to mention is that the reason some Scandinavian countries don't have federal minimum wages is because they're very highly unionized and the unions essentially negotiate the min wage
nigger, explain this to me
If unemployment rate counts the total rate of those without jobs, why is the employment rate at instead of 95?
The unemployment rate being the rate of those collecting employment insurence is pleb level, first day shit
Just ask your economics teacher tomorrow in high schoool lil pajeet
>and u shills didn't say a word
No actually I have spoken out against that in the past, that's why I think ancaps are utterly retarded.
I just think you're a fucking faggot that doesn't understand basic economics and lobbying.
>no they don't
Yeah actually they do lmao
I just gave you an example, Hasbro in the US lobbies extensively for increased taxes on their own line of products (toys), go beat that with a stick you fucking faggot.
i honestly haven't noticed any prices increases this year
if anything prices have come down because our leaf dollar is getting stronger
maybe u kiwis should figure out how to make your own butter
shit is expensive on your tiny shithole island because you're on the edge of the world and u have to import lots of stuff
I give up. There's no having a civil discussion. You call me a corporate shill because I'm trying to point out the realities in the assumptions that are made.
For example, your "non-farm labor" statistics include STEM workers making six digits. You could then try to say that more of these jobs came to Seattle as the minimum wage was increased, but that doesn't have anything to do with the minimum wage change. Amazon's massive growth has lead to a massive growth in the South Lake Union neighborhood, along with Microsoft, Zillow, and others like Facebook/Google establishing satellite offices there.
In Seattle, for those making the lowest wages (minimum wage), the hike lead to a 3% pay in low paid jobs, but a 9% reduction of hours for them, leading to a 6% drop in what employers actually paid people making the minimum wage.
McDonalds and others are looking at the next 10 years to automate basically the entire restaurant as movements like this gain traction, have one person to help people out and call the cops if people start stealing/breaking shit or fighting, or call the two maintenance guys they'll have to fix the robots at 50+ restaurants apiece.
There is a real need for universal basic income trials because the alternative is going to be eugenics, and even the most anti-welfare of people aren't going to be in favor of gassing anyone that can't do a job.
The quickest way to accelerate the downfall of people from a current minimum wage to being jobless is to hike the minimum wage rapidly and make the costs of automation easier to distribute/repay sooner.
Oh, it’s another
>us jews shouldn’t pay money, right follow white men?
>407 ETR
The most expensive private highway ever
Dumb mutt
>47 countries