Kunoichi no Ichi

Finally a proper isekai

Learn what isekai means.

oh speed reader, I bet you skipped the beginning

This all depends if past/alternative history can count as another world.
Gotta give it the ok as trapped in vidya games and simulations count.

Picked the fuck up.

go back to Sup Forumsidya you cunt

I don't see a relevance

>Learn what isekai means.
Learn what isekai means.

>putting the い back into η•°δΈ–η•Œ

t/l note: isekai means guarantee rape

>Learn what isekai means.
Learn what isekai means.

guy was in modern japan
now he is in ninja japan (which is also not the ninja japan as we know)
definitely another world

The scanalator said that in 30 ch.s it'll get better, and "Oh my!" it gets better.

Explain further

Look at the tags on baka-updates

The girls get drugged and give MC paizuri? Or MC gets raped by some male ninjas hence "bisexual"?
Can you post a raw page as an example?

>Learn what sekai means.
Learn what sekai means.

Not him, but I don't think 'bisexual' is referring to the MC.

Truely this is a masterpiece

Who are you quoting?

>MC is named Kuno Ichi
Picked up on that name alone

>that fang

Dropped after all, luckily I got got 2 chapters in.

Wuss. Any harem with more than one female is bound to have some yuri going on.

>"Oh my!" it gets better.
As expected of a yurifag, raving about some degeneracy and shit fanservice for teenage plebs.
Hope this manga flops hard and get cancelled.

Kill yourself.

Now my dick got interested.

>scanlator said it gets better
>yurishit happens
Note to never read anything these shitty scanlators work on ever again.

Their group is named after a Frozen song so of course they're yurifags.

>click update
>3 more anti-yuri posts
>poster numbers not increasing
What could it mean

He was touched in a very bad place by yuri when he was a kid

Maybe he got turned homosexual when two roasties wanted to /ss/ him in an ffm threesome.

What happens?

Is this the new TLR?

>"it gets better because it has fanservice"

I'm just annoyed that crossdressing gets lumped in with actual gender bender on tags. Is there actual gender bender in this?


Raws go into some fun lewd place, especially with the most recent chapter. Hopefully the momentum keeps up.

important question, did they kiss and do it or thats some blueballs ?

Is it really isekai?
I feel like it's a fake out and he just literally ended up in hidden ninja village, because he never went back after travelling through that wall.