Why do i feel sad when i re-watch this?

Because you have shit-tier taste.

I felt sad when I first watched it.
Everyone in that show is working through loss in some way. It's quirky and fun, but that also just feels like a coping mechanism for deep sadness and loneliness.

Because you read a long post on reddit about how deep it is when its really just an ova to show off top tier animation and the story is irrelevant
Also you're probably like this fag and listen to vaporwave like all other underages

Are you a fan of Chris Squire by any chance as well, if so then the choice of Bass might lead you to an answer.

Unpopular opinion coming through
They shouldn't have re hired the pillows for the new anime

FLCL is deep? I thought it was just a fun kinda melancholic coming of age story.

Because with the kids sing out the future

Not reallly, i haven't heard anything by him. I've had the Yes discography sitting on my hard drive for a while now, so i guess i should give it a listen.


I agree with your unpopular opinion, as a long time fan of theirs who has been disappointed by most of their work in the past decade

I just realized this banner is no longer in rotation.

Cos it reminds you that you were happy when you first watched it, and your life is slowly turning to shit as you age.

Because you turned into Amarao.

Mamimi should've won the Takumibowl.

Some anons try way, way too hard to shit on FLCL. Even ignoring the robots and space shit, it's apparent that the characters are all dealing with their own set of issues and they're very relatable.

Nah, she was just using him.

The only good answer

Watching FLCL as a kid was like being a kid. I didn't get what the hell Haruko or the other adult characters were talking about.

Watching it as an adult, it's like watching a Disney movie and finally hearing that one adult joke... but it's the entire show. It's really a show about growing up and dealing with sexuality that is purely written for adults. At the same time, I certainly enjoyed it as a kid and appreciate whatever messages I may have gotten back then.

That being said, it's a product of its time and I can't stand people who try to push it onto newer anime fans and think they'll automatically enjoy it.

Because you remember that the sequel is going to be fucking awful

>Start with 3 girls
>End up alone

Is it the anti-harem?

I agree with most of this, but I think new anime fans could still appreciate it just as much in the right context. I've always said that the proper way to view FLCL was to be 12 or 13 and sneak out of bed on a school night to watch it on Adult Swim. Surely that feeling can be replicated today somehow.

No. It's real life

>no smoking unwashed homeless arsonist child molester gf

it hurts

Holy crap, yeah. That was definitely the best way to go about it. I got screamed at so many times by my mom for sneaking out to watch Adult Swim, but her being so furious about it made me want to watch it even more. My dad, after two years of this, finally got the idea to just give me a VHS recorder. Ended up watching Adult Swim after school from that point on. It was a pretty good compromise.

Anyway, random story aside. I'm not sure how you could replicate that feeling as an adult fan. And unless it's on this board or something, I couldn't recommend FLCL to an actual kid I know without their parents flipping on me.

better days, simpler times.

>has 3 pets throughout the show
>is left by all of them


She always seemed like she was 15 to me, i was honestly a little surprised when it was revealed she was 17.

What man doesn't want to be useful in some way?

i just want to get high and watch annie mays

because you realized anime will never get this good again

Don't say that user.

That's illegal

But, user It already is

I'd feel nostalgic re-watching anytime even though I finished the OVA yesterday

Wait a second... those eyebrows.

Ranking for Gainax shows?
0080 > Gunbuster > Diebuster > TTGL > FLCL >>> Eva

i disagree but at least you are posting best girl

Mamimi is a gift to this world. I want to her to /ss/ me in the after life.

watch Nadia


I get sad because it reminds be of better times. Simpler times back when i was a bit more naive. Times when i didn't know how bad everything could get.

I second this. People really love to shit on it. I think it is great. It is like all of the talent of Gainax let loose to do what they want after working hard through the more concrete EVA.

She is straight up perfect. Naota fucked up.

>Surely that feeling can be replicated today somehow.
I don't think it can. TV is dead and so is innocence, the internet killed it. The closest it'll get now, is someone streaming it on their phone in their bed, and poping in and out it to check their messages and social media. Gone are the days of making sure the volume on the TV was set to low, so that when you turned it on later it didn't blare and wake up your parrents. Gone are the days of slowly and quietly getting out of bed, and sneaking into the kitchen to make yourself a snack, so you could watch adult swim until you were too tired to go anymore. Gone are the days of sitting way too close to the TV so you could actually hear it because of how low the volume was. Those days are gone dude. Enjoy the moments you have now user, they'll be gone soon enough.

A lot of GAINAX's staff worked on War in the Pocket including the character designer (just look at the faces of Al versus Noriko).

I don't know if i can handle another Anno-unleashed show.

>Sneak out of bed
>Hope nobody wakes up when the tv goes PNNNNGGGGGGGG *click* *clock*
>Feel the static on the tv prickle your fingers and make your hair stand up
>Hypervigilant, steal a diet coke from the fridge
>Hand always on remote to change channel if somebody comes down
>Always ready to turn it off and pretend you were just sleeping

Kids are missing out man. That was like tasting the forbidden fruit. Now they stream shit from their tablets and have probably all seen Goatse by age 6. They don't even know the joy of flipping through the channels and stumbling upon something great.

I was up watching Adult Swim summer into middleschool. Started watching FLCL somewhere during episode 1. It blew me away,.I was used to DBZ and shit. Waited more hours after E6 for more. I stayed up all night until AS was over and had to go to the beach next morning, it was terrible.

I was so eager to go home and look for it on LimeWire, every single file only had 6 episodes. Kept searching until i then discovered that it was something called an OVA and i had already watched it all. ;_;

The show is very much a product of its time, so if you have nostalgia for the early 2000s/late 90s, then that makes sense.


Watched yesterday, didn't get much of a story out of it. Should I've tried harder?

s2 and s3 confirmed

There's not much story though there is a decent amount of subtext early on. It's a fun watch but shouldn't be taken too seriously.

It wouldn't surprise me if that was intentional, to drive home how she's such an immature person.