Am I a man yet Sup Forums?
Am I a man yet Sup Forums?
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you would like living in Bhutan
Excessive (((capitalism))) is the reason we're in this mess.
I disagree. You can't dictate ethical behavior or decent consumer decisions.
Fuck off you socialist backstabbing bastard. Our ancestors didn't die to see you faggots trample over their private property.
>punitive justice over rehabilitative justice
This is an indefensible position.
The questions are a bit unfair as it comes to this. There wasn't much asking about "rehabilitation" which I would have been supportive for, but it basically comes down to "are you OK with prisons" in most questions which they take as being against rehabilitation.
Filthy degenerate
Why so low nationalism and revolution?
Eyy das rite! Don’t tread on my right to drugs and trans-prostitutes.
This is obvious sarcasm.
>100% capitalism
So are you. 100% capitalist.
Vive le Roi et Mort aux vaches !
Forced manual labor and the death penalty are better than norviegan cuck prisons.
>31% progressivist
pick one
Stop shitting up the board, shilling this site. 3 fucking threads about it, fuck.
>shitting up this board
You're not being honest to yourself.
A revolutionary process against a system of chaos is a force for Order.
>117 questions
yeah no nigger. not gonna spend that time on your shitty website just to find out what I already know
My political beliefs in a nutshell:
>Accept the superior traditions of my forefathers or be imprisoned
>That much progressive
>That little nationalism
You're better that normies but not full Sup Forums yet.
Good on you for your high ecology score, people need to realize that matters.
The questions kind of left out some relevent issues imho given that its 117
>only 45%
Low ecology % is for niggers.
The flag it gave me is less than aesthetic
t. La Criatura
Its only indefensible if you are a prison-bound nigger.
This is what I got months back
Here is the flag
I thought my ecology would be higher but other than that it seems about right.
This is what a man is
How's this?
I got Humanity Socialism Justice
>I want to kill myself
hey, me too!