
IS THUR- oh, wait

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a good Tuesday anyway.

Idiot, day's been moved.

It's Tuesday now

I miss Kaguya Thursdays...

I'm glad it's gone, it was 100% the most cancerous shit I've ever seen on Sup Forums

Fuck, I am actually mad.

What the fuck.

What the hell is this, what the fucking hell.





this cant be an actual thing. jesus christ.

Holy hell. Maybe the people who had a reddit "bogeyman" aren't so wrong after all. No wonder this place went to shit.

>caring about eceleb shit
Obvious falseflag is obvious. Stop shilling your videos already.

Yeah, they're right.

Not a phoneposter

What the actual fuck

Sup Forums has reached critical mass. Remove reddshit.

How should the current group proceed with this in mind? Reddit is already aware that the chapter came out on Tuesday and will be expecting it. What should they do in order to stop reddit from coming?

They wouldn't care and neither should you. Sup Forums stopped being a secret club a decade ago. What matters is that the chapters get translated so that people can discuss about it.


Stop live dumps

We enjoy live dumps though. We shouldn't lose that just because of reddit. We need a better solution.

Honestly, I haven't enjoyed live dumps since the fireworks chapter

Someone else will do the live dump anyway.

so, "le remove reddit" shitposters and the tomofaggots are the same anons?

>le remove reddit
Go back to Sup Forums, redditor scum

>t. tomofag


kill yourself

Wait, what does Tomo chan have to do with any of this?

Fair enough, but why is that? Is it because reddit started invading real bad after that?
That'd be solved by removing reddit.

Don't know about that but one faggot is obviously falseflagging ITT.

>tfw not witty enough for reddit's taste
It's a complex feel

What the hell does tomochan have to do with any of this

Never stopped loving them. There could be 10 or 100 people for all I care

And how do you remove reddit, user?

Still waiting for Sup Forums to turn on Kaguya and call it re ddit just like you fags did with Konosuba.
>inb4 Konosuba is always shit
That's not the point.

Just keep posting "gb2 " at anyone vaguely suspicious, that always works.

I feel molested

>LARPing newfags
How cute.

Why would anyone think this is ok?
If you read this and the video is your fault: please stop and kill yourself, you fucking nigger.

>caring about Ecelebs

I don't even know this is an eceleb.
He just need to stop.

>300 subs
nah, just some cunt with a channel

tl chapter when? I don't care if is on Sup Forums or batoto or mangafox, I just want to read kaguya

Have you tried searching from those sites?

>*65,898 *,*65,898 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen Vol.5
>*75,838 *,75,838 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen Vol.6

Not that much of a difference between last volume and the new one so It's time to promoting it.
I guarantee you an anime announcement within the next 3 months.


Have you tried not givin a fuck? Works for me.

Back to your normalfag friendly echo-chamber, shitters.

>that pic
Miko please go.

>trying to justify shitposting
Found the underaged.

This doesn't surprise me really nor does it negatively impact my feelings towards Kaguya threads. There are gonna be faggots anywhere you go. Why were you on reddit to see that in the first place user?

Because he's looking for reasons to start a shitposting spree. He's probably the Nisekoifag as well.

Sure it's pretty cringey but the guy clearly put effort into making this. No fun allowed?

Yes, and that argument is retarded.

God forbid someone enjoys something and wants to share that experience.

Putting effort into anything doesn't automatically make it less shit.

Telling faggots to fuck off has not ever been shitposting.

God can go fuck himself, I forbid it.

No, only the chosen people from Sup Forums.net can enjoy this manga and everything related to it. In fact, everyone that buys the volumes are from Sup Forums. I know, I work for Young Jump.

Do you want a K/a/guya to happen?

Sup Forums is the place we deserve.

Live TL's are the problem.

Dumping at a random time seems to be the best option.

Or: Uploading the chapter to batoto before dumping it to make them loose interest in looking here (because there is no thread yet).

Can someone explain to me why is this a bad thing? More people reading this manga right? This should be a good thing not something people lose their shit over.

Scrolling two pages worth of replies between EVERY page during the dump/live tl is annoying.

It's not our fault that reddit does not allow submissions with staggered chronological pictures (for OP's).

