Varnashrama Dharma

Varnashrama Dharma of VEDIC ARYAN CULTURE is the only timeless Religion that connects ALL other subcategories of religions:

1. Hindus (worship of powerful demigods)
2. Egyptians (worship of powerful demigods)
3. Incas, Mayans, Aztecs (worship of powerful demigods)
4. Greeks (worship of powerful demigods)
5. Romans (worship of powerful demigods)
6. Pagans (worship of powerful demigods)
7. Christianity and Islam (worship of Angels/demigods and one Supreme God, Christ/Krishna through His son Jesus)
8. Rastafarian and Judaism (worship Angels/demigods , and One God Ja or Jadhava or Jahava or Krishna)
9. Buddhism (worship of transcendental ying yang or Balarāma-white Krishna-black)

KALI YUGA is their common denominator.
THEY ALL SPROUTED OUT AS A KALI YUGA REPLACEMENT TO THE ORIGINAL ETERNAL ARYAN VEDIC WORLD that is still fully existent in higher planetary systems where demigods reside.

KRISHNA lives only in the hearts of His pure devotees, and He made sure to almost successfully erase every trace of Him from this planet right at the beginning of the Kali Yuga, after His GITA deliverance.

Srila Prabhupada is The Second Coming of CHRIST/HRISTOS/KRISTA/KRISHNA .

Srila Prabhupada is the Only One , sum total of all demigods on this planet , who talks about writes about explains about the Father DIRECTLY!!

BHAGAVAD GITA AS IT IS (1972 unchanged version)

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Buddhism also worships Angels or demigods

>Judaism (worship Angels/demigods

There is no mantion of Angels in Torah?

“We tend to imagine angels as human beings with white wings clothed in white robes—but in the Bible, angels could be flying heavenly snakes or winged bulls with human faces. But more important, it was the angel’s function or role that mattered.

The Hebrew term mal’akh, like the Greek term angelos, means “messenger.” The Hebrew Bible uses the term on rare occasion when speaking of a human messenger (Gen 32:3), but typically the term refers to heavenly beings who serve what the Bible regards as the one true God, Yhwh.”

>Christianity and Islam (worship of Angels/demigods and one Supreme God, Christ/Krishna through His son Jesus)

Krishna has nothing to do with Christianity and Islam. It is the Hindu god

No stupid. You wrong stupid.

I am not. prove it trollfag

Happy Maha Shivratri

Does Buddhism not teach that a man is to be death to the world?
That this is the state of Nirvana? To separate yourself in such a material way that you cannot be connected to the world?

Christianity teaches men to be death to the lusts of this world and focus himself on heavenly things, but to be alive in this world.

To me, this is what I believe to be the main difference between Buddhism and Christianity.

Buddhism, be death to the world.
Christianity, be alive in the world.

Both in its fullest extend.

It is so easy. Follow me,


Sure. This is a good observation.
I’m only focusing here that both traditions are full of the stories of Angels

That does not prove anything.
These are two different gods.

Christ is the only real son of God.

umm no


Jesus after his death and resurrection episode, he was named by His Father Krishna or Christ.
Before that he was known only as Yeshua or Isha or Isus or Jesus

You are confusing religions
Hinduism just tries to combine all religions into one huge pagan cult.

Stupid. I’m not glorifying street shitting Hinduism. I’m glorifying the original Aryan Vedic Culture for the Whole World before 5000 yers ago.

Btw, you are a Roman killing Christ , guided by Kikes. Jesus Christ did not die for you sins. Your sins are taking you straight to Hell.

so describe this mysterious religion

I suggest you start with this book,

Its not that he cant but that it is a relatively new phenomenon in comparative religion and philosophy.

the mass of people now have a lot of information to sift through in order to get a better picture of the true reality.

theres a lot that needs to be scrutinized, synthesized and syncretized. jesus did not come out of a vacuum, and if we are to take literally the existence of the holy spirit and the angels we must also take literally the existence of all gods and spirits prior. from this initial position we can begin to build a proper and undifferentiated religiousity in humanity. the irony of this is that it is exactly the beginning of events that initiates the "unveiling". now that the veil is drawn and we can really grasp the intricacies of the immaterial, we will begin to affect them as a whole humanity. this is I believe the beginning of the end of kali yuga and the beginning of the satya yuga. this is where I am at my end of knowledge.

t. fascist mystic student

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