>more redditors shitting up the threads with their epic reactions to every page
>less discussion possible as they kill the threads quickly
Why should I fucking care if more people read the manga? I want to read it myself and talk to other anons about it, I don't give a fuck about some redditors hunting for epic screenshots to share on their social media, and all threads that gain their attention turn to shit because of that.

Make a new thread to discuss then?


>>>>>>The anons at the Sup Forums thread were saying they enjoyed this chapter dump, since apparently there there were no redditors that spammed each page
>>>>>True, because we can have actual discussion of the manga instead of the thread reaching the post limit due to your stupid reaction images.
>>>>Oh pls, if you think a lot of people use 1 site exclusively you're dumber than a tin of sardine. They used both sites albeit with a different persona. On Sup Forums everyone will say they hate reddit or whatever.
>>>Where did I even imply that people use one site exclusively? A retard is a retard, specially those (redditors) who spam the Kaguya threads to death.
>>>It took hours before reddit got their mitts in this chapter. And look, the thread's still alive with some discussion in between pages. If you don't see the correlation, then you guys need self-awareness on the cancer you bring.
>>So as someone who doesn't use Sup Forums but has looked at the previous Jag threads, I've always wondered how exactly you find someone who obviously came from reddit and whatnot. I've never commented on any of the Sup Forums threads myself, but did look through all the comments and saw some users calling others "reddit fags" and such. I honestly could not tell the anons apart.
>After a few months lurking in Sup Forums or even in other boards in Sup Forums you'll see differences in how people talk and understand the culture. At a certain point you can tell if someone is new, from another board, or even from Reddit by how/what they write.

I still enjoy Konosuba though, the OVA was hilarious.

Linking to re ddit should be an autoban. And congrats on making it obvious that you're just trying to start shit. You're like that one user in Takagi threads that care more about NTRposter than the fucking manga.

Or fucking retards can stay out of the thread, why make another fucking thread because redditors fucking ruin the first one? Are you actually mentally handicapped?

what the fuck
this is a preview, isnt it? Of how shitty the threads will be if the anime comes

That's kind of a harsh word to use. They just make the thread reach the bump limit faster.

Context son. I can see how you would come to the conclusion that I am the same person as the other(s) (person).

No. They ruin it. Making reading the chapter and discussing it aftwards tedious because the chapter is spread over the whole thread (500 replies). Last time they even managed to prevent a full dump (!) in a thread because they spammed so many replies (with images).

The first few chapters are like the first few episodes of Konosuba in terms of comedy so expect that kinds of threads, user.
>lol so randumb
>Reedit anime
>this is not funny
>Kaguya a shit
>Fuji best girl
>how cute.jpg becomes the next Chaika
>Hayasaka best girl
>Ishigami is literally /ourguy/

No that never happened, retard. It came close, and discussion was basically nothing afterwards except for 'thank you jag', but dumps have always been finished

Man, this thread is a dumpster fire

Miko or Fuji?
Order or Chaos?

Choose wisely.

No it happened. Maybe it was a different manga series?

>people only use 1 board

It's summer alright, this idea is coming strong

>that strawman
>HAHAHA ebin comments on my kaguya. I better make a fucking video about it.
Holy shit, no one cares who reads kagura outside of Sup Forums but this video is pure cancer.

Fuji is fun and Iino a cunt. So chaos.

Kill yourself you fucking moron

for a different manga you read then, not kaguya. jag always manages to finish the dump, even if a few times it was already autosaging before the page got dumped

I am quite sure it was a Kaguya thread.

There is literally nothing wrong with using reddit.

It's just a website.

It wasn't a Kaguya thread. It did come close a few times when there were extras, tho.

Consider suicide

Rhino36 (ts) here. Power outage here, so hq will be done tonigh probably.

Seriously, that never happened

What chapter is this from, user?
Don't remember seeing it before

So you didn't read the pinnacle of HAPPENING?

You missed out user, chapter 35. Read it with Sup Forums in an archive if you want

I hate reddit as much as you, but jag never had to make a second thread to finish the dump

Man, even in the tankoubon version you can barely see what the fuck that first panel